The Final Goodbye

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After that night I didn't see Severo anymore until the morning of my seventh day, the day I was promised my release. I woke that morning and enjoyed a breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast, with a dish of grapes. By the time I showered and dressed, I was summoned to his office.

As I stepped in I saw him sitting behind his desk and Tallon was by his side. Tallon gave me a curt nod and exited the room. I thought that strange considering the way we hit it off that night. Before I could put much thought into, Severo jestered for me to take a seat.

Pulling out the closest chair, I sat down then smoothed fake wrinkles from my dress. I don't know why but I was nervous. I guess wondering if he'd kept his word and was sending me home and what I would tell people about my disappearance.

"Well, seems it's your big day". He said causally while leafing through some papers sitting on his desk. He didn't look at me and his attitude seemed so aloof.

"I guess it is" I replied meekly not knowing what else to say.

Still, not looking at me he said. "I've made arrangements with your boss Ed. You have your job back and no one is to question your whereabouts".

"Thank you". I muttered growing irritated by his behaviour. Severo acted as if we were stranger's and this was just any ordinary business deal. Gone was the lighthearted man that shared his secrets with me in the dark. He was all business and you couldn't believe that just a few nights ago he told me no one could have me if he couldn't. I guess I read more into it and allowed him to play on my emotions. Maybe for a second I had hoped that he'd figure Carmen out and come running to me.

"As for your apartment, I was able to secure it as well as your belongings. Everything should be as you left it. I sent your parent's several e-mail's duiring your stay. They believe you have been in California helping open a new restaurant for Ed and will return shortly".

"You've been in my accounts?" I asked accusingly.

"Yes. It was necessary". He replied blandly.

"I've also spoken to your friend Lana. She will be meeting us at a undisclosed location to pick you up. She has been warned to never discuss this with anyone, as well as in warning you now. I do greatly appreciate your help and I do apologize again for my crass treatment of you. However, once we part ways you are to never speak of this place, the people here, what you endured or seen, and definitely don't discuss me".

He said the last part with a lingering hiss that was laced with threat. "You will be delivered to your friend after lunch so I suggest you get prepared."

I started to rise and he stopped me. "One more thing Miss Tanner.". He reached into his desk drawer and removed a slip of paper. I took it with shaky hands as he extended to me. "For your help and the burden I've placed upon you". He said cooly.

I looked at the crisp check and nearly wet myself at the amount. One million dollars. He was giving me one million dollars. My insides clinched as nausea took over. Who the hell does he think he is? No amount of money could ever  get me back to the person I use to be. I'd be lucky If I didn't need a shrink after all this. My anger bubbled up and out of my mouth. Standing straighter, I ripped the check up. "As I told you before I don't want your money, criminal money at that. All I want is to be left alone and never see you again".

With that, I turned sharply on my heel and strode from the room. Slamming my room door I mumbled more blowing comments to myself. Looking around my room, I realized that I had nothing to pack, it was all his, bought with his money. I refuse to take anything that bumbling ass gave me. I don't know what made me madder. The fact that he treated me like we didn't share a few moment's or the fact that he could send me off so cooly with a stash of cash. Hell maybe it was a mixture of both.

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