First Time For Everything

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I woke just as the sun peeked over the horizon. I hadn't yet opened my eye's, but I could feel my arm tingling with numbness from having fell asleep. As I went to lift it, it wouldn't budge. Opening my eye's I saw Avery's delicate head laying on it. We was still setting up on the couch in the entertainment room apparently having fell asleep.

Suddenly my numb arm didn't matter as I watched her snooze. Easing back, I laid down along the couch bringing her with me. Avery laid atop me and nuzzled her head into my chest. Taking my hand I lightly stroked her hair thinking of last night, from the talk we had to a few stolen kisses. I wanted so bad to crawl inside her but I knew Avery wasn't that type of girl and I'm trying so hard to ensure this relationship works. When she admitted to me that Jerry had been her only I knew I needed to take things slow. Also a part of me was delighted. I knew Jerry had to be weak in between the sheets so technically Avery was still a virgin in my eye's. Smiling down at her sleeping form I thought, there is no way she is prepared for the things I'm going to make her feel, the thing's I'm planning on doing to her. The main thing is that she's ready to take that next step.

As I was twirling a strand of her silky hair around my finger I noticed she had woken and was watching me. "Good morning sunshine".

"Morning". She greeted me groggily. Streaching like a cat along my body I inwardly groaned at the sensations that sprang through me.

"What time is it?" She asked

Glancing at my watch I replied seven forty. Gasping she sprang up screeching. "I've got less than two hour's to be at work".

"Chill babe. I'll take care of it'.

Giving me a no nonsense look she spoke sweetly yet sternly. "Severo what did we just discuss last night?"

"Ummm... relationship goals and such". I answered a bit baffled.

"Right. As apart of this I don't want you to pull strings for me. I have a responsibility to my job as well as Ed. I need to be getting home so I can get to work".

Opening my mouth to protest I thought twice and instead I heard myself saying. "As you wish. Let me change and I'll get you home".

Smiling, she stood up on her tiptoes and gave me a short peck. Not having enough I tugged her closer and gave her a proper good morning kiss while palming a handful of her ass. Maybe the ass grab was a bit much but damn her ass is so juicy I have trouble focusing when I see it bouncing all around.

Once she was ready we met back up in my room and she seemed concerned. "Lana wasn't in our room and she's not answering my calls. I seen her with Tallon last night. She has work this morning as well".

Digging my phone from my pocket, I placed a quick call to Tallon. A few moment's later I rejoined Avery. "She joined Tallon at his place. He is going to wake her and get her to work."

Avery gave a satisfied nod and off we went. This time I drove my Audi and felt no need to use a blindfold. As I drove along, I placed her hand in mine. Once at her apartment I walked in with her not ready to say goodbye. As she showered I took it upon myself to whip up a quick breakfast. Eggs and toast was about all she had to offer. I was pouring the coffee just as she stepped out dressed in her uniform. Giving a lopsided grin and dartting my eyebrows up and down I emitted a playful growl.

Rolling her eye's, she said "really?"

"Really really. That uniform just does it for me. Now what time do you get off?"

Taking a sip of coffee she replied. "Hopefully by five if all goes smoothly".

Picking up her phone, I programmed all my numbers into it then sent her number to my phone. "Do not park away from the building understand?"

"Severo, sometimes I don't have a choice".

"You do now. I've arranged for your own personal parking spot at the restaurant. Yes, I know you don't want me to interfere and I won't, but if it concerns your safety I will intercede, no arguments. Simply because you are with me puts you at risk".

Scrunching her face up confused, she asked "at risk"?

"Yes sunshine. I have enemies that are willing to do anything to get at me. If anyone ever insists you go with them run and call me immediately. I will never send anyone to pick you up unless I've spoken to you directly. Never tell anyone that your association with me either. If you ever feel suspicious call me. I'll always answer".

Avery just nodded taking this information in. I could tell she hadn't once gave it a thought. That she never considered the dangers that came along with dating me. I just hoped it didn't scare her off.

Bending down to retrieve a goodbye kiss I said. "I've got to get back now but I will return after work. I'll call you later kay?"


As I was leaving her building I spotted her ratty old car and thought how unacceptable. Avery deserves something much nicer and safer. By that evening I had selected a cherry red BMW fully loaded. When she got off work, it was waiting for her in her reserved parking spot. "Where's my car?"

Smiling, I tossed her the key's and said.  "Your looking at it".

Instantly I could sense she wasn't happy and I knew I had messed up.

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