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Jerry just barged in like nobody's business. Naturally it startled me and Mr. Rude reached behind his back as if he may have a weapon tucked away.  When he realized nothing was there, he shoved me behind him protectively and lunged for Jerry.

"No, no". I screamed weaseling my way in between the two. Placing my hands on Mr. Rude's tight chest to hold him back I explained. "It's okay. This is my boyfriend Jerry."

Looking at Jerry I said. "This is Rude. The guy I saved in the parking garage".

Jerry gave him the once over and Mr. Rude extended his hand. As they shook hands Rude said. "Sorry about that. I thought you was a intruder".

"No, no. I'm just the boyfriend".

Jerry's sarcasm didn't go unnoticed to me.

"Avery can I talk to you in private?"

"Yea, okay".

Looking at Rude I said. "I'm just going to step in the hallway for a few".

Once in the hall, Jerry glared at me and I knew what was coming. "When the hell was you going to tell me this Avery? I've been blowing up your phone all day so I came over here worried and walk into this bullshit?"

"I'm sorry Jer, but he was released today and has no one. I was going to tell you soon though".

"He needs to leave now Avery. You don't know Jack about him".

"I can't do that Jerry, he has no where to go. It's only temporary until he sorts things out".

Jerry shoved his glasses back up on his nose. "And I'm supposed to be okay with this? Your practically living with another dude."

"I understand how this may look, but you know me Jerry. I'd never do something like that to you. Please just be understanding?".

"Whatever". He snorted.

"You also lied to me. You said you wasn't  visiting him anymore".

"I know and I'm sorry for all of this. Please just have a bit of compassion?".

"Look I need to go and think about this. In the meantime he needs to be gone by the end of the week".

Before I could say anything, Jerry rushed down the stairs. Leaning against the wall, I took a deep breath trying to compose myself before I went back in.

After a few moment's I walked back in. Rude looked at me sympathetically. "That bad huh?"

Blowing  my breath out stray tendrils of hair floated about. "Could've went better". I sighed.

"I'm sorry Avery for causing you trouble. I'll leave in the morning".

Rushing to him, I placed my hand on his arm. "No, no. You don't have to do that. Jerry can be a bit dramatic at times but once he warms up to you he'll be cool".

"Hmmm... I don't know Avery. I understand his anger. I wouldn't want some strange man staying with my girl either".

From all the events that had occurred in this one single day I finally felt it all catching up to me. I was tired, stressed, and just needed to sleep. I may have sounded meaner than I intended when I spoke but I was ready to call it a day. "Look, your not going anywhere. He'll be fine, you'll be fine, I'll be fine. We will all be fine. End. Of. Discussion. Now I've really got to crash. Five in the morning comes early".

As I opened my bedroom door a thought occurred to me. I recalled his reactions as to Jerry's sudden intrusion. Thinking this might be a vital piece of information as to who he may be, I turned around.

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