Make A Move

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The fuck am I suppose to do now was my current thought. One thing was for sure, I had to act quickly. The man who barged into my home and took Avery was none other than Salvatore Vinetta. We go way back, in fact I've known him since I was a boy.

Salvatore worked for my father and the only reason he remained alive was because he wasn't involved in my mother's murder. Make no mistake, he was just as evil as my father had been. When I killed my father, I let Salvatore go. Told him as the rightful owner and heir to the Marettia Corporation I would no longer need his service's. Apparently my father had made promises to him, telling him that in case of his death the business would be left to him. Funny thing was the paperwork couldn't be found. It's strange how thing's like that can just vanish.

Let's just say Salvatore didn't take kindly to this news and there was a big fallout in which I gave him less than twenty four hours to disappear. His last word's to me was "I'll have my vengeance one day".

Well it looks like Salvatore finally grew some balls and came to extract it. I should've took the threat more seriously and kept tabs on him. When I sent him off, I insured that he couldn't even do business with anything associated to the Marettia name.

What's worse is in those final moment's everything shined clear to me. Avery was and always had been loyal to the bone where I was concerned. I was too stubborn and sure of myself to see it. Okay she did leak about the guns and drugs but if I would've thought it through better I would have known it wasn't intentional. The old Avery had always been so naive and trusting. I imagine it didn't take much for those cop's to put the fear in her. I should've coached her better, trained her for such a situation.

Now because of me that old and loving Avery is gone. Yet when I see her playing with my son she peeks out, I get a glimpse of the old Avery. But when she strode out here and bravely took our son's place in order to save him my stupidity came crashing down on me. I'd been beyond stupid in my treatment of her, but the entire time I did most of it to hide my feelings from her. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I still loved her. Not only that, I angered myself for still caring and in return unleashed that anger on her. Every time I slept with her I didn't do it to punish her, I did it because I had to have her, had to feel her in my arm's. I never meant to make her feel like a whore or hurt her. Now it might be to late.

Snapping back to the present I gathered what was left of my men. My first order was to track the car's licences plate. After that I ordered two of my men along with the nanny to take my son to a safer location until I've ended Salvatore. Twenty minutes later I had a identification on the car. I phoned my cop friend's and had them to hunt the town over for it. Meanwhile I tapped into the street camera's to try and locate it myself. One thing was certain, I wouldn't rest until Avery was back home safe and sound.

I swear if I am able to rescue her I will do all I can to make thing's right by her and hopefully bring us together as a family. Whatever it takes, whatever she wants I will do.

Within a hour the car had been located at a upscale resort club. The next step was locating where exactly the had Avery hidden. I knew Salvatore wouldn't be stupid enough to register a room in his name so this part would be tricky. Then it occurred to me that I could probably tap into the resorts surveillance camera. Sure enough I was able to hack in and it didn't take long to find them. Of course he had the finest suite avaible.

Giving my men a brief discussion on what was to be done, we loaded down with weapons and made our move. Salvatore was about to meet his maker. My only hope was he hadn't placed his hands on Avery in any way, physical or sexual. Had I not forced my name to be inked on her lower back just maybe Salvatore wouldn't have been certain she was mine and I could have possible derailed his plans before he left my premises. Either way, now's not the time to keep thinking of all the thing's I should've done differently. I have one goal and that is to rescue my sunshine.

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