Not In The Near Future

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Talk of abuse in this chapter.
If you're easily offended don't read.
If you chose to read after my warning refrain from commenting if you're upset

After hearing Severo's apology and reasons, I had my say and left him at the table. This was all just too much to process and I just needed sleep. Slipping into Aden's room, I crawled beneath the covers and stared at my beautiful sleeping child whom was a replica of his father. Tears rushed down my face as I wondered why now? Why did it take Severo so long to realize I had been telling the truth, I'd never intentialy hurt him. Yes, he had ever right to be upset with me but to hold the grudge as long as he had, to have put me through so much for a second time was too damaging.

Had he came to me a week after he found me and talked it out, let us forgive each other then I could have seen myself falling back into his arm's. But now.... now those bridges are burnt. I do still love him but I can't be with him ever again. Just as I told him earlier at the table I had no more trust in him. If he assumed in the future that I had betrayed him again I couldn't go through the punishment for a third time. I couldn't walk on eggshells wondering when and if he'd turn on me again.

Yes, I will allow him to be apart of Aden's life, that's the one thing he is good at. He adores Aden, it shows in his dark eye's. Just last week we was sitting by the pool, all three of us together and Aden looked up at Severo and asked him "Are you my daddy?"

Severo looked at me and I nodded my permission. "Yes I am buddy".

Aden beamed and said. "Good because I kinda like you".

We both laughed and Severo attacked Aden with a round of tickles. "Kinda, you just kinda like me?" Severo teased.

Through his giggles Aden replied. "Okay, I like you".

Could that be it I wondered. I knew Severo had a certain outlook on family because of his parent's tragic tale. Maybe he just wanted me to be with him for Aden, to portray the perfect family. Maybe it wasn't love, it was security he needed more, to be able to prove to himself he wasn't like his own father. Either way I can't do this, not with him again. When I wake we need to have a talk about our current situation.

The next day I woke around lunch and felt like I'd been hit by a Mac truck. I've really got to stop sleeping in like this. Aden was gone but I had no fear anymore. That's the only area I trusted Severo in, he'd never allow harm to come to Aden. Taking a shower made me feel more alive. I slipped into a pair of skinny jeans accompanied with a wool tunic, paired with brown suede booties. I guess the cabin life put me in a rustic mood. I swept my hair up into a high ponytail and applied light makeup.

As I emerged downstairs the smell of burning wood wafted up to me. I peeked out the window and saw a bonfire blazing. Severo was tending to it while looking so dressed down. Today he sported jeans and a t-shirt instead of his usual suit. Aden was off in the distance swinging a weenie around on a stick. I laughed at the picture they presented. It was obvious hotdogs was for lunch.

Stepping out, I cleared my throat to gain their attention. When they turned I teased. "Is this a boy scout meeting, no girl's allowed?"

Aden chrotled. "Your allowed mom because your not a girl. Your a mom".

Now it was their turn to laugh. Aden got distracted by his weenie on a stick again and I approached Severo. "We should probably discuss what happened with Aden. Those men grabbing him". I stopped and shuddered at how close thing's came.

"I've already taken care of it. I think he'll be fine". Severo assured me. I nodded my thanks and said. "I think we should set aside a time to talk".

Severo nodded his head. "Yea we should. After Aden goes to bed?"

"That's good for me". I changed the subject. "So, hotdogs huh?"

Severo grinned and said. "Yes, along with my famous chilli right out of a can".

I laughed and grabbed me a stick and prepared to roast a weenie.

After Aden settled in bed for the night, I met Severo in the cozy den. The only light came from the fireplace and hot chocolate awaited us. Severo stretched out on the rug in front of the fire and I curled up into the plush couch. He shut the guard on the fire to dim the light more and I knew what we was about to do, secrets in the dark.

This time I began. "After some thought I want you apart of Aden's life, however I can't be with you. I can't trust you where I'm concerned."

"I can understand why Avery". He replied sadly. Then he took his turn. "You know how I haven't cried for any reason since I lost my mother? Well I cried one night when I was in prison. I cried over you and how I thought at the time you sold me out. It hurt me badly. As for Aden I'll always be in his life however I only ask this of you. Because of who I am you two will always be at risk, just like the other night. I want you both to continue to stay at the Hacinda for protection".

I didn't really like the sound of that but I understood. Of course there would have to be negotiating done to seal the deal. "I know I accused you of rape but I only did because I was angry at myself for wanting you and enjoying it. As for me staying at the Hacinda I want ground rules set. I want to come and go as I please. I want to get a job and live my life without you interrupting it".

Severo took a deep breath. "I knew you liked it as much as I did. I didn't do it as a punishment Avery, I did it because I needed to hold you if only for a bit. I can agree to that only if when you leave a few of my men follow, your car is tracked and you can only take Aden off if I'm with you. I still have your BMW in the garage at the Hacinda along your bank account from Atlanta. You made good money shaking that juicy ass sunshine. Once we return I'll hand it all back to you".

I laughed, I didn't realize he knew I had stripped. "I can agree but only one man tags along if I go out alone. I'll have you know I just wasn't a stripper, I was the stripper" I said laughing.

"I only did it so Aden would have a nice life. I never knew I'd become a legend. It really isn't something I'm proud of but it provided well".

We chatted on into the night until the fire died. We said our goodnights and parted company. I did let him know that the first sign of his temper toward me I would break the deal.

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