Head Rush

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After my run in with Jerry, I couldn't stay focused. Never has he treated me in such a manner and I couldn't understand where all this sudden anger was stemming from.

Okay, so yea, I do have some random guy staying with me but if he'd only take the time to see things aren't like that and may be help me find a solution thing's would get better. I just don't have the heart to kick him out. Yes, it's a messy situation but I couldn't live with myself knowing I abandoned Rude.

Once I was off work and in the privacy of my car, I let the tears flow. I'm stressed as well you know. Arguing with Jerry, trying to keep a extra person afloat on my meager income and wondering if Rude will ever regain his memory. It was enough to cause me premature gray hairs.

When I arrived outside my apartment building I sat in my car momentarily, long enough to compose myself and let the redness on my face diminish from my crying episode. Just my luck soon as I stepped from my car the rain started pelting down as if it was a hurricane. By the time I reached the lobby door and seeked shelter I looked as if I'd just went through a car wash minus the car. My hair was dripping, my clothes was suctioned to me and my shoes squished with every step I took.

By the time I stepped into the apartment I was chilled to the bone. Rude stood up to greet me and his welcoming smile faded. "Avery are you okay?"

I could only nod as I stood in the same spot forming a puddle. "Come, let's get you out of those clothes".

Before I understood what was happening, Rude was ushering me to the bathroom where he immediately started me a warm bath. I watched as he poured a genouros amount of bubbles into the water and swished his hand around to accumulate more. Standing he said. "I'll leave the rest to you".

I watched him exit and close the door behind him thinking how nice this was. After a thirty minute soak I felt a bit human again. Slipping into my robe, I emerged from the bathroom only to find a plate of food waiting for me.

"I took the liberty of cooking tonight. I hope you like".

Smiling I thanked him and twirled some spaghetti around my fork. Taking my first bite I let off a moan. "Delicious Rude".

He smiled as he dug into his own plate. After we was finished I went to clean up but he stopped me. "You sit. I've got this".

Not going to argue with that, I flopped back down on the couch. Once he completed his task he rejoined me. "Bad day?"

"The worst".

"Care to talk about it".

Shaking my head no my traitorous eye's welled up with a onset of fresh tears. Seeing this Rude rose from the couch and went to the bathroom. When he returned he was holding a small bottle of lotion and slid a chair in front of me. Taking a seat, he lifted my foot to his lap.

"What are you doing?" I questioned a bit skeptical.

"Shhh... Just lean back and relax".

Applying a dollop of lotion to his hands he then proceeded to work in into my foot with strong massaging motions. I released a involuntary groan at how amazing this felt. Rude gave a little smirk at my odd noises but I didn't care. This was better than that brownie sundae. Laying my head back against the couch, I closed my eye's savoring his touch. Before I knew it I must've dozed off because the last thing I recall was peeking my eye's open as Rude carried me to my bed.

In my half asleep state I murmured "this is exactly what I needed".

I heard a throaty chuckle from him as he laid me upon my mattress and covered me up. It may have been my imagination but I could've swore that he placed a kiss upon my forehead before I drifted back off.

Needless to say my peaceful slumber was only temporary. A awkward thudding woke me up. Seeing that it was still dark outside I squinted my eye's to bring my alarm clock into focus. Almost four in the morning. Before I could think anymore I heard a loud scuttling. What the what? I thought springing from bed. I entered the living room and was in for a shock. Rude was huddled in the corner on the floor.

Gasping I screeched. "Are you okay".

He jumped at the sound of my voice. "I-I remember". He said out of breath.

I rushed toward him but he held his hand out. "Stop right there. Don't come near me".

Confused at this unfamiliar voice he was using I stood still. "Rude, let me help you".

Standing to his full height I'd never seen him look so threatening. "My fucking name isn't Rude. I'm Severo Marettia".

"O-okay" I stammered becoming frightful of this stranger consuming my living room.

He took several steps toward me and I started to back up in fear which only made his movements faster. In no time he was towering over me. Bending down into my face I had to tilt my head back to try and at least get some breathing room.

"Rude, your scaring me" I stuttered on the verge of tears.

"Does it look like I care? And once again the name is Severo. Now tell me Avery, what's in it for you. How much are they paying you?"

"W-what? I stammered.

"Oh, for fucks sake Avery. The little charade is over. Answer me now girl".

Tears finally escaped my eye's and I whispered in a horse voice. "I-I don't understand?"

He gave off a laugh that sent chills down my spine. "No, but you soon will".

Finally he backed up off me and took a few steps to the door. It was even like his face had changed along with his pleasant attitude. What once was relaxed and friendly now looked hard and menacing.

Grasping the door handle he growled. "My dear girl if and when I find out your role in this I will be back and trust and believe you will reap what you sow. I will personally see you to your grave".

He slammed out of there and slammed the door hard enough to knock a photo from the wall. Through a fit of tears I rushed to the door and locked it up tight.

I wouldn't sleep for the rest of that night.

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