It Ain't Me No More

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Severo just stood there staring at me as if his deadly look would get a whimper from me. With a smirk, I leaned up a bit on the couch and spoke evenly. No fear in this heart.

"What? Are you waiting for me to scream, call for help, or try and run?"

He continued to stand there with his chest heaving. Giving a big dramatic eye roll I said with annoyance. "Oh, okay, I'll enlighten you if that's what the big man needs".

Placing my hand to my heart I fained terror and in a southern belle voice or damsel in distress, whichever you prefer to call it, I said weakly. "No, oh no, he found me. Whatever am I to do. Why I'm going to faint from pure horror".

I broke off in pails of laughter as he just continued to stand there in the same pose. "Oh, I've got it. Let's play alittle game. You remember it I'm sure, secrets in the dark. Go ahead, take a seat, stay awhile. Would you like a drink, may be a snack?"

Not waiting for a reply, I reached over and switched the lamp off bathing the room in darkness. Whispering in a hissing voice, I spoke very rapidly and let my word's run together. "I'm not the same anymore. It took a lot of event's but I woke up. I rather like the new me. She's crazy. Okay, your turn Severo. Tell me how the big house treated you?"

I knew he had moved closer, I could hear his breathing now. He had another thing coming If he thought for a nano second he could blindside me. Finally he spoke in his low, accented voice. "I'm going to kill someone. A girl this time. A bitch that sold me out with word's of love".

"Oh goody. Who might she be? No, no wait, my turn now. Did you know that at one time I thought being nice was the way to be. That the world was a big fucking bowl of cherries. Turns out it wasn't, instead it was fucking gigantic bowl of kiss my ass bastard".

"I assure you Avery there will be no kissing this time. Only pain and tears". He sneered.

Oh I'm sorry you'll suffer so Severo. I'll sure hate to see you in pain and crying. Anything I can do to help?"

Snapping my fingers as if I just thought of a solution I said in a chipper tone. "I've got it. I can tilt my head like this to make it easier for you to break or better yet, I'll hold my breath so when you strangle me it won't take so long. I promise I won't make those hideous sounds like Carmen did. I mean who dies like that anyways".

"You will soon" he whispered and I knew he was very close.

"Just one question Severo before you kill me. If I told you my side of the story would you even listen or do as you did last time? Just assume you knew it all, that I was in cahoots with Jerry, or I worked with Carmen to have you killed?"

"It's too late for explanations Avery". He said.

"And that's exactly why I won't have any remorse at doing this". I said and switched the lamp back on.

Severo stood right in front of me now but what he didn't expect was seeing my gun aimed right at his head. He jumped back in utter shock and before he could react I pulled the trigger.

"Fucking fuck it all" I screamed as he moved and my bullet only grazed his arm. Thinking quick I jumped up from the couch and retrained my gun on his head. Not bothering with his wounded arm he lunged toward me but I placed my knee up and rammed his gut good. As I went to aim once again and he quickly disarmed me but that didn't stop me. I went into full fledged attack mode. I swept his legs from underneath him and bent down. I succeeded in landing a few strong blows to his face, enough to draw blood.

Letting go, I ran toward my other hidden gun but before I could reach it he pummeled me to the floor. Severo straddled my stomach and delivered a few punches of his own. Drawing my legs off I managed to kick him off of me. Snarling, I said. "That was weak pussy. That all you got?"

As he went to stand up I sailed my foot into his jaw and blood flew from his mouth. "Oh, I bet that hurt huh?" I laughed.

Jerking my feet from under me he rose and gripped my hair. As I struggled to stand I sank my teeth into his inner thigh and grabbed a handful of his cock squeezing and twisting with all I had. Severo whelped out as he tried to wrestle free from my clutches. "You bitch" he seethed as he smacked me hard enough to bust my nose. I won't lie, I felt that one, but I couldn't lose focus. My body was already getting tired and I knew it wouldn't be long before he had the upper hand. But like I said earlier.. I may not win, may not survive but he'd know I'd been there.

He delivered another cracking blow to my face and the sting seered my skin. I managed to come back with my own punch but what did me in was a swift kick to my ribs. Grunting, I gripped my side as sharp pains splintered out at each breath I took. I knew my ribs had been broken and I also knew this was it, yet I was proud for the fight I put up. I lasted longer than I suspected.

With another kick, he sent me down to my knees. I looked up at him with hate in my eye's. He gently rubbed my bruised face the slid his hands down to my neck. I looked him dead in his eye's and spoke. "I want you to look in my eye's when you kill me so when the truth comes out you'll realize what you've done and live with it the rest of your life".

Smiling at me he snorted. "You by far was the worst mistake I ever made in my life. Rest in hell bitch".

He leaned down and kissed me but I pulled away. His hands tightened around my neck and I could feel my airways being cutoff, yet i held his gaze. Just as his gripped tightened more, the sweetest voice I ever heard rang through the room.

"Mommy, mommy. Don't hurt mommy".

Severo's gripp loosened and I turned to look at my son. "Run, baby run" I screeched out.

Severo's hands dropped from my throat and he stepped away as if I had electrocuted him. I took this opportunity to run to my son. Lifting him up even though my ribs screamed in protest, I took off for my door. As I opened it, I was greeted by two of his men. Turning on my heel, I went to find another exit but was stopped by Severo blocking my path. Cradling my son close to me, I placed his head in the crook of my neck. And now I cried. "Please don't hurt my baby. He has nothing to do with this. Let him be and I'll go with you so you can finish this. Just please don't hurt him. I'm begging Severo. He's just a baby".

"How old is he Avery?"

"Two. Please don't".

"Is he mine?"

I nodded my head unable to speak. It was obvious Aden was his, looked just like him. "Please Severo, please. Not him".

Severo moved toward me with a vile smile and I backed away shielding my son. Severo went to pry him from my hands, but I fought and screamed with everything I had. One of his men came from behind me and placed a burlap bag over my head and a painful blow was delivered to my head. I felt myself falling as Aden wailed out from being ripped from my arm's.

"Don't hurt my baby please, please" was the last thing I said before darkness took me.

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