Severo's Venom

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My ears were ringing from the loud pop of the gun and sulfer
filled my nostrils. My breathing was coming in rapid pants as if I were hyperventilating. I couldn't make sense of what was happening. He pulled his gun, aimed at me, yet I felt no pain, saw no blood. How was this possible? Then I thought maybe this is what dying feels like. You become numb and feel nothing.

Wait, he was saying something, his lips was moving yet I heard nothing. His mouth curved into a smile as if he was laughing. Great, I'm dying and the last thing I'll see is his laughing mug. Then I remembered my son and how I'd never see him again. Would he remember me and know how much I loved him? Will Severo do right by him?

Suddenly a anguished sob ripped from the depths of my soul at this new realization. Severo's brows drew together and the smile was wiped off his face.  Slowly he approached me and knelt down placing his hands gently on my shoulder. His lips were moving again but I still didn't hear anything. If I was to guess I would say he was calling my name but I couldn't answer back, I was dying. The only thing I could do was cry loudly.

Suddenly he starts shaking me and it seems as if he's yelling. Blinking rapidly I tried to focus on his word's and finally it's as if the fog lifted from by brain and I could understand. Severo was saying "Avery, snap out of it".

I looked around and felt my body over for bullet holes but found nothing. I closed my eye's trying to comprehend the last seconds after the shot rang out. The sand, the sand dusted up mere inches from me. I glanced in the direction I saw the sand blasted and there lay a dead rattle snake.  I looked from the snake to Severo and back to the snake. Severo's voice interrupted my thoughts. "You landed right next to that snake. If I hadn't shot it, it would have bitten you. Your fine".

Rage roiled up at me for the scare he had given me, for being caught, for not escaping, him using my son against me, and showing weakness right now. "You son of a bitch". I screamed and threw a fistfull of sand into his eye's. I jumped up and tried to make a run for it again but my ankle wouldn't allow me to go far. With every step I took the pain seared through my foot. Eventually I tumbled to my knees in surrender. When Severo caught up to me, he was none to happy. "You will never learn will you? You can't beat me, you can't win".

He lifted me up over his shoulder and carried me back to his car. This time I didn't put up a fight. I was to tired, my ankle was burning and my thoughts was on Aden. Severo tossed me in the car carelessly and we made our way back to the Hacinda. I inwardly prayed that once there he wasn't up to continue this fight or punish me as he likes to say. There was no fight left in me at the moment. All I wanted was a warm bath, some pain meds for my ankle and some sleep.

My wish came true. He deposited me in my room in his quarter's. Aden was soundly asleep so I hobbled my way to the bathroom. After a good soak I was greeted by Severo's private doctor. He took a look at my ankle and confirmed that I had a nasty sprang. After taping it up, he gave me some meds and went on his way. I slipped under the warm blankets and was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

When I woke the next morning I felt brand new except my ankle was stiff and a bit on the sore side, but the pain was gone. Glancing at the clock I gasped, it was nearly lunch time. I assume between the meds and the night I had, I had been exhausted. My next concern was Aden's whereabouts. Having checked the entire floor I came up empty handed, then I heard a joyful squeal coming from outdoors. Opening the balcony doors I stepped out and eyed the courtyard. There was Severo by the pool with Aden running in circles chasing a puppy. Severo glanced up at me with a wise grin. Squinting my eye's at him, I twirled on my heel and hauntingly walked back inside.

Deciding to take a shower to cool off, I entered the room in only a towel where a delicious lunch was waiting on me. Getting dressed could wait, I thought as I dove into the food. No sooner that I finished my meal the door opened and in stepped Severo. Without a word, he whisked me up and as I demanded to know what he was doing. The only reply I got was "time for your punishment".

I started pummeling his back with my fists and yelling obscenities. Soon we entered the spa room downstairs. Then my eye's settled on the same bastard that had gladly stamped Severo's Mistake in ink on my ass. Immediately I tried to wiggle free but was soon strapped down stomach first to the table. Before I could began screaming Severo gagged me with his tie and like before sat in front of me smiling. Moment's later I felt the needle pierce my skin on my lower back. This tattoo seemed to take longer than the other.

Before I was untied, this time they made sure the equipment was put away and the artist gone to avoid me attacking him again. With a smirk on his face, Severo led me to a mirror. I gasped when I seen the handiwork left behind. In bold, black lettering, Marettia's was inked into my lower back.

"Just a reminder so if you decide to ever have involvement with another man". Severo said with more venom than that rattle snake had.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I don't belong to you and never will. Just like you said the other day, I'm just your whore". I hissed.

With another infuriating smirk he said. "Well my dear whore, a dress will be sent up shortly. You will be joining me at my dinner party tonight. If you cause a scene the next tattoo will be on your lovely forehead. Am I clear"?

Giving a humpf, I strode off to lick my wounds. Later that evening I allowed myself to be all dolled up for this dinner. Severo himself escorted me down and I was on perfect behavior due to the fact I was scared he'd make good on his promise.

As the night was coming to an end a ruckus came from the foyer followed by several gunshots and yells. Severo gripped my arm tightly and hissed instructions in my ear. "Run to my quarter's immediately and be with Aden. Do not come down until I come get you. Understood?"

I nodded my head slowly and he pushed me off toward the stairs. I scampered off in a rush. My heart hammered in my chest as I raced to my son. Then thing's only grew worse as I encountered the guard to Severo's private quarter's on the floor in a puddle of blood. Swallowing my fear I rushed on to my son. I entered my room only to find him gone. Quickly I scoured the entire floor but cane up empty handed.

Shots could still be heard from downstairs but I had no choice, I had to get to Severo and let him know of Aden's disappearance. As if I had wing's I flew down the stairs toward the chaos. The gun fire seemed to have come to a standstill and as I rounded the corner my worst nightmare came true. There was my son being held captive by some strange man with a gun. He was threatening Severo that if he tried anything my son's head would be blown off. Severo had a lost look in his eye's and I knew I had to do something to save my son.

Stepping in the room I yelled. "Stop".

Everyone looked at me confused. The man sneered and demanded to know who I was.

"I am the child's mother". I stated clearly.

The man smiled wickedly. "So your Marettia's woman are you?"

Lying was my best option right now. "You could say that".

Prove it then". The man snarled.

I turned my back to him and flashed my newest tattoo at him. His grin spread wider and I continued. "The child you have isn't a Marettia, he's not Severo's but he is mine. Severo doesn't care about him like he does me. If you release my child safely I'll willing go with you".

The man took a moment to let this sink in. "Okay, you got yourself a deal. Just ease that pretty ass over here slowly and I'll release the boy. I can have more fun with you anyways."

I cringed as I moved closer. When I was in arm's reach I demanded. "Now let him go".

The man let Aden go as he grabbed me by the arm. I knew it was too risky to try anything with my son so close. As the man pulled my back to him I caught Severo's eye's boreing into mine, probably because I'm leaving him responsible for a child. You would think this would be his dream, he would finally be rid of me. The man started to drag me off and I called to Severo. "Please take care of Aden".

Seconds later I was stashed in the trunk of a car and I could feel us speeding off. Some may say I'm crazy for substituting myself in place of my son but I'd give my life for him. In fact, I probably just did. I just prayed Severo would show him love. 

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