Breaking The Rules

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Needless to say Jerry's performance was a huge flop. Not to mention my dress was in shreds. Yep, I was the subject of his downfall again. Somehow my dress got caught in the slats and was sawed. Looked as if a shark attacked my dress.

Trying to mask my anger I just ordered me another drink and listened to Jerry contemplate about all the things that went wrong duiring his act. It was everyone's fault but his own. I wished he would just suck it up and come to the realization that magic just wasn't for him.

I'd never been happier to get home that night. Tossing my dress into the trash, I slid into my pajamas and fell asleep on the couch watching television. When I woke in the morning my body ached from my odd sleeping position. After a good stretch and feeding my face, I relaxed in the tub.

While I was soaking my mind drifted to that mysterious stranger and I had the sudden urge to visit him. I don't know why but I didn't want to keep away from him. I was like a moth drawn to the flame. I chalked it up as to feeling bad for him due to his situation. I couldn't imagine lying there in a deep slumber with no loved ones visiting or even knew what happened to me.

After lunch, I jumped into my work uniform and decided to pay him a visit before reporting to my job. On my way up I stopped by the gift shop and purchased a cheap flower arrangement and a small blue teddy bear.

I don't know why I did that but I guess the room looked so glumy I wanted to add some cheer to it. Who knows maybe he will wake and at least he'd known someone had cared.

Stepping off the elevator I immediately spotted nurse Casandra which eased my worry. I knew I wasn't allowed to visit him because I wasn't kin, but I think Casnadra felt just as bad as I did over his situation.

Smiling, I walked up. "Hi, remember me?"

"Of course dear".

I wiggled the flowers in front of my face. "I thought I might drop these off and see if there's been any change in his status".

"Oh right dear. Sadly there's been no change nor anyone looking for him. Your not suppose to be here but I guess it will be okay. Poor fellow needs somebody checking on him. Just keep it short".

Thanking her and promising to be in and out I entered his room. Feeling stupid I spoke to him. "Hi. I brought these". I said wiggling the flowers again along with the bear. I sat them on the window sill and eased by his bed.

"I hope you like them. The gift shop here doesn't offer much".

The bruises and scrapes on his face looked better and only made his good looks shine through more.  "I'm sorry for what happened to you and that I couldn't have been more help. I do hope you wake soon, I bet your loved ones are missing you. My names Avery by the way, the girl who found you".

I felt like a complete idiot talking to a strange good looking man whom didn't even know I exsited. That's my luck, I finally meet a tall dark man and he falls into a coma.

"Well I best run, gotta get to work. I'll check back in on you in a few day's. You work on getting better".

Before I left I tucked the blanket tighter around him and fluffed his pillow. On my way out I thanked Casandra and asked if it would be okay if I visited him in a few day's. She said she didn't have a problem with it as long as I kept it short.

I rushed to work in hopes of sharing my news with Lana before our shift started. I found her at the back break table munching on chicken strips drowned in honey mustard.

Taking a seat beside her she grinned. "How'd that hot date go last night?" She teased.

Rolling my eye's I groaned. "I would have rather played in traffic duiring rush hour".

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