Dead Lines

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The clock is my enemy. I never remove my eye's from it's calculated hands. The ticking of the seconds is only it's laughter taunting me. As if it's saying you'll never find her, she's not coming back.

Night's are my weakest moment's. I lie in bed beneath the sheets that smell of her sweet skin. Sleep never comes. All I do is think of the night's of passion, her laugh and smile. The way she moaned my name out and how sweet it sounded when she said I love you. But what haunted me the most was the fear in her voice duiring our final phone call. The way she screamed for me as she was being taken away left me feeling hopeless. I failed her and I hate myself for it. I always swore that I'd never let anything happen to her yet I didn't fulfill that promise. I couldn't reach her in time.

Then there's my baby, my child that's at risk too. When I think of them both in harm's way my body physically hurts. Aden is asking questions as well. It's been nearly a week and I haven't the slightest clue as to her whereabouts. I soothe Aden with lies, telling him that his mom had to go off for work for awhile but will return. I don't know how I'll ever face him if I can't bring her back.

I and my men have turned over every stone, searched every avenue and found nothing. Then to add to my woes, the Harper's responded to my e-mail. They will schedule a meeting soon and I just can't focus on that at the moment. Avery's whereabouts and return is my only priority right now. Of course, I haven't ruled the Harper's out on Avery's abduction. I did send a few men to New York to scope out a few land prospects but surely that wouldn't cause them to make a move like this without a discussion first. It just doesn't sound like them. I've also investigated all my enemies even some of my own men and there's nothing that would indicate any of them was responsible.

I've never had my hands tied so. The cowardly bastards even wore masks duiring the attack so they couldn't be identified.

Four in the morning rolled around and I decided to crawl on out of bed. I wasn't sleeping anyways. The house was quiet as I made my way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I had just pulled a mug down from the cabinet when my phone buzzed. The number wasn't familiar to me and my hope's skyrocketed. "Hello". I said a bit urgent.

"Severo Marietta". A males voice echoed through the receiver. I automatically identified the voice as the man I spoke to when Avery was abducted. Being calm right now was my only option. If I started issuing threats or demands I could endanger Avery further. "Yes". I said in a low growl.

With a chuckle the cock sucker said. "I believe I have something of yours?"

I lost my cool and snarled. "I swear if she's harmed I won't stop hunting you until you take your last breath. All of you".

"Relax stud". He snickered. "Mrs. Marettia is fine, for now that is."

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Dear boy you wouldn't know me but your father did. As a matter of fact I helped him start his first casino and showed him how to pass all the red tape underneath the police's radar. Once he became a success and feared business man he didn't uphold his end of the bargain. I was suppose to be paid a rather large sum of money but your father was a greedy fuck. Instead, he planted drugs in my home and pinned your mother's murder on me. I was just recently released from prison. I'm here to collect".

This was an overload of information. "I nor Avery has anything to do with my father's betrayal. In fact I killed the bastard myself. What is it you exactly want?"

I could practically see him grinning through the phone. He knew he had me right where he wanted me. "Originally your father owed me a million but since I've been spending my time sitting in a cell I've upped the price. I want five million".

Fucking A, that's outrageous but he had Avery. "What are the terms?"

"We meet tonight in the desert, mile marker seventy-two. Park there and walk a mile northeast. There you will find your wife as well as me. You are to come alone. If I even think your not alone I'll end her and the brat. Understood?"

"I want to speak to her to insure that she is well. That's the only way I'll agree". I demanded.

"Fair enough". He sighed. I heard him call out to someone. "Bring me the girl".

Seconds later relief flooded through me as I heard Avery on the line. "Severo". She cried.

"Baby, my baby. Everything is going to be okay my love. I'll see you tonight and bring you home".

"Severo I'm so scared".

"I know you are but it will all be over soon. Are you well? Have they hurt you, the baby?"

"I-I'm okay. I love you".

"I love you more than you know my sunshine. Be strong okay baby. I promise it's almost over".

Hearing her cry was tearing my heart out but at least she was alive and seemed to be okay other than scared. "Severo tell Jerry I said hello".

What? What is she saying. Is she drugged? Deliours? "Avery baby you know I can't because.."

She cut me off obviously not wanting those men to hear what I was going to say. Could she possibly be giving me a hint, a clue, a heads up? "I'm sure Jerry likes his new home. You need to look for it".

"Okay that's enough chatter". The man's voice bellowed out. I heard the phone being jerked from Avery's grasp as she struggled. "No, wait. Severo. Sevverooo. I love you".

Her voice trailed off as she must have been taken away. "Love, how sweet". The man's voice crooned.

"I swear she better be okay". I growled.

Ignoring my threat, he spoke. "I trust I'll see you and my money tonight right?"

"Sure". I spat. "Your name. What's your fucking name?"

"Vincent. Vincent Malone". Then the line died.

Within a blink of an eye I had my household awake making preparations. I had a few men uncovering anything they could find on this Vincent fuck and making plans for a desert ambush. I didn't care if it killed me but Avery would be rescued tonight and brought home safely.... right after I turned the sun bleached sand crimson.

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