The True Test

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Oh crap, what's he doing here and how is he going to react was the first thing I thought when I turned to see what all the commotion was. He stood there with his chest heaving and ripping his collar and tie loose. Instincts kicked in and I took a few steps back.

His eye's bore into mine and his mouth opened and closed several time's as if he was trying to say something. Finally he pointed his trembling finger at me and just shook it. Continuing to shake his finger, he began to make incoherent word's and sounds. "Do". He stopped and squinched his face up.

"How, da". He stopped yet again and spun himself around in a complete circle. Shaking his finger again he continued. "Sho".

Gripping his own hair he yanked it upwards pulling it then yelled "fuck". To no one in particular. Next he stormed out the door. Not even fifteen seconds passed before he came back in. From where he had pulled his own hair it stood straight up giving him a mad scientist look. He began his incoherent mumblingings again. "When.. The hell... strip". He stopped and bit his lips. It was if he was scared to talk, too mad to talk, confused or trying to hold his own self back from rage and lashing out. Suddenly it burst from his mouth. "Your a fucking stripper".

He clamped both his hands over his mouth and took deep breaths. Within a moment he removed them. "Almost happened. Almost. Happened. Reel it in Severo." He spoke to himself.

He exited the room again and reentered seconds later. I was becoming dizzy from all his moves, bounceing, spins, and swinging arm's. "Calming it down".



"Four ".





"Happy place".


"Do it again".

I watched as he repeated this a few time's. After the last rotation I slowly approached him as he stood with his nose against the wall. Gently I placed my hand on his shoulder and softly said his name. "Severo"?

Instantly he started humming until he was vibrating. "Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".

I spoke over his hum. "I understand you are upset about something. Can we talk about it?"

"Upset"? He screeched in a high pitch voice. "No, no, no, no, no. Upset is a term ninnies use. I'm not upset".

I had another show in a few minutes so I needed to hurry this along. "Severo I go back on in five".

"Haaa, ha, haha, hahahaha, haaa, ha". Was his only response as he started tapping his forehead against the wall.
"Fucking showing".

He stuttered but cut himself off by starting his annoying hum again. I had to go and I had a idea that may calm him down. Clearly he was struggling hard to keep from thrashing me. Not saying a word, I clasped his hand and led him out with me. I could hear him mumbling incoherent word's under his breath but as I led him toward the stage. I stopped to wait for my name to be introduced. Severo was so consumed with his anger he never reailzed I had led him on stage until the light's shined down and the music blared. When it struck him his eye's became huge and he went to speak but I shoved him into a chair that I had brought on stage.

It was well known that I never gave personal dances so I figured I could give one for my next show to Severo, change my routine up a bit. He tried to stand but I shoved him back down with my high heeled foot. Leaning down, I whispered in his ear. "Relax. Your about to pop my cherry".

He looked at me confused and I smiled. "I've never given a lap dance. You'll be my first".

"And only". I heard him utter.

I got to business then and started walking around him dragging my hand along his chest and back. I stopped in front of him and shrugged from his suit jacket. I tossed it over my shoulder just like a male model would do and sauntered to my pole. I still had to entertain the audience as well. I spread that jacket out neatly underneath the pole then swung around by my leg and arm.

I worked my way up higher and did a few sultry moves. Spreading my legs wide in Severo's direction, I used my hands to slide down the pole rapidly. I landed atop Severo's coat in a split. I still had my hands gripping the pole and used them to lift my bottom up and down, as if I was riding his coat. It did smell good if I do say so myself.  Severo's eye's burned into mine but no longer with rage, more like raw animalistic lust.

Standing back up, I used my foot to toss his jacket back into my hands. I then rubbed it along my body including my crotch. Bringing it up to cover my chest, I then walked to the edge of the stage to entertain the audience for a moment. Never would I have thought  in a million year's  I'd being using his jacket as a prop but the audience seemed to love it. While the coat covered my chest I maneuvered out of my top. Sashaying back to Severo, I straddled his lap and let the coat fall. My breasts bounced firmly in front of his face. Taking it a step further than I ever had, I raised one of my tits up and licked my own nipple while staring at Severo. "You so nasty". He whispered playfully.

As I did this the audience became louder. Feeling even more frisky, I removed my nipple from my mouth and urged Severo's lips apart and slithered my nipple into his mouth. I let him suck and fondle my breasts for all to see. Basically I was stating to Severo that they may look but they can't touch. I released a moan and removed his lips from my breast. Severo was reluctant to let go but did.

Standing back up, I licked my fingers very well and bent over placing my bum in front of Severo. Bending down, I took my wet fingers and wiped the make-up away from my tattoo revealing "Severo's Mistake". I always covered my tats because a lot of the client's knew the Marettia name and what it stood for. I didn't want to jeopardise my job by scaring them off. In fact I had heard many in the crowd tell other's that that was Severo Marettia on the stage with me.

Making another bold statement to ease Severo's ego, I lowered my thong band revealing Meritta's stamped on my back. I took to the front of the stage and squatted down with my ass to the crowd letting my tattoos shine brightly, making it known.

I returned to him and let's just say I finished him off. I grinded on his dick until I'm sure he came in his pants, and I even allowed him to insert a few fingers into me. He's Severo Marettia so no one seen a problem with my show tonight. However I did conceal him fingering me from the audience. Once my set was up, I rushed off back to my dressing room leaving Severo behind. I was now free to go and my plan was to slip my clothes back on and head home before Severo came hunting me down.

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