Welcome Home

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After almost thirty minutes of traveling the blindfold was removed. Fifteen minutes later we was about ten minutes from the city and they pulled off to the side of the road. Looking out, I saw Lana standing outside her car. "Your free to go now Miss. Tanner".

Nodding my thanks, I opened the door nervously and stepped out. Looking at Lana, I took off in a sprint and we clasped each other once close enough. When we broke our embrace, I turned to look back at the car but it had already gone back the way it had came from.

"Girl let's get out of here. This mess has given me the hibbie jibbies". Lana said.

Once we pulled off Lana glanced at me. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

I shook my head no, not ready to talk about the dark part of my stay. "No, he treated me well".

"Girl, you've got some explaining to do? I've been worried out of my mind, do you know that? What did he want with you then? It's not normal for anyone to walk away from a Marettia".

I'd never tell anyone about the secrets I shared with Severo. That was between us. Somehow it felt intimate, almost sacred. Even though I'd never see him again, I'd never betray his trust. Giving the most convincing answer I could, I said tiredly. "He just kept me long enough until he determined the truth. I was taken great care of and he's actually not that bad".

Lana stared long and hard at me. Long enough that I had to point at the road to remind her that she was driving.

"Okay, who are you and what did you do to my friend?" She asked a bit too seriously.

"Girl you are acting way to calm for someone who just got released by their kidnapper. Did they brainwash you? Maybe do some sort of scientific experiment on your mind?"

Snorting out a laugh, I mumbled. "My God, you need to put the enquirer down. Stop reading all that hogwash. I'm fine, I've just been through a odd ordeal and I'm happy to be home, but I'm tired. Yes I was kidnapped but I spent my day's swimming, watching t.v. and eating fine foods. At first I was terrified but once I knew he wasn't going to harm me I was okay. Pissed that he accused me, but okay".

"Wow girl, I'm sorry. You just seem different. So what's his mansion look like?"

"It's just a large home, nothing special".

I didn't mean to be so bland with Lana but I wasn't suppose to give much detail about my experience and I honestly didn't want to. I felt that the last week I spent at Severo's was like that of a fairytale and I didn't won't to share it afraid someone would spoil it by reminding me he was vile, my kidnapper and tell me all the dirty deeds he's responsible for.

No I wanted to remember Severo the way he was when we were alone sharing our secrets. As I was in deep thought I brought my fingertips to my lips recalling our last kiss. If I thought hard enough I could feel the tingle his lips left upon mine, his scent and the warmth of his body.

"Oh my God". I heard Lana's high pitch voice penetrate my daydream. It was like a needle being drug across a record. "You slept with him?" She accused.

"I most certainly did not" I insisted somewhat mad for being caught in the moment I was having.

"Yes, yes you did Avery. Your feeling your lips up and carrying on with a love sick smile. You let Mr. Marettia dip into the sugar bowl and now your all strung out".

Rolling my eye's, I hissed defensively. "I did not let Severo sample my sweets understand. We shared a kiss if you must know. Nothing more".

"Geez Avery, chill. I didn't mean to upset you".

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