Wedding Crasher

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This was the shit, I was loving the reactions I was getting from Avery. The poor, stubborn, hardheaded girl. She loves me, she wants me, she just doesn't want to admit it. It's a shame I have to go to these extremes to make her realize I am her one.

All the while I set back calm and relaxed as she rants and raves making herself look like the temperamental one. When I don't react harshly back it only infuriates her more. You see, I know Avery, I know she wants nothing more than for me to lash out at her. Wants me to bend her over some random piece of furniture and spank her ass for her behavior. Just like I did the day she busted into my office and I bent her over my desk. Sure, her ass was as tender as her  pride was afterwards but she inwardly loved it.

How can I be so sure, because later when she threw it up in my face I asked her why she didn't stop me. Just as I suspected, she had no answer. Not to mention duiring our all to short relationship she would occasionally wiggle her bubble butt at me begging for a spanking and how I loved spanking her rump. With each smacking clapp her ass answered me back by jiggling in the most sexy way. Here I was getting hard thinking about her ass.

The ball is in her court now and I have no worries that my princess will come through, especially after seeing her reaction to my wedding news. Her eye's burned with jealously, her tone trying to hide her high emotions. Yes, Avery was beside herself with rage while I laughed on the inside. Some would say I'm not being fair by forcing Avery to forgive me and admit her feelings. Yes, I now know what I did was wrong and plain out evil but I've changed myself for that woman. I've begged and pleaded, fuck I even cried, but she's immovable. Too concerned with not trusting me to snap on her and yes I can understand why she would feel that way, but shit she won't even give me a chance to redeem myself. That's all I'm asking.

Now my wedding is mere hour's away  and I haven't heard from Avery since the day she stormed out of here. When my men went to retrieve Aden earlier she sent no word back but I have faith in her. I just know she won't allow this wedding to happen. Avery will stop this some way, some how.

My nerves were on edge for the first time in my life. I had taken my place at the alter as I awaited for the wedding to begin. Anytime Avery, anytime now, I thought. I just knew she'd bust this up. The music began and I swear my knees began to knock against each other. I'd be crushed if Avery didn't show up yet I'd stop the wedding myself. There was no way I would marry Sasha.

The bridal march began and I turned to look at the bride as the guests stood. Where the fuck is Avery I thought as my heart pounded. I was running what I would say to Sasha through my head. She was less than ten steps away, yet I couldn't see her face through her thick veil. I must admit her dress was hideous. She didn't have Avery's fashion sense that was for sure.

Before I knew it, Sasha was in front of me. We turned to face each other and I went to lift the veil. A mummer whisked through the throng of guest's and I peered down into my princesses face. Avery stood before me. My heart skipped a beat. So many thoughts ran through my mind. My emotions were scattered. I went to laugh then I my mouth formed a thin line,then my jaw dropped open. I didn't know how to feel, how to react. I suspected Avery would crash my wedding but I never suspected it to be in this way.

"Well Mr. Rude, are you going to marry me or not?" Avery spoke so softly and I could see the worry in her eye's. Not knowing what else to do, I gripped her arm harshly and led her out a side door. I had questions, many questions.

Once we were in a private nook I glared down on her. "What in the hell is going on? Where is Sasha?"

I wasn't mad even if I may have appeared to be, I was just confused. I expected her to show up and cause a scene. Shout out her thoughts when the preacher asked anyone to speak up, but never this. As I glared down at her, her lip began to tremble and tears swelled up in her eye's. Here she was. Here was my princess, the girl I fell for. My sweet, innocent, sensitive Avery.

"I-I'm sorry Severo to embarrass you so but I love you. I forgive you and I'm ready. I-I went to Sasha before the wedding and told her a big fat lie and I'm not proud of myself but I told her that you and I still sleep together".

I remained silent looking down at her tear streaked face as she sobbed. I'm sure she was wondering if I would now snap on her. "I'm sorry Severo but I couldn't let you marry her. I love you and I want to be with you and have your babies, lots of babies".

Wow, I never knew that but it did sound good. I shook my head and said slowly. "I can't marry you Avery".

She bit down on her lower lip trying to keep her sob inside. "I can't marry you in that hideous dress". I said with a hint of a chuckle.

Her eye's darted back up to mine not clearly understanding. "I also can't marry you because I haven't properly asked you". I took a knee and clasped her hand. "Sunshine, my love, marry me. Make me the happiest man alive, be my princess, please. Marry me".

Her free hand covered her mouth as the tears fell. "Yes" she stuttered out betweentst sobs.

I jumped up from my knee and picked her up by the waist. Finally, after so long I crushed my mouth to hers. I don't know how long we kissed but every time I tried to pull away Avery wouldn't let me go. She would clasp onto me and deepen the kiss. Eventually we broke apart in nothing but smiles. "Go up to my room. I won't allow you to marry like this. Get out of that ugly dress and find the dress of your dreams. Pick the flowers you want and leave the cake a food to me. We will marry tomorrow night and it will be your dream wedding."

"But how, so soon?" She questioned.

I shot her my grin. "Remember I'm Mr. Marietta, Mr. Rude. I can make this happen".

Avery smiled then added. "I'll have you know I won't be sleeping with you until we are married".

I laughed even though that killed me. "As you wish."

After a quick kiss she took off as I asked and I went to explain that there was a change of plans to my guest's.

My life was complete now. I had Avery.

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