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After my shower, I lounged on the bed gingerly, careful not to apply to much pressure on my bruised bottom. I couldn't believe the audacity he had to spank me like some disobedient child. My eye's welled up with tears again as I replayed the humiliating event. As I laid bent over his desk letting out tiny whimpers with each blow he brandished upon me, squeezing back tears, I never once said no or stop. I never once tried to get up. Instead I laid there and took it as if I deserved it. I don't know why I didn't fight back. Was it because I was scared what he would do if I tried or maybe a tiny piece of me enjoyed his punishment.

Letting a sniffle out, Lana looked at me. "Avery, what's wrong?"

I shook my head no and just shrugged my shoulders.

"Come now. Tell me".

Whimpering I replied. "Severo spanked me".

A goofy giggle bubbled out of her mouth. "Like how?"

Rolling my eye's I sniffled. "Like I was sent to the principles office. Said I'm never to give attention to another man. H-he even made me twerk".

"Wow, dude's got issues". Lana said in her I'm going to defend my best friend tone.

To add more damage to my pride I was sitting in my room sniffling and with sore feelings just like a child would do. Before more could be said a knock sounded at the door. I prayed it wasn't him, not wanting to face him after this morning. I don't know if I'd ever be able to face him again. In walked the maid with two beautiful dresses. "Mr. Marettia is having a business dinner tonight followed by a social mixer. He has requested that you both attend. Hair and makeup will arrive shortly".

I could only scoff after the maid left. How dare he. I was beyond furious at him and he keeps adding fuel to the flame. I despise these mixed feelings I have for him more than anything. I want to like him so much. I want him to want me as well and just when I think I can forgive him for what he did to me and ignore the fact of what he does, he goes and does things like this to me and my resentment returns.

I don't like this controlling, domineering side of him. I liked him better when he was Mr. Rude. Back when he didn't have a memory of this life or when we share secrets in the dark. It's like once the lights dim and his eye's are hidden on the protection of the dark, only then can he be the man I first met. The man who makes me want him. It's like he can only be sweet and vulnerable if the light's are out.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lana's ah's and ooh's as she fingered the dresses that had been delivered. "Aren't they just gorgeous Avery?"

Turing away from them, I snorted. No, I didn't feel like a special princess this time. Not even when the crew came to place curls in our hair or paint our lips. No, I was in major sulk mode.

The time came to make our entrance in the dinning room. As usual I noticed the men's gaze trail to us but I didn't feel elated this time. Walking toward a few empty chairs near the end, I saw Tallon but he quickly broke eye contact with me. As I prepared to sit, I heard my name being called out by no other than him. Glancing up, he pointed to the empty chair beside him. Not wanting to risk another spanking, I left Lana behind and joined him. As I neared he rose to extend my chair and I eased my way down careful of my sore bottom.

As he returned to his seat he leaned over with a smirk. "Tender bottom sunshine?"

I kept my gaze straight ahead not giving him the satisfaction. That's how I spent my evening, ignoring him at all costs. I engaged in conversation with other's but gave him the cold shoulder. Many times I felt his hand upon my thigh giving it a light, possessive squeeze. At one point he leaned over a whispered in my ear. "You look beautiful tonight sunshine".

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