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I won't lie, I really wasn't looking forward to attending this magic show but for Avery I will. I owe it to her, hell at this point I owe her everything. If not for her, I could've laid there and died that night and be homeless right now.

I've racked my brain and racked my brain trying to remember anything. The closest I've gotton to recalling anything was last night when Jerry bounced in. I didn't tell Avery to keep from frightening her, but as she was having a talk with Jerry in the hall a flashback came to me.

It was grey and fuzzy and only left me confused. I was sitting in a fine office one moment dressed in a designer suit and in the next instant I was aiming a gun at some man's head. Since then it's all I can think of in hopes of discovering some truth as to who I am.

Avery showered first and skipped to her room wrapped snuggly in a towel. I followed suit and hopped in the shower next. Another thing I noticed as I was dressing was that I took great detail in my clothing. No wrinkles, lint, everything perfect. Taking a careful seat on the couch as not to crease my clothes, I waited for Avery to finish up.

Finally hearing her door creak open, I rose to my feet. This time it was me that couldn't stop gawking. Avery was wearing a flirty black dress that cut into a sharp v line at her chest paired along with some babydoll flats. Her hair hung loosely in soft curls framing her angel like face.

Giving off a goofy giggle she approached me and for the first time I noticed how incredibly blue her eye's was. They reminded me of turquoise seas. A man could definitely drown in them. Not only that, her delicate head only reached to my chest reminding me how truly petite she was. I must look like a beast standing beside her with my large frame.

"Shall we?" She hummed snapping me from my daydreams. I could only nod, not trusting what may come from my mouth.

"Good. I still have almost two hours before we meet Jerry so I figure we can stop off for some dinner".

As we neared her car I opened her door and strolled around to my side. Ten minutes later we was seated outside of a taco truck on a rickety old picnic table as she raved about how awesome the fish tacos was. Actually they wasn't my thing but she was buying and I wasn't about to hurt her feelings.

Finally we made our way to this bar that seemed more like a sideshow attraction for the odd. People walked around in capes, tall hat's, wands.

Spotting Jerry, Avery tossed her hand up in a parade wave and led us over. We sat down with him and it was obvious he was ignoring me which didn't matter because hearing all this magic talk may as well have been a foreign language.

Glancing at Avery I could tell she felt the same as me but fawned fake interest to feed this little turds ego. Yes, I have come to the conclusion that Jerry is a self centered prick and Avery could do better.

Needless to say this was the worst three hours of my life and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed for Jerry as he took the stage. It was obvious he lacked the magic talent. Once the show ended I settled into the car as Avery bid her farewells to Jerry. I cringed as I saw them share a kiss and wondered exactly what she saw in him.

As we pulled away from the bar, Avery let a long breath out. "Go ahead, let me have it".

"Have what?" I asked a bit jokingly.

"Yes, I know tonight was a huge bore and I would have had more fun sitting at home clipping my toe nails, yet I drug you there to suffer along with me".

I didn't want to come off as a pompous ass but it had to be said. "Avery I'm not trying to be mean, but what in the world was that train wreck".

Laughing she said. "That train wreck is my boyfriend and magic happens to be his passion even though he blows at it".

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