Only My Bestie

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What the hell did I just witness? One moment I was nearly fainting from being robbed, possibly killed and the next my eye's was reeling from watching Rude take this man on without so much as a glitch. It was like watching a scene played out from a movie before my very eye's.

Who was this man I was allowing to stay in my home? What secrets lie behind his normally calm exterior? The voice he used on that man was enough to make my insides coil with fear. Deep and heavily accented, promising certain death, but as he turned to look at me after I stopped him from committing a murder, his features softened and seemed to relax. His cold, black eye's molted back into his sensual, smoldering orbs.

Yes, I was scared of him and he sensed it. Then with word's soft as velvet he spoke. "I would never harm you".

As if I was under his spell I believed him. I barely know him, he doesn't even know himself for that matter, but I believed him. There was something in his body speech that assured me of this. Then he pulled me into him and I was sold. The warmth and strength his body offered a comfort and sense of safety that I was unfamiliar with. His arm's held me tight and immediately relaxed me. It was then that I recognized the difference between a man's touch and that of a boy's.

Sensing that I was becoming too comfortable in his arm's I gently pulled away. Rude tucked me into my car and drove us home.  We didn't speak anymore that night and just ambled into our own sleeping quarter's and ended our night.

The next morning I woke groggily from a restless night of sleep and wrapped my ratty old robe around me. As I entered the kitchen I noticed Rude sitting up on the couch with his head buried in hands. Walking around the counter concerned I asked. "Are you well?"

Looking up at me with pained eye's he spoke softly. "Since the night that Jerry raced in here I've been getting these flashes of my possible past life. Not enough to figure out but enough to catch a few glimpses. Last night happenings have only made them stronger."

Patting his hand I tried to offer encouragement. "I know it must be hard going through all this, but maybe it's a good sign. Maybe your on the verge of breaking into your memories".

He only nodded and I handed him a water and some asprin and started preparing us breakfast. As I was scrambling the eggs a knock sounded on my door. Indicating that it was okay for Rude to answer the door, he rose.

"Honey and butter". I heard echo through my small space and grinned to myself at Lana's obvious surprised voice. Looking over my shoulder I saw her checking Rude out without a ounce of shame and laughed.

Seeing Rude looking at her wondering whom she was and what the hell she meant by saying honey and butter, I offered up. "Rude this is my best friend Lana. Lana this is Rude. Honey and butter is a term she uses when she sees something she likes".

"And mommy likeies". Lana added scrolling her eye's up and down Rude.

Laughing I apologized for Lana's behavior. "Sorry. Excuse my friend while she sexually assaults you with her eye's".

Lana moved along joining me in the kitchen grabbing up a piece of bacon to nibble. Arching her eyebrows she looked at Rude. "Um could you give me and my girl a private moment please?"

Rude stood up and I interjected. "No, no. It's fine really. You don't have to leave".

Rude gave off his devastating grin and threw his hands up. "It's okay. I washed some of my clothes earlier so I'll just run downstairs to check on them".

Before I could say more he jetted out and I was met with Lana's accusing glare.

"What?" I hissed clearly irritated by her intrusive behavior.

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