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Seven day's has passed since that horrible event in the desert and it's seems like the world has fell from it's axis. Lana is solely responsible for making sure I eat and shower duiring this trying time. After this ordeal I keep Aden by my side at all time's, too afraid of not seeing him again. Tallon was busy making funeral arrangements for the men that was lost and beefing up security at the Hacinda. Vincent managed to escape so we were taking the highest precautions.

Severo underwent two surgeries  and the doctor seems to think he will recover well. Two day's ago, upon his insisting he was moved upstairs to our private quarter's where I gladly look after him but I knew Severo all too well. The main reason he insisted upon being moved to our quarter's was to get from underneath the doctor's watchful eye. He assumed that under my care he could continue business as usual even though the doctor advised against it for the time. Doc recommended at least two weeks of bed rest to insure Severo heals properly and there are no setbacks.

So it didn't surprise me in the least that on the second morning in our room he tried to resume work. I had just stepped from my morning shower  and stepped into some workout leggings and cropped tank top. Not that I was going to workout at all, it was just more comfortable than my normal attire considering my protruding belly. As I entered our room I spotted Aden sitting at Severo's stationary desk coloring in his coloring book.  Still in his pajamas, I walked over and ruffled his hair. Then I glanced over to the bed and found it empty. Feeling my blood start to simmer I was ready to march to his office when his closet door opened. He wobbled out holding a set of clothes. Crossing my arm's over my chest I gave him a hard glare. "And just what do you think your doing Severo Marietta?"

Taking in my menacing pose he rolled his eye's. "Not you too Avery. I must return to work especially with Vincent on the loose".

Clucking my tounge I shook my head no. "No, you must return to bed right now. You know what the doctor said so don't think for a second that you can get over on me Mr. Mareitti. Now I suggest you get your tail back in bed this instant".

Severo looked at me a bit dumbfounded at my sudden authority over his life. Clearing his throat he tried to stand up straight to me and mask the pain he suffered from the gunshot wound. "Avery, too much time has already passed. The longer I'm down the further away Vincent gets."

I wasn't about to back down. "You know as well as I do that Tallon is on top of this. It's just killing you because your healing and can't join in on the hunt. Consider what would happen if you ignore the doctor's orders and relapse.". I paused and jutted my chin up defining him and spoke in a threatening tone. "Now you get yourself back in that bed or you will force me to get very ugly and trust me, you don't want to see me get ugly. Now move it".

Severo glared down at my short frame and gave a irritated smirk. "Try me". I dared him.

After trying to scare me off with his deadly scowl he realized I wasn't playing or backing down. His shoulders slumped and he sighed. "Fine Avery you win this time." Severo groaned as he sulked back to the bed mumbling. "I'll have you know that I'm only giving in to your commands because I'm under the weather".

Flashing him a satisfied smile I tucked the blanket about him and patted his head. "Good boy". I purred and received a snarl from him.

I went to move away but Severo clasped my hand and laid a loving kiss to my belly. "I love you sunshine".

"I love you too grouchy. Now let me order us a grand breakfast".

I handed him the t.v. remote and made breakfast arrangements. When I returned I found Aden in our bed curled up next to Severo and both laughing at some random cartoon. Smiling, I schooched in beside them determined to make a memory out of this blessed morning.

You never know how much someone means to you until their life is threatened. Had Severo not pulled through I don't know if I would have survived either. One thing was certain, Severo would give his life for mine. In fact he almost did when he jumped in front of a bullet that was  meant for me. I felt his hand reach for mine under the blankets and I glanced over to catch him watching me. Holding each other's stares we knew exactly what the other felt. No word's were needed.

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