Vegas Queen

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After a few week's it was safe enough to return to the Hacinda. Avery and I  weren't really stranger's anymore yet we weren't close either. We was pleasant and I respected her wishes. However it was hard to hold my feelings back from her but I managed. I beat myself up mentally on the daily. This was my fault. I was a ignorant asshole and I don't deserve her forgiveness. Yes, she told me she did forgive me but would never forget. If I moved to quickly or seemed to be irritated Avery would shy away from me or become jittery. That was due to her lack of trust in me. I guess she thought I could snap at anytime and return to be that vile douchebag I had been. Couldn't exactly blame her.

Once at the Hacinda I made good on my promises. Her car was given back along with her money. I acted normal the first few time's she left the Hacinda, even though my nerves were gnawing away at my insides. What if something happened to her? What if she ran off never to return? I knew that last thought was foolish. Avery would never leave Aden. That's partly why I insisted that if she took Aden off I had to go along. I wasn't giving her a open opportunity to run off with him.

Just as she had said, within a week she joined the working world. She did let me know her schedule as far as concerning Aden's care but never offered up what she was doing. I felt it would offend our arrangement if I pried, so I let it be. We still shared meals together often, hung out together with Aden and tried to give him the comfort of a family setting but still I wanted more. I wanted the real deal. I wanted my old Avery back. The girl who once was so innocent and sweet, so caring and sensitive, I wanted my princess back.

Back when we were us, before the cruelties of the world tarnished our love, Avery gave me a sense of peace and calmness. She was so vibrantly compassionate she made me forget that I was this ruthless mafia Don. Made me forget that I killed people and ran dirty deals. Made me forget about my bastard father. Her innocence was my salvation. When I was with her I felt as if my soul could be saved.

Now I don't get to see that side of her. When she speaks with my staff or men I see it, but with me it's like a strong force field surrounds her. Her body tenses, her posture erect, her stance prepared to defend or attack. She never let's her guard down around me and it kills me. One thing I know for certain is that I'll never harm her in any manner again. I was a fool before now I'm just a fool in love. I just wish she could see this and give me another chance.

The week's rolled by and I noticed Avery was bringing in a pretty hefty income. The reason I knew this was because she was constantly shopping for her and Aden. She had refused a unlimited credit card I'd offered her so she was definitely making some kind of figures on her own. True, I could quickly have my men snoop but that would be breaking our privacy arrangement. This irritated me to no end. I couldn't stand not knowing about her life yet I remained silent trying to respect her wishes, earn her trust.

Then it all came to blows one night. I had an important meeting at my top notch casino. Usually my under men handled these things but this one required my immediate attention. I met with these other business men in hope's of striking up new deal's. For two day's now I had them put up in my most luxurious casino suite, given them money to blow, gave them the royal treatment.

As the meeting began I started off by saying. "I hope you've enjoyed your stay at my casino. I trust you've been treated right?"

The men laughed and nodded and the chit chat began. "Mr. Marettia, where ever did you find that angel? I've seen a many Vegas Show girl's but this one is a treasure".

Honestly I haven't a clue who they were talking about. Like I said, I pay other's to run my business and only step in when needed, but I played along. "Yes she is quite the gem. I'm glad you enjoyed her".

Another spoke up. "It's a shame she isn't like the other girl's. She doesn't except private dances nor can she be bought for other fun thing's". They all chrotled and agreed.

Brushing it off, I jumped right into the matter at hand. I was ready to end this meeting and head home. Near the end we ran into some issue's that was holding up the contract. Seems none of us could agree on terms or money. Then the bald headed bastard spoke up. "I would be willing to sign these paper's as is if you throw in your number one show girl. I'd love to place her in my casino back east"

Placing my hand on my chin I thought about this. Never had I been one for saleing or trading women but this deal would be great for my business. First I better check this lady out and discover what kind of asset she is to my casino before I agree. "Gentlemen, I will take that into considering, however I need another day to think this over. Say we meet back here tomorrow, same time."

They nodded hurriedly and grinned. "I understand you needing to think this over. If she were mine I'd do the same thing. Now we will be off, don't won't to miss her show tonight".

We shook hands and agreed to meet back up tomorrow. Slipping down to my showroom I took a seat off to the side and ordered a bourbon. Might as well see what is so fascinating about this high paid whore. Moment's later the lights dimmed and a the host pumped the hungry men up before he introduced a Miss Salvation. A jazzy seductive music began. A spotlight shone onto a white sheet where a woman's silhouette came into view. The music was big band genere, like what you would hear in the thirties, very mobster themed. You could see the shadow held a gun and the stripper wore a fedora. I watched as her body swayed and dipped as if this music was specifically composed for her movements.

Finally she showed a leg from behind the screen adorned with black fishnet stockings. The Men went wild with wanting more. Then she stepped from behind the screen completely. She wore black stilettos with heels to look like pistols. She spun around to face the crowd but her hat shielded her face. I must admit I'd never had a stripper have me so intrigued. She wore a black thong with matching garters. A black pinstriped corset adorned with a oversized pocketwatch. She really had the old gangster look down pat. Capone and babyface came to mind by watching her style.

She lifted the gun up to her blood red lips and enticeingly licked the barrel. My pants instantly became overcrowded. Tossing the gun aside, she sashayed to the front of the stage and fell to her knees. Leaning back on one arm she removed her hat and swung her hair around before settling her sultry gaze on the men up front. I had just took a swig of my bourbon when I realized it was my Avery on that stage. Instantly I began to choke on the liquid until it sputtered from my nose. Once my coughing was under control I eyed the stage. There she was working the pole like a master. She owned that pole.

Hopping off she came near the edge again and revealed her breasts provocatively. Then she turned and jiggled the ads that belonged to me. I could see where she had covered up my name on her cheek with Make up and the thong band hid Meritta's on her lower back very well. I looked at all these animal's getting their jollies off looking at my girl and thought about committing a mass murder turning my casino into a slaughter house.

By the time she was done and exited the stage I was in trimbles. The business men came up to me. "I would willingly give up my fortune to run my cock up in that".

Biting the inside of my jaw, I gritted out. "Take your piece of shit deal and stick up your ass. You will not be getting her nor my business. You will leave my casino promptly". I stormed off leaving them with their jaws empty and hopeful their hard dicks limp. I made my way back to the dressing rooms until I found hers. The  security knew who I was do didn't question a thing. Slinging the door open, I pummeled in and slammed it back. Avery jumped at the intrusion and spun around wearing a silk robe. Our eye's locked on each other as I had to loosen my tie and collar to breath air into my lungs. Mad was a understatement. I saw the fear in her eye's as she looked at me with a now trembling lip on the verge of tears.

"Severo". She whispered my name so softly, sweetly, but I noted the fear in her voice as well.

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