Temperamental Cocktails

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After Avery whisked off to her room I was fixed with Carmen's accusing stare. Closing my eye's briefly, I knew what was to come, one of her horrid tantrums. Before I could stand Carmen hissed. "Just what in the hell was that about?"

Sighing, I answered in a sleepy voice. "Relax Carmen, it was all business."

"Don't give me that Severo. You was holding her foot. Why is she even up here to begin with. Should I kill her for you?"

Raising my voice, I said. "No harm will be coming to Avery. New facts revealed her innocence".

Carmen suddenly got very quiet. "So, why is she still here?"

"I need to ensure her safety".

"Any clues on who is behind this then?"

"Look, I'm tired. We'll discuss this tomorrow".

Not waiting to hear her reply, I went on to my room. I found myself laying awake late into the night thinking of Avery, the word's she spat at me. Sure, she has every right to hate me, but for some reason her word's really bothered me and those tears made me want to rock her in my arm's. I can't explain these feelings. When Carmen cries I find it rather annoying and wished she'd just go away. In fact Carmen gets on my nerves right often, whereas I find every little thing Avery does endearing.

Knowing I wasn't getting any sleep tonight, I eased from the bed as to not to disturb Carmen and went to my piano room, the same room I had dinner with Avery. Taking a seat on the couch, I simply just stared at the piano remembering my mother. How she played when I was a child. I don't know how long I sat there before I heard the soft patter of feet.

Remaining still, I watched as Avery entered the dark room. She carefully shut the door behind her. I assumed she was either going to snoop or attempt another escape, so I was surprised when she stood in front of the piano. She wore a long, slender, white, silk gown that clung to her perfectly. I could feel myself grow hard as the moonlight filtered in shining through the gown. I could make out the soft pink of her rigid nipples and the roundness of her rather plump yet beckoning backside.

Eventually she sat upon the bench and began to make the piano sing in such a lullaby tune. For a bit, I laid my head back with my eye's closed just absorbing it all. A sudden urge to be near her struck me and as quiet as a thief, I rose and eased toward her. Not wanting to disrupt her soothing playing, I kneeled down and sat on the floor beside the bench. Avery never noticed my presence, for her eye's was closed as she played.

Watching her intently, just sitting beside her wasn't enough. Gently I laid my head against her thigh. Avery let a soft squeal and jerked over. "I'm sorry" I mummered shocking myself. I'd never been so quick to apologize for not really having done nothing.

"Please, continue to play".

Remaining quiet, yet uncertainty in her eye's she resumed the relaxing tune. Not wanting to alarm her again, I laid my head on the bench this time just listening. After several minutes she stopped. "I'm returning to my room now". She whispered.

Before she could get up, I don't know why but I blurted out. "My mother use to play to me until she died". I don't know why I told her that, only Tallon knew of my mother's tragic death.

"I'm sorry for your loss" she spoke so sincerely.

Nodding my head in thanks I continued. It was like I couldn't shut up when it came to her. This reminded me of the time I spent in her apartment where we talked about everything. "She was murdered in front of me when I was fourteen. I tried to help her but I was weak then and easily taken out".

I heard her gasp then say so remorseful. "I'm so sorry you had to endure that so young. It's not your fault, you was just a child".

Glancing up at her I saw tears in her eye's and this shook me. Never has anyone cried over me. "Don't cry for me sunshine. I'm at peace with it now."

"I must go now" she said.

Before she could rise, I gripped her thighs and spun her around on the bench so she was sitting facing me as I sat on the floor, her thighs meets inches from my face. "Tell me Avery, why was you crying so the night I was waiting on you in your apartment?"

She tilted her head in the other direction as if she was ashamed and embarrassed. "Tell me Avery. Your secrets are safe with me". I coaxed.

I shared a intimate part of my life with her, now I wanted a secret in return. Taking a deep shaky breath she whispered. "Jerry had just dumped me for another".

A growl seeped up from my depths as I thought about that weak prick doing this to Avery. Whispering back I stated. "He didn't deserve you. He did you a favor but I'm sorry he hurt you".

Wanting to continue our secrets I said. "I don't think I love Carmen. I'm not sure I've ever loved anyone"

Whispering back she said. "Then you owe to her as well as yourself to be honest".

Suddenly I giggled like a school boy. "Why are we whispering. There's no one here but us?"

A snicker left her lips and sounded as beautiful as the tune she had recently played. Whispering again I said. "I guess it's because we are sharing secrets in the dark".

Not able to contain myself I slowly began to raise her long gown up her legs. As I neared her thighs she laid her hands upon mine trying to stop me. "No Severo".

"That was a mistake Avery. You shouldn't have said my name. You don't know what it does to me".

Forcing the gown over her hips while she still tried to loosen my grip and free herself, I took in her matching panties. Using my hands, I spread her thighs apart and gazed at her covered center wanting to be there, to see it, to feel it. Training my eye's on her, I slowly bent down and trailed my tounge up the inside of her thigh. Never losing eye contact, I neared her most alluring spot and could smell her lotion mixed with the intoxicating scent that was her. Breathing her sweet scent in I  started to pull her panties aside when she jumped up so abruptly. It was as if a light had come on and she whispered. " here's another secret Severo, you will never have me. I haven't forgotten your treatment of me". With that said she ran from the room like a frightened bird.

Part of me wanted to laugh at myself where the other part wanted to bust into her room and show her just how many time's I could have her if I wished.

The following night  I was hosting a important cocktail mixture for a few powerful business associates and I insisted that Avery attend. I had a dress delivered to her and was seated beside Carmen when I spotted Avery enter the room on Tallon's arm snuggly. She placed a gentle kiss to his cheek as he extended her chair. I almost stood and told everyone to get the fuck out of my home so I could deal with her but forced myself to remain calm. Every chance I got, i shot Tallon a deathly glare and he always answered with his playboy smirk. What the hell is happening to me?

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