Just A Dream

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Have you ever been asleep but awake too? You know that place where your waking up but haven't opened your eye's but your still dreaming but also aware of the sounds around you? Well I was there.

My eye's was still shut but I was recalling the event's from last night. My mind's camera kept replaying Severo's hands wrapped around Carmen's throat as I repeated in my head, it's just a dream, your only dreaming, wake up Avery. I released a whimper and started thrashing about as if the butler had his hold on me again.

"Avery wake up. It's only a dream sunshine"

Wait that voice wasn't in my dream, it was right here and belonged to Severo. Those hands was really shaking me. My eye's bolted open and I sat up as if I'd been shocked. Looking around I couldn't determine my surroundings. A hand fanned in front of my face snapping me from my daze and I looked over to see Severo. "You okay?" He asked.

"A dream. It was all a dream right? Nothing happened last night".

"Avery you are okay now. They can't hurt you".

Oh my God, it did happen.

"Where am I?' I asked still sleep drunk.

"The Hacinda, my room to be exact".

I assume fear etched my expression because he grinned and went on to explain. "Relax. I'm not holding you hostage again. You passed out on me and after last nights event's I didn't want to leave you alone so I brought you here to watch over you".

Looking down, I saw that I was still covered in blankets, but could tell I was completely naked. Gasping, I opened my mouth to speak but he interjected.

"Nothing happened. I had the doc check you for injuries and your uniform was filthy. I sent it down to be cleaned.  I didn't see anything and I slept over there on my couch".

I looked toward the couch and saw his  blanket. Gripping my head, I winced. "Your head, it hurts".

Not waiting for me to answer he buzzed and ordered someone to bring me aspirin and a water.

"What time is it?" I asked confused.

Looking at his watch, he stated. "Almost noon".

"Oh my God, I've got to be at work in a few hours".

"Avery, I think you should relax today. Doc said you'll probably be shaken and sore. I will call Ed myself and all will be well".

Holding my hand up to slow him down, I spoke. "No. Don't do that. I'm  perfectly fine to work. Could I have something to put on? I really need the bathroom".

Opening a drawer, he tossed me a shirt. Shoving it over my head, I pulled it as low as I could and scampered to the bathroom. After a few steps, I felt a sharp pain ring through my side and I  clutched at my ribs with a groan. Instantly Severo was by my side aiding me. "That's it, no work for you".

This time I agreed with him. "Doc told me you have some bruised ribs but nothing that shouldn't heal shortly".

Nodding, he guided me to the bathroom.

Moments later I emerged and he was right there to help me. He had the blankets and pillows fluffed awaiting me and patted the bed I hopped in with ease. My aspirin was awaiting me and no sooner than I swallowed it, lunch arrived. Propping pillows behind my back, Severo served me my food in bed.

Taking a bite of the veggie pizza I watched him watching me. "Eat". I instructed.

"I want to make sure your taken care of first". Severo said concerned.

"I'm good and thank you, but I can handle this". I said confidently.

"Well you took care of me once, now it's my turn to care for you".

Smirking sweetly I said. " Nothing I say will change your mind will it?"

"Not a chance sunshine. Now about this note you left me, why didn't you tell me?"

Grabbing another slice of pizza and handing him one I said. "You really can't blame me after what happened last time I tried to help you".

Rolling his eye's he said exasperated. "You'll never let me live that down will you?"

Shooting him a smart grin I said. " Not a chance Mr. Rude".

And there was that genuine laugh I have grown accustomed to. I felt as if he just save that laugh and this normal side of him just for me.

Suddenly the conversation took a serious turn. "The thing's you seen last night".

I shook my head not wanting to discuss it. "Please, let's not go there. I'd rather try and forget that".

"I understand Avery but please allow me to say this. I would never allowed you to see that but your life was in jeapordy and I had to react. I'm sorry you seen that. You also need to know that things like that are inevitable in my business. It wasn't the first and it won't be the last".

I nodded silently, too mixed up to respond to that. It was hard to imagine him doing these vile thing's when I knew this side of him. Without thinking the word's slipped from my mouth. "But do you have to kill?"

Instantly I covered my mouth regretting what I said. "I'm sorry. I".

Holding his hand up to shush me he said. "No, it's fine. I understand how you must see it. I know no other way Avery. It's who I am and a necessity in my world. Take or be taken".

And there my mouth went again thinking before I spoke as I said. "You said you killed your father?"

Severo drew his brows together and rose from his perch on the bed and started pacing the room. "That was tottaly different Avery". His tone seeming suddenly irritable.

"The bastard deserved it. You wouldn't understand in your world filled with unicorns. This topic isn't up for discussion, understood?" He snapped at me.

Severo hadn't treated me harshly in awhile and my feelings hurt. Biting back tears I mumbled "sorry".

He picked his suit jacket up off the chair  said in a rush. "I need to return to my office. Use the intercom if you need anything". Turning on his heel he left the room without another word.

After a few hour's of his disappearance, I decided it would be best for me to go home. Using the intercom, I buzzed down.


"I would like to go home now".

I didn't get a response back, instead within five minutes the door opened and in strode Severo still in a sour mood. "Let's go shall we? I should've known bringing you back here was a mistake. Involvement with normal people is never a good idea".

Hearing enough of him berating me, I slid out of bed and in my haste to find my clean belongings, I forgot I only wore his shirt. I didn't realize my bare bottom was peeking from beneath the shirt until I heard his sharp intake of breath. Something evil overtook me and just to show him what he would never have, I slid the shirt off my body, standing there in my birthday suit. Turning, I inwardly smiled at the effect on him.

As I picked my uniform up I felt his breath on my back. Without turning to look at him, he spoke in a low, dark nearly growl. "You play a dangerous game sunshine. There's no one here that would stop me from taking what I want. Over and over."

Gripping my hair, he turned my head to look at him. In his stern business voice he hissed. "Is that what you want Avery? You want me to make you my sex slave? Make you fall to your knees and swallow my cock between your lovely lips. Bend you over and fill your pussy up?"

Too emphasize his word's his free hand snaked down to my core. Without warning he gave my sensitive nub a squeeze and I pressed myself closer to his hand as I rested my head back against his shoulder. "Severo". I said slowly.

Instantly it was like someone had doused me with cold water as he removed his hand and pushed me away. "The car will be ready in five. Same procedure as last time."

That was it, he left the room, left me wanting. Yet, I was extremely embarrassed by my actions and his rejection. Needless to say, this time he wasn't waiting by the car when I left.

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