It's A Girl

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It was late when I arrived home that night and raced upstairs to my Avery. I found her buried beneath the blankets sleeping. I stood there taking in her beauty thinking how lucky I was to find a woman like her. Not only was Avery a great mother but a great wife, lover, and so much more. She truly loved me for me, not my money or status but me. I thought of all the horrible thing's I had done to her and was amazed she could forgive. Yes, Avery has a good heart which is a rare jewel in today's world or at least my world.

Then Demarco Harper's threat rung into my ears. "Don't screw up and make your wife and children pay for it".

I defiantly wouldn't screw up nor would I allow any harm to come to my family. Pushing those horrible word's and thoughts aside I slid into the bed softly beside Avery. All I wanted was her tight in my arm's. As I wrapped my arm's around her ever growing but adorable belly she stirred a bit and released a sigh. "You awake?" I whispered.

"Ummmm". She moaned still mostly asleep.

"I'm home sunshine. I missed you so much".

"Me too". She mumbled still not awake enough to realize I was actually really here.

I let a short chuckle out and kissed her forehead. "Sleep baby. We will talk in the morning".

"Okay". She half responded and snuggled her head into my chest. That's when it hit her and her eye's flew open suddenly wide awake. "Severo?" She spoke in the softest tone.

"It's me sunshine". I smiled in the dark.

Avery's arm's snaked around me tightly and her lips found mine in the dark. Her hands gripped the back of my head forcing me closer. The kiss deepened as a moan escaped both of us. I instantly went to remove her gown and that's when I heard the faintest little voice. "Daddy?"

I looked over and saw my son peeking his eye's from the mound of blankets on the bed. I let my head fall against the pillow and laughed out loud at my luck. "Your killing me little man".

"I'd forgotten that he crept in here earlier". Avery replied with her own laugh.

Reaching over, I lifted Aden over to me to smother him in kisses as he giggled. That night as everyone dozed back off I looked over them and thought that everything I held dear was right in this bed with me. Streaching my arm out to my nightstand I made sure my gun was near by. Soon I will dig up more info on the Harper's and administer more protection here.

The next few day's were spent with Avery and my son. I put work aside to enjoy some downtime with them. Still my nerves haven't been the same since I returned from New York. I can't get those threats from my mind. Sneaking from bed late one night I peeked in on Aden and covered him back up. I didn't let Avery know about the threats. No need to cause her more worry. I made my way to my office and turned my computer on. My main objective here was to find out more about these men, find out what they hold dear, what's important to them.

I figured I'd start by finding out who those women were. Judging how we were constantly warned to not even look at them it was obvious they were important. I recalled Mr. Butoni saying one was his wife so I started there. Within the hour I discovered his wife was Mirimosa Harper, sister to Demarco Harper and they had a son as well. The other lady was Laney Harper, Demarco's mother and the scowling gentleman she was always with was her husband, London Harper, former king. This information was valuable to me. This doesn't mean I'm staging an attack but if my family comes under attack by them I'll be ready. I'll know exactly where to hit them, right in the heart and these two women were the heart.

As I was digging up more info I heard my name being called. It sounded like Avery and that she was in pain. Rushing from my office I spotted her at the end of the hall bent over cradling her stomach. As I got closer I noticed she was standing in a puddle of water. "Avery what's going on?" I asked in a panic.

Through her pain she smiled up at me. "Your about to be a daddy again. It's time Severo".

"W-What do you mean it's time?" I asked suddenly dazed.

Avery gave me a death stare. "I'm in labor Severo, the baby's coming".

"Oh". I said lowly until it registered what exactly she meant. "OH" I gasped again suddenly forced into overdrive. I rushed to her side. "What do I do?"

And again there came the death stare as she gritted out through an contraction. "Get me to the medical facility unless you want me to deliver in this fucking hallway".

Finally I snapped into action. I lifted her up bridal style and raced to our personal facility. Upon bursting through the doors I yelled for a doctor immediately. Once she was settled into a room she instructed me to call Lana and have Tallon to go sit with Aden. My fingers fumbled with making the call but I finally managed to do it. I watched as Avery was prepped for delivery and I bent down to her head and whispered. "I love you so much sunshine. You can do this baby and I'm right by your side".

To my surprise Avery fisted my shirt and jerked me inches from her face as she find her her first push. "This is your fucking fault. You did this to me.  You want make me feel better? Then you lay down and squeeze a baby out".

Wow I thought. Right now my sunshine wasn't sunshine anymore. She was a black angry cloud here to rip my head off but I continued my encouragement. I wiped the sweat from her face, I smoothed her hair back from her face, I held her hand as I practiced breathing with her. "The baby's almost here baby. Just a few more pushes love. Your doing wonderful and look beautiful".

Avery bared down one last time with all she had and we heard the first cry. I watched in awe as my child entered this world and took it's first breath. The doctors checked the baby over and announced that it was a girl. Finally the pink bundle of joy was placed in Avery's arm's. I bent down and swiped Avery's tears away as I placed a kiss to her forehead and then my baby girl. "You did a great job baby and I love you more than you know. She's perfect just like you".

Avery smiled while looking down at our girl. "She looks like you. I carried her for nine months and went through this pain for her to come out looking like you".

I laughed along with her and Avery looked up at me. "I'm sorry Severo. I didn't mean anything I said earlier".

Laughing again I said. "I don't blame you. Considering what I just witnessed I think you were too soft on me. I'm very proud of you sunshine. You are the most beauitful, strongest person I know. You and the kid's are my life. I'm nothing without any of you".

This time when I kissed her it felt different. It felt as if my soul lied within her heart. The doctor interrupted us. "What will the lovely lady be called?"

Avery smiled up at me. "Severina. I can't very well call her Severo so Severina it will be".

I smiled down at her. "I love it baby".

As I watched Avery and Severina doze I knew I would do anything to protect them.

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