Without A Trace

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Two months has went by since I last saw Severo. I haven't heard from him in any form. Just because I simply asked a question and he blew his top.

Good. I'm glad. Better to haven't even begun anything with him and invest time, especially if he's so off balance and upset so easily. Little by little I've settled back in to my life. I feel more at ease and the nightmares have stopped. For awhile there I stayed up all night to scared to sleep. Even now I sleep with the lights on.

I don't really think of Severo much anymore. I self trained myself to focus on something different if he popped into my mind. I tell myself I'm lucky that he disappeared because I don't need that type of trouble in my life.

I stay busy with work and Lana and I have recently started going out with her. No harm in having fun occasionally and a few drinks. Miraculously Lana and I managed to get off work early one night so we rushed to her pad to doll ourselves up. After freshening up and slipping into party attire, we made our way to this new club Lana raves about. That's the thing about Vegas, there's always a party somewhere.

Soon as we stepped in the place I swarmed the bar and ordered my favorite drink here of late, a hurricane. Within the first hour, I had  slammed three of those suckers back and was feeling rather loose. Bouncing my head off beat to the music, I danced my way to the dance floor. After displaying my somewhat drunken moves I felt someone step in behind me following my lead. Craneing my neck around, I discovered a very handsome guy smiling down on me.

Smiling back up at him, he shouted above the pumping music. "What's your name cutie?"

Shouting back I said. "Avery, and yours?"

"I'm Trent. You got a man?"

Laughing out loud, I replied. "Absolutely not".

From that point on the music captured us and our bodies melded together. After several more drinks that little drunken voice that makes you believe that your a superstar started chatting. I was doing thing's I was sure to be ashamed of by the morning. Never have I twerked a day in my life but suddenly I was the twerking queen. I can say Trent was thoroughly enjoying himself as I bounced my rear all over him. And there was Lana, right by my side just as drunk. She was shaking her rump just as me on some guy she had met.

Eventually we grabbed a table for a cool down and another round of drinks. Never had I been this intoxicated but I was having to much fun to determine that I had enough. The guy that Lana was with suggested we go somewhere more private, as the night was wearing down. Never had I done anything like this before. I was always the responsible, cautious friend where as Lana was the good time friend.

Seeing her shaking her beautiful curly head in excitement, I thought why not. I should live a little bit, have fun and enjoy life while I can. "Okay". I agreed and Lana squealed hugging me. We made our way to the exit and was walking along the side of the building when my arm was roughly jerked. "Hey". I yelled spinning around drunkenly to face my attacker.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I screamed.

"Whoa, Avery calm down".

"No. Take your hands off me Jerry". I slurred.

"What's gotten into you Avery. Your piss drunk and leaving with some random dude?"

"It's not your business Jerry. Remember you dumped me for some random girl". I hissed.

"Look Avery, you don't need to act out like this because I dumped you". Jerry said smugly, almost as if he was proud I was mourning him.

I bent over clutching my stomach in a fit of giggles. "That's so cute, he thinks I'm doing this because he left me". I said to the other's. Yea, I was doing this but it wasn't because of him my drunken mind thought.

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