Loco B

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It's been a little over two year's since my life forever changed, but I stopped living with my regrets, my guilt, and mostly my fear. I tossed all that shit aside and became proud of the new person I am. You see, for so long I was this gentle kitten who let people take advantage of me, use me, walk all over me like I was a doormat. I was always the first to extend a smile, offer help and show compassion. Then one day I said fuck that shit. That's right, I'm no longer a kitten, I'm a fucking blood thirsty tiger. I woke the fuck up.

I admit at first I was like a tiny worm on a big hook entering this new life I was forced into. Yes, forced into. Those lowlife cop's instilled fear into me to get what they want. Had I known then what I know now I would've told them to go fuck themselves with a stick wrapped in barb wire.

What made all this trigger was the night my water broke. It's was two am on a Sunday morning. I was alone and drove myself to the hospital. I went through hours of painful labor alone. No family, no friends, and definitely no baby's daddy. But when I held that precious bundle of joy in my arm's and peered into those familiar dark eye's, I knew then I'd never let anyone hurt him. He was mine.

After bringing him home I pieced together a plan. As soon as my body healed I would start a vigorous training program from one of the best academy's in town. However, my low income wouldn't allow me afford it, much less provide for my son. He out of everyone deserved a good life. So I quit the library and joined the entertainment world. Looking around my finally decorated home, I smiled. Who would have thought my body could make a killing. I'm one of the most sought after strippers in this area.

I'll never forget my first show, I hesitated to take that stage, but as I pictured my son who depended on me, I set that stage on fire. When I got home, I laid across my bed and counted my crisp, green bills. I'd earned over a thousand in just a few hour's. Laughing, I tossed a handful up and let it float down around me. I make it rain like that every night I work.

I enrolled in that fighting academy, bought a nice car, bought a house and was a master with a gun. All our needs was met. I could even afford a highly qualified nanny to set with Aden while I worked. Guess Severo was right about my juicy ass afterall. I was once self conscious over my bubble butt but now I worked that thing. My ass brought the bacon home.

Even though I've met a lot of people through work and my mommy group's, I get close to no one. When they ask personal questions I simply say that I'm originally from New Jersey, my parent's died in a crash when I was young and Aden's father ran off. I never indulge anyone in the truth. Motherfuckers just can't be trusted. I'm content living my quiet little life raising my son to be a man. I need no one.

I also swore off any romantic relationships. Fuck men. I'm to focused to fall into any feelings. I swore that after Severo, I'd never rely on another man. Yea, okay what I did was fucked up, but what's done is done. I can either dwell on it or move along. Guess what? I moved on. I was young and dumb, but I'm not the only one to blame. It took awhile for me too see that but I speak the truth. Severo shouldn't have stormed off angry that night. Thing's like that happen, people will flirt and overstep their boundaries but you can't go around and kill them all. He should have either stayed or went home and waited until I got there so we could've talked it out. Also, he should've prepped me for such a event. Hell he prepped me as to what to do in case of a potential kidnap and such, but he never coached me about the cop's. For all I knew at the time, those bastards was working for him and testing me to see if I'd betray Severo. So he has a hand in this to.

Then there's Jerry. Where ever that bastard is I hope it's the hottest place in hell. His hand is buried in this as well. He always had it in for Severo since I brought him home from the hospital. He saw his chance at alittle playback and took it. True, Severo would had landed a few years for what I leaked but Jerry sealed his fate, which gave him eighteen year's by seeing the murder. Jerry did that, not me. I never once said Servo killed those men even though I knew.

But I'm no fool anymore. There's not a chance in hell Severo will serve that amount of time. With his money and connections he'll be walking soon and I know coming for me, but I'm ready. Oh how am I ready. I have a great security system but I know that want keep him out. There's hidden guns throughout my home, so just let a bitch try. I might not win, I might not survive, but the motherfucker will know I've been there.

If for one minute he thinks I'm that little girl who will be shut in that tiny room again taking his orders he's sadly mistaken. Just like a lyric from my favorite song... I might only have one match but I can make an explosion.

Just like right now, Aden's tucked warmly in his bed and I'm on my couch reading with only a lamp burning. I take a sip of my hot chocolate and as I go to sit it down I hear a odd jingleing noise coming from my back door. Could this be him or his men. If so I hope he brought back-up cause he's going to need it.

Smirking to myself I grip the gun that's placed underneath my pretty little decorative pillow an imagine the look on his face when he realizes I ain't the one to fuck with anymore. Should I be scared, fuck no. I knew this was coming and I'll never be scared again.

I hear the back door open and my alarm rings off but is quickly shutdown. Sliding the safety off the gun, I sit patiently and wait. A shadow forms on the wall in front of me and I know he's near. Finally he enters the room where I'm still relaxing on my couch. He doesn't see me at first due to the dim lighting but when he does his body grows taunt, his nostrils flare, his eye's bore pure hatred into mine.

Cracking a smile across my face I say sweetly. "Hello Mr. Rude. What took you so long? Are you mad or naw?"

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