Rags To Riches

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Soon as I made it to the safety of my room, I locked the door and leaned against it breathless. Half scared that he would come for me anyways and half scared I'd run back out to him. Shower, a cold shower is what I needed to cure the moisture that's gathering between my legs. Stripping from my gown as I walked to my bathroom, I turned the nozzle over to frigid and stepped in. As the cold water blasted my heated skin I had to suppress a shrill scream. Within a few moment's my body had adjusted to the cold temperatures and I stood motionless as it rained upon me lost in thought.

I was so mad at myself for wanting him after what he's put me through. Leaving me with invisible scars for the rest of my life. I'll never be so trusting again. I'll never want to help another soul from fear it will only hurt me in the end. I feel as if the person I use to be has been lost, succumbing to the evils of the world. I didn't live in my safe little bubble that was filled with butterflies and unicorns anymore. No, I now lived in a world filled with killer's and mafia God's.

I had to fight my desires and not give into him. Not give into all these arousing feelings he gave me. I had to remember what he truly was. Four more day's and I'll be set free, back into my simple little world, that's if he's true to his word and allows me to leave within a week. I had no clue what to tell my parent's, Lana or even Ed for that matter. I also wondered if Jerry had even looked for me. Yea, I know he dumped me, but I'm sure he has to know I've been missing. I'm sure Lana would have contacted him for answers.

Then there's another thing that hangs over my head, my own little dark secret... Carmen's involvement in all of this. I'm so mixed up on all of this. A part of me wants Severo to suffer for all he did to me but another part wants to tell him. Not only that but there's a chance he may not believe me and I clearly remember what he did to me the last time he accused me of lying, working against him. I wasn't about to be tossed back into that tiny room as his slave  for trying to help him again.

Stepping from the shower I toweled myself off and wrapped my robe around me. Crawling into bed, I drifted off into a sultry sleep where images of Severo trailing his tounge along my thigh haunted me.

I woke late the next morning and saw a tray of fresh fruit, juice and a stack of pancakes waiting by my bed. Setting up streaching the sun shone brightly through the double glass doors of my room. Stepping out into the fresh morning air, I peered down into the lovely courtyard. Giving another glorious streach basking in the sun, I noticed I was being watched from a balcony across the courtyard. There was Severo standing outside of his office staring dead at me. Duiring my streach, my robe had cracked open enough to reveal my cleavage, stomach and the front of my panties. Pulling it tightly together, Severo called from across the way. "Beautiful morning isn't it sunshine. The view is quite tantalizing".
I turned to go back in and didn't miss his chuckle over flirtatious manner.

Moments later, I peeked out and noticed he was no longer out. Picking up my breakfast tray I took it to the balcony to enjoy. Halfway through the savoring my meal a maid entered with a rolling clothes rack. "Excuse me Miss Tanner, Mr. Marettia ordered these lovely things for you. You will find a variety of clothing, perfumes and such to accomdate your wishes. There is also a cocktail dinner tonight and Mr. Marettia requests your presence. A dress will be delivered shortly and a team will be sent up at three for hair and make-up. In the meantime you have full reign of the Hacinda. You will find swimsuits amongst the clothes if you care for a swim". Nodding, she bowed and backed from the room.

Feeling a tad overwhelmed at all this I continued my breakfast. Just as I was bringing my empty tray back into my room the door opened again. This time it was Carmen that entered. Instantly I tensed up knowing this wasn't some friendly visit. No, if it was Carmen entering my room it had to be bad news. She saw my rack of clothes and rolled her eye's. "You know your not special right?" She hissed as I remained mute.

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