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Severo kept his word. Everything I wanted, everything I needed was at my disposal. He made my day perfect like a page ripped from a fairytale. To say he went all out was an understatement. My dressed arrived well ahead of time along with a seamstress to ensure it fit perfect. We barely got to see each other for all the running around making arrangements but if his level of excitement mixed with sexual tension matched mine.... we was in for a wild night.

Occasionally we would pass each other in the hall and he'd snatch me off to a hidden corner for a quick make out session. Then that night before bed he asked me to meet him in the entertainment room. When I entered the room was pitch black and I could barely make him out sitting on the couch. Immediately I went to him and settled down in his lap.

I knew what this was about so I started it off. "The day I came to pick up Aden I saw you holding that baby and I knew then I wanted you, that i loved you and I remember thinking I wanted to jump on you right there and demand you make me pregnant".

We both chuckled. "I'll give you as many babies as you want sunshine. I never had any intentions of marrying Sasha. It was all a idiotic stunt to make you jealous and hoping you'd come back. Had you not busted my wedding up, I would've let her down at the alter".

I laughed and said. "Well it worked." We shared several more secrets before we ended up kissing. Severo laid me back on the sofa and crawled on top of me. We kept it G rated for the most part even though we wanted nothing more than to rip each other's clothes off. We basically made out like teens. Eventually he pulled away and stood, his face now serious. In a stern tone he spoke. "Stand up and go bend over the pool table, palms flat".

Smiling, I nearly skipped to the pool table and got into position. A ache started to build up deep within at knowing what was coming. I heard him slide his belt off and come near. Severo lifted my skirt up and slid my panties down to my knees. Rubbing my ass gently he asked. "Do you know why you need a spanking?

"No" I said sweetly.

The belt whipped out and lashed my bottom. The sting caused a small whelp from me. "You kept me waiting Avery. I don't like to be kept waiting. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir". I hummed.

The belt struck my bare bottom several time's in a row. With each blow I cried out. After about fifteen lashes he started rubbing my butt to soothe the stinging. "Since our wedding is tomorrow I'll finish this another time. Can't have your ass sore on our wedding day can we?"

"No Sir". I moaned as his hand massaged my rump.

Severo finally stood me up and pulled me roughly to him. His lips captured mine in a dangerous kiss. Suddenly he pushed me away. "Go Avery. If you don't I won't be able to hold out until our wedding night. I will fuck you right here over and over and over".

Giving off a girlish giggle, I skipped from the room. The next morning I woke up to a huge breakfast waiting for me in my room. Smiling I lifted the silver lid from the tray and gasped. There sitting beside my plate was a gorgeous diamond necklace. Blinking back tears, I slid it on and looked at myself in the mirror. Before I could think further, Lana busted in all excited and in a rush. The day wore on and I found myself dressed in my wedding gown ready to walk down the isle.

As I entered the back yard my eye's began to water. Severo had done a outstanding job at decorating. It was definitely a starry night. Lights hung everywhere and candles lit the tables and walkways. I felt like a princess, Severo's princess. The music began and I made my way toward my soon to be husband.

Severo turned to look at me for the first time since last night and his face lit up. Tears welled up and I tried to hold them at bay but failed. The look on Severo's face said it all. His face was filled with nothing but love for me. Finally I stood beside him and he took my hands in his. "You are absolutely stunning. How did I ever catch your eye my love. I'm the luckiest man alive".

My only answer was tears and more tears. The ceremony began and as Severo said his vowels his voice broke and I squeezed his hands. Aden held the ring pillow and I almost fainted when I saw the diamond Severo had for me. As he slid it on my finger a tiny whimper escaped me and he looked at me with tears in his own eye's.

Once we were announced as Mr. And Mrs. Severo Marietta, Severo swooped down and gave me the most amazing kiss. Our reception was perfect as well. We danced, laughed, kissed and drank. By twelve Severo whisked me off to our private quarter's. He stopped and picked me up and carried me over the threshold.

He didn't put me down until we reached the bed. I laughed as he fell down atop me and immediately started undoing all my clasps. Moment's later we had both shed our clothes. Severo trailed his mouth over my breasts, down my stomach and straight to my opening. Moaning out, I  gripped his hair as he made a feast out of me. As fast as a puma, he was atop me again and slammed into me. "Severo" I moaned over and over. My first orgasm hit me and it was so intense my back lifted up off the bed toward him. Through my moans I heard him say. "I'm putting a baby in your belly tonight Mrs. Mareitti".

Fuck, hearing him say that instantly made another wave crash down upon me. That was it, I was his for the taking and he knew it. Giving me his I've conquered you smile, I could only moan. Severo flipped me over and placed my ass in the air. "Work It for me baby. You know how I like it".

I started maneuvering my hips to make my bottom jiggle just the way he liked. Severo sat back and watched while occasionally mumbling something dirty or placing a smack here, a bite there. When he reached his limits, he pulled my ass cheeks further apart and slid into my backdoor. "Fuck, I love your ass sunshine". He grunted as he pumped into me.

It didn't take long for another wave to wash over me. I clawed at the sheets and screamed his name out. I felt his finger trail across his last name that was embedded into my skin. "Marettia's". He growled possessively.

Flipping me back over, he filled me up again but this time slowed his pace. Placing soft kisses against my skin he looked me in the eye's. "Ummm.... my lovely wife, how I will love you forever."

His lips moved to my neck and I embraced him tight as I could. "I love you Severo. You are my happiness".

His lips trailed up to my mouth and we intertwined our fingers. Severo's back stiffened and I knew he was close to climaxing. With one hard thrust, he buried himself completely in me and released his orgasm deep inside me. We laid in each other's arm's laughing and talking about this day. A day that will forever be cherished by us, the Marettia's.

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