Fast Time's

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Standing there gawking at the car in front of me I felt my temper begin to simmer. This was exactly the type of thing's I didn't want. "Severo?"

His face beaming with pride he responded. "Yes sunshine? Do you like?'

Shaking my head in disbelief I mumbled. "Where's my car? The One I drove here?"

His smile fading a tad, he said. "I had it delivered back to your apartment. Is there a problem Avery?"

Losing my patience I hissed. "Yes, yes there is. You can't just do thing's like this. We just talked about it last night. I'm sorry but I can't except this".

Severo's eye's grew dark and I knew I was about to meet the mean version of him. Bracing myself for his onslaught, I was surprised when he said. "This is for your protection and safety. Let's be honest,your car was on it's last leg and unreliable. I can't be away and worried if you'll break down somewhere. This car features every safety device available and bullet proof".

Even though he put it nicely I was furious. Who does he think he is to come in and start changing my life. "No Severo, what is unacceptable is that you think you can just do thing's like this without my permission. This isn't like you surprised me with flowers or a concert, this is a car for crying out loud. This isn't how you began a relationship".

Without speaking, Severo placed me in the passenger seat of the car then proceeded to drive off. "Avery, as I said before you are now my responsibility. If it concerns your safety I will do as I see fit. Understand?"

"Fine" I gritted out realizing there was no winning this argument.

Severo smirked at his victory and said. "Now tell me you love this car, thank me and place a kiss upon my cheek".

"The car is beautiful but I can't tell you thanks or kiss you".

"Why ever not?'

"You don't understand how this makes me feel Severo. I feel cheap or like I owe you something in return".

Severo eased the car off to the side. Turning to look at me he grasped my chin. "Never feel that way with me. I will never expect you to spread your legs to me for any reason. However get use to it. I have a lot of money so I will be spending on you. Not to avoid you no, but to make sure your well cared for. Now let's get you home".

Once home, I showered and slid into something comfortable. Severo was at the door paying the pizza delivery guy when I walked back in. Settling down on the couch with the pizza we chatted and watched alittle t.v..

Having enough Severo switched it off along with the lights. I knew what was coming next, our little game secrets in the dark. After a moment he spoke. "I'm in love with your ass. My eye's are glued to it when you walk. In fact, I'd love nothing more than to see it naked and well, I'll stop there".

Stifling a giggle I took my turn. "When you stayed here before we knew who you was, I went crazy when you was shirtless. I wanted to touch you so bad".

I could hear the grin spread across his face at my admission. Then thing's got serious. "I killed my father because he had my mother killed. He was so mean to us. He beat us regularly. When he attacked me my mom would fly between us taking most of the blows. Eventually my mom got brave enough to leave him but he found us. He stood by and watched as his men repeatedly stabbed her. I couldn't do anything to help. He took me back to live with him but I vowed to avenge her death do I did. I shot him while he was in his office".

Silent tears fell from my eye's and I reached for his hand. "I'm so sorry Severo. No one should have to see thing's like that. I bet your mother was beautiful and be so very proud of you".

He remained quiet and I just wanted to cheer him up. Surprising both of us, I moved over and straddled his lap. "I absolutely love the car. When you told me it was mine I wanted to do a happy dance but I was being a bitch. I can't thank you enough. I adore it".

Leaning down I placed my lips to his. Midway through the kiss I realized that I was ready to give myself to him conpletely.  Pulling away gently, I pulled my shirt over my head. I didn't bother with a bra after my shower so I was completely bare. I watched as his eye's took me in and his breathing increase. "Are you getting ready to tell me I can't have you again.?" He asked.

I shook my head no as my fingers begin to manipulate the buttons on his shirt. Freeing him of his shirt I finally got my chance to run my hands over his chest. Severo just watched me intently. Needing more, I leaned down and placed kisses over his chest. I could sense that he was holding back not wanting to pressure me. After a few moment's I stood up and gripped his hands urging him to stand as well. Taking his hand, I led him to my room. "Avery".

I placed my finger to his lips to hush him. I wanted our first joining to be perfect. Slipping out of my pajama shorts, I stood completely naked in front of him. Reaching over, I removed his pants. As I went for his briefs I gently stroked his hardness and a hum vibrated deep in his chest but I was too memorized by his size to pay much attention.

Crawling onto the bed, I positioned myself toward him and spread my legs, inviting him in. Severo eased onto the bed and settled between my hips. Looking into my eye's, he spoke softly. "Your not just doing this because you think you have to are you?"

"No Severo. I've wanted you for a long time. I'm ready".

Capturing my lips, his hand roamed to my sides driving me insane at his touch. His other hand found it's way to my secret area where he created magic. Eliciting a soft moan I couldn't believe how good it all felt. "Severo".

"Yes my baby".

"I need you now".

"Not yet sunshine".

I felt his tounge flick over my nipple and a hiss erupted from me as he suckled it into his mouth. I watched through lusty eye's as he placed it between his teeth and gave it a gentle tug. I could feel the wetness from my core trickle down my inner thighs. Severo felt it as well and ran his fingers through it. Bringing his hand back to my nipple, he smeared my wetness onto my nipple then devoured it. Never have I felt this close to orgasm from the slightest touch. Running my hands through his hair I moaned. "What are you doing to me my sweet baby".

"This is how a real man prepares his woman. You haven't seen anything yet my Avery. I'm going to make you feel thing's you've never dreamed of."

My legs spread even wider as if they was begging him to take me. A sheen of sweat glittered upon my skin and he hasn't even entered me yet. "Severo, please".

Pressing his lips to mine, he finally slid into me and I had never felt so full or streached. He rocked his hips in a painfully slow circular motion. My heart sped up and my breathing rapid. I felt my orgasm bubbling up and my cries became louder. Severo knew I was on the verge as well because his thrusts suddenly burst open with such force and speed. The sound of my moans and skin on skin echoed through my room. My orgasm slammed into me with such force that my body fell limp on the bed. After that first one I allowed Severo do as he pleased with my body. He flipped me in awkward angles and it all felt great, even when he buried himself between my ass cheeks.

Never having done that it hurt a bit at first but between the easiness he took and the word's he spoke I was soon pushing myself back on him encouraging him to ride me hard. His hands squeezed my butt cheeks as he mumbled thing's like. "I've been dieing to do this to you. I want that juicy ass so bad".

I peaked yet again as his seed erupted in me. Afterwards he pulled me close and lavished kisses all over me. "Your more amazing than I imagined" he whispered.

Smiling I nuzzled closer to him and we drifted off into the most peaceful sleep.

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