But I'm The Princess

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I thought long and hard after Severo left me in the tub. Stepping out I came to the conclusion that I just wasn't ready to trust him, I needed more time.

I noticed over the next few week's Severo withdrew from me. The only time I saw him was at dinner time when we shared a meal with Aden. He kept the conversation lite and mainly focused on Aden. I hate to admit it but his lack of attention perturbed me. I had grown so accustomed to his flirty banter and attempts at reconciliation that i had actually grown to like it and now I missed it. Then after dinner one evening he sent Aden off to play and asked if he could speak with me. Of course I agreed and on the inside I was a bit giddy. I just knew he was prepared to beg me yet again. Boy, did I misjudge and was floored.

Severo wasted no time and got right to the point. "I've met someone Avery. I've spent several evening's with her and we are both ready to take it to the next level. I'd like to introduce her to Aden if it's okay with you?"

Wow, when did this happen? I definitely didn't see this coming. To say I was surprised was a understatement. I focused on pulling my scattered brain back together and speak without showing how bothered I was by this news.

"Okay, but I have a few questions and concerns I'd like to address".

"No problem". Severo said.

"My one concern is if you think this is serious? The only reason I ask is I don't won't different women popping in and out of Aden's life".

"Me either Avery. And yes, I believe our relationship is heading somewhere. Sasha can't wait to meet Aden and she just amazing. I know you'll love her".

Yea, I bet I will, I thought bitterly. And what kind of name is Sasha anyways? Oh, but he says she's just ahhh-mazing. Snapping out of my inner meltdown I asked. "Does she have children? The reason I ask is I wonder if she's accustomed to children and their needs".

"No, no kid's but don't worry. She's currently in school working on being a teacher".

What the fuck, I screamed in my mind. How old is this twit? "May I ask how old she is?"

"She's twenty-one, but very mature and responsible".

You don't say I thought. That was a huge threat to me. I was nearing twenty-six and Severo was almost thirty. Of course he wants young and fresh. "Wow, that's rather young to be so serious don't you think?"

He smiled. "She's great, trust me. Her age is irrelevant. Remember you was twenty-one when I met you and you was doing good".

"Yea". I said taking a sip of wine and swallowed it down with all the thing's I really wanted to say. Heaven help me but I believe I'm jeleous and where are all these evil thoughts coming from. Wow, this isn't me but I wanted to reach out and wrap my hands around his throat and choke that dumb, lovestruck smile off his face. Taking a deep breath I spoke. "When do you want to do this meeting thing?"

"Tomorrow night good for you?"

No, no, never would be good though, I thought but caught myself saying"sure, can't wait".

Severo patted my hand. "Thanks Avery. I really appreciate you for doing this.  I really want your approval of someone I'm going to allow in my son's life".

I could only strain a smile and nod my head. I knew I needed to get away before my mouth betrayed me. Standing I said. "I must get ready for work now. I look foward to um, tomorrow".

Work was a bust. I could clear my head enough to get into my groove. Thing's didn't look up at home either. After my bath I still found myself consumed with miss Sasha. I eventually made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Grabbing a container of ice cream from the freezer I perched on a stool at the island eating straight from the container.  I hadn't been there long when I heard someone enter flicking the light on. Turning to see who it was, I saw Lana. She gasped and grabbed her chest. "You scared me".

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