Severo's Mistake

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Talk of abuse in this chapter so same rule applies!
Don't read if you're easily offended!
If you choose to read after my warning refrain from commenting if you find it upsetting!

Once in my room I cried until the sun rose. I felt so dirty and violated and hurt. Even though his lovemaking felt so good, I still told him no. Even though my body wanted him I still begged him not to, but he did it anyways. He used me and took what he wanted then kicked me from his bed.

It only got worse from there though. Over the next several week's he visited my room almost nightly for his fix. It was like he was an addict and I his drug. Each time I told him no while my body enjoyed his touch. Afterwards I would cry as he dressed and left without a word. He had turned me into his whore, his sex slave. Of course I still fought him but he started using my son against me to gain my compliance.

The first time it happened he was wanting me to get on my knees and service him. I won't lie, when I looked down at his massive, swollen flesh, I wanted nothing more to feel it's warmness as I swirled my tounge around it. Still I refused, not wanting to be weak or take his orders. So with a smile he asked if I would like to see my son. I hit my knees like a bolt of lightening had struck me. Needless to say I haven't seen my son yet and he continues to use that to make me submit entirely to him.

There has been other strange happenings as well. I've started receiving gifts from Severo. Fine clothes, sexy lingerie that he requests I wear duiring his night time visits, perfumes and make-up. This I didn't understand. For someone that hates me so, why indulge me with expensive gifts? It's probably some part of his twisted mind games.

After four time's of being told I decided that the next time he visits my room for some ass I wouldn't give in. I'd fight him with everything I had. Late that night, just as I had suspected I heard my door creak open. "Stop right there. You will never touch my body again".

Flipping my lamp on, I saw a worried look on his face. Something wasn't right. "Aden is sick and I don't know what to do. He keeps crying for you".

Panic struck in and I bolted up. "What do you mean sick? What have you done to my baby?" I screamed.

"I haven't done a fucking thing Avery. He's just sick. I need you to come with me".

He needn't ask me twice. I followed him up to his private quarter's  in a hurry. Severo led me to the room I once stayed in. Stepping in, I spotted my baby bundled up in bed. Bursting in tears, I pushed passed Severo and ran to him. Aden yelled mommy out and and wrapped his tiny arm's around my neck as I smothered him in kisses.

Remember why I was allowed to see him I pulled back. "Honey what's wrong?"

"My tummy feels yucky mommy and my head hurts".

I felt his forehead and turned toward Severo with a worried expression. "He's burning up Severo. Have you gave him any medicine?"

Severo shrugged. "No. I didn't know what to do. He doesn't allow me near him".

"Because he doesn't know you, who you are. Have you even tried to tell him?"


Giving a big eye roll I stated. "You do have a personal doctor, right?"


"Can you send for him along with some children's medicine for fever, chicken noodle soup and some pedilite".

He looked confused but went about to do my bidding. The doctor entered shortly after and confirmed that Aden had a stomach virus but with rest and fluids he should shake it in no time. I stayed the night with Aden and when we woke the next morning he was back to himself. I was shocked when Severo didn't make me return to my room, instead I remained in Aden's room from here on out. However that didn't stop Severo from using me. He still came in the middle of the night to get me. Severo would just stand in my doorway and nod his head toward his room. I'd get up and follow him for fear that he'd pull me from my son again.

Also since I was reunited with Aden, he had warmed up to Severo. He would talk with him, play, and once crawled into Severo's lap insisting he read to him. Severo never seemed to mind though, in fact I think he enjoyed it.

Eventually it all came to a head though. One night after frolicking between the sheets, Severo gave me the orders to go. That's how it always went. He'd use my body then send me on my way feeling used. But tonight I spoke up when he told me to go. "What is your plan's Severo?"

"What plans?" He asked tartly.

"With me and my child".

"Don't forget Avery he is my child as well. Stop referring to him as yours. Aden will always stay here with me. As for you, I haven't figured it out yet". He said without any emotions.

"Why do you buy me gifts then? Why do you continue to sleep with me?"

He smirked rather viciously. "Dear girl don't read into more than you should. Your my whore, simply put. I date other women properly but I come home to fuck you. As for the gifts, think of them as payment for pleasing me. Now go back to your room".

I swung my hand out and smacked his cheek. "I fucking hate you. I want to leave".

Severo returned me with a smack. "Then go but Aden stays. Your nothing more than a whore Avery. You'll never be anything more to me than that".

"Fuck you, you bastard. You know I'll never leave without him. What happens if I refuse to sleep with you again?"

He arched his brows and said. "Try it and see".

"Your a fucked up man Severo. You rape me night after night yet I'm the whore?'

His eye's glazed over. "I have never raped you Avery".

"Bullshit. How many time's did I say no, begged you to stop. How many time's did you use my son for leverage to get me to do as you asked?"

"You fucking wanted it Avery. Your body tells a different story." He hissed.

"I never wanted it no matter how my body responded."

Hearing enough Severo yelled. "Get the fuck out of my room whore".

Rushing from the room back to mine, I muffled my cries in the pillow. It wasn't like I expected him to say he still loved me, yet I didn't expect him to be so cold either.

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