Up To My Neck

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Thank goodness the sun had finally set but along with the night came the coldness. We had been in the desert since noon and I was sure to be blistered and on the verge of dehydration. I was left to sit on the boiling sand with my hands and feet tied. While I sat I watched as they dug two graves. One for me and one for Severo.

I prayed Severo made sense of the hint I had given him. Prayed that he recalled how he killed Jerry, by buring him alive. I just hoped he knew what he was walking into. Even though they warned him to come alone, I hoped he devised a plan for back-up. Either way, we were dead but I'd rather go out with a fighting chance.

The sun usually sets here around five-thirty so I estimated that Severo will be arriving in the next two hour's. These fools didn't try to hide their plans from me or why they was doing this. No, they spoke freely about everything in my presence. I understood that Severo's father backed out on a deal with Vincent and had him imprisoned on false charges. I also knew that he was after money Severo's father owed him but upped the price.

As I sat in the cooling sand all I could think of was Severo and how this just wasn't fair. We've only been married a short time after a rocky past. Everything had been looking up for us. Then Aden, what would my poor Aden do with both parent's gone? Also my sweet baby whom I'll never get to hold. Tears filled my eye's as I realized my moment's were numbered. That my children would pay the price as well.

I glanced off in the distant and wasn't sure if it was from my tear blurred eye's or was I really seeing Severo. As I continued to stare at this spot a small whimper escaped my lips as I realized that indeed it was my husband. He was wearing his traditional black pants and white button up shirt. His shirt was unbuttoned half way down due to the prior heat. In his hand he carried a black duffel bag that supposedly contained the money. The closer he got the harder I cried. Finally he stood before Vincent and his men.

His eye's trained on me and I offered a weak smile while he showed no emotion. I took no offense because I knew this was his business face and not meant for me. Finally he focused on Vincent. "I have your money now let the girl go".

"Not so fast Mareitti, the money must be checked". A few of Vincent's men approached Severo. Taking the bag, they searched through it. "Seems to be all here". One of them called.

"Now the girl" Severo demanded.

Vincent gave a slimy grin and three men grabbed Severo. Naturally Severo put up a good fight for a bit but the numbers weren't on his side. They stripped a gun and knife from him. "What the fuck more do you want? Severo bellowed. I came through on my part now come through on yours".

Vincent laughed. "Did you honestly think I'd allow you two to walk away alive". Vincent said nodding toward the two empty graves.

Suddenly I was jerked up and shoved over to the first grave"let her go". Severo yelled.

"Oh I'm about to" Vincent grinned. "Let her go right to the grave that is".

"You'll pay for this you bastard" Severo snarled.

Before Vincent could reply a strange noise filled the air. Turning my neck to see what the hum was I saw four wheelers coming at us from all directions. My hope soared once again as I realized that Severo did have a plan. Vincent shouted orders to his men but the buzz if a chopper drowned him out.

As the chopper lowered itself closer to the ground, sand swirled up all around making it hard to see. Grit scratched at my eye's and clogged my throat. However I did spot a man aiming at Severo who had no clue as the sand was blinding him as well.

Taking every ounce of strength that I could muster, I broke free from the goon that gripped my arm. "Severo". I screamed grabbing his attention as I ran full force into the man holding the gun. Thankfully I knocked his aim off and the shot missed it's mark. Severo looked at me through the cloud of dust. My face broke into a smile and I started his way. Severo finally smiled back and started toward me as well.

As I watched him, his face suddenly changed from that of love to horror. "Avery" he screamed as he came running at me.

It was then that I saw Vincent with his gun trained on me. The bastard smiled and the shot rang out just as Severo lept in front of me taking me down. His full weight covered my body as I heard shots be fired all around. Eventually the chopper landed and the dust settled. I could hear Tallon call the all clear order and I knew we was safe.

I gently shoved Severo's shoulder and whispered. "It's okay baby, you can get up now. We are safe".


No movement.

No sound.

"Severo". I said urgently pushing against him and that's when I felt it. The wet, stickiness of blood seeped through my clothes. "Oh my God". I screamed.

"Help, someone help. Severo's been hit".

Tallon reached us and rolled Severo off me. A huge red stain saturated the lower part of his stomach. "Get him to the chopper". Tallon called out.

I watched as they hefted him up lifeless and took him to the chopper. To stunned to move, Tallon picked me up and carried me to the chopper as well. I stared on in shock as the men ripped his shirt from his body and tried to stop the bleeding. Tallon radioed in and made sure the doctor was ready to receive Severo.

Once we landed at the Hacinda a medical team was waiting near by and carted Severo away for surgery. Tallon helped me down and said. "Come on Avery, I need to make sure you see the doctor as well".

"No". I shrieked. "I must be with Severo".

"Avery, I understand your distress but Severo will have my head if I don't make sure your looked after as well. Please Avery. Think of the little one".

I finally agreed but insisted I be kept updated. Thirty minutes later I was hooked to an IV for fluids because of a mild case of dehydration and treated for sunburn. Thankfully the baby checked out okay and I was so tired but refused to sleep, not until I knew Severo would make it.

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