Eye Witness

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From the police statoin, I was ushered to a safe house for women until other long term arrangements could be made. Naturally they left a cop to watch over me so I didn't run or try to contact Severo's people.

Do you know how hard it is to muffel your cries while lying on a musty smelling cot surrounded by strange women who are here fleeing a abusive relationship? It's very hard, especially when all you want to do is cry out loud, release the pain.

I shouldn't be here. Severo never harmed me in any way since our relationship begun. I was his princess, he often told me that. I squinted my eye's shut trying to push out the memory of his face as he yelled and called me a bitch, promised to kill me. I'll never forget the look on his face, a mixture of hate and hurt. I betrayed him. I betrayed the man I loved, the man who thought I was his everything and it hurt like hell, but I honestly didn't know what to do. All the threats they screamed at me scared me. Severo's right... I do deserve to rot in hell.

Amazingly the trial went quick and what was worse, I had to testify. I had to summon the nerve up  to sit up on that stand and put the man I love behind bars. I sat in the back begging my stomach to calm down. It hasn't been right since all this began. Then the moment came where Severo was escorted in by three cop's in a orange jumpsuit and shackles. His needed a haircut and shave. It was all I could do not to burst out in tears. I did this and I have to live with it. Before he took his seat, he scanned the court room and I knew he was looking for me. Quickly I leaned down not wanting to face his look of scorn.

The proceedings began and my nerves gnawed at my gut. However, there was another witness here. Someone who claimed that they saw everything from the altercation in the restaurant to the murder. I was curious as to who this person was. Almost a hour into the trial, my name was finally called. On weak legs I made my way to the stand. As I passed Severo I couldn't look over but I could feel his eye's burning a hole into me.

Taking my seat on the stand, I was sworn in and promised to tell nothing but the truth. Severo's lawyer approached me first. "Miss Saunders, while you lived with Mr. Marettia is it true you was his girlfriend?"


"And duiring that time did Mr. Marettia abuse you in any manner, physical or verbally?"

"No". Yes, I know in the beginning that he treated me roughly but this man asked while I dated him, so technically I wasn't lying.

"How did Mr. Marettia treat you?"

"He was amazing. Perfect".

"Hmmm.... was you with Mr. Marettia for his money perhaps?"

"Of course not". I said a bit confused at how this was turning.

"Didn't Mr. Marettia buy you a Bmw, jewlery, clothes?"

"Yes but it was gifts. I never asked for a thing. I often told him to stop. We even had a small argument over the car".

"So, there's no possible chance you set Mr. Marettia up? That you didn't conspire with anyone in hope's of gaining something out of this?"

"No, of course not". I said as I wondered what the hell was going on.

"Miss Saunders, who is Jerry Merlock to you?"

What the hell does Jerry have to do with this, I thought. "My ex".

"No further questions your honor".

I sat with my mind reeling as I waited for the prosecuting side to question me next. A harsh looking woman approached the bench. "Miss Saunders, you said in your statement to the police that you saw drugs and guns in Mr. Marettia's home? Is that true?"

For the first time I glanced at Severo and the cold reached me from his eye's. Taking a deep breath I said. "Y-Yes".

"Why was they there?"

"I don't know".

"Are you telling me you lived with this man for a year but don't know why guns and drugs was in the home".


Miss Saunders, how does Mr. Marettia make his money?"

"He owns casino's" I said quickly.

"So you never saw or heard of any organized crime that he was involved in?"

"No". So yea, I fudged there just a bit.

"Have you ever witnessed Mr. Marettia commit a murder?"

Carmen instantly came to mind but I'd never tell that. I glanced at Severo and I could see the warning in his eye's. "No, never".

"So your saying it's not possible that Severo killed those two men at the restaurant. The two men who were intoxicated and flirting with you. They made remarks about your body correct?"

"Yes". I said with a tinge of venom. This was embarrassing enough.

"What did they say?"

Unbelievably. I can't believe this prune looking bitch is asking me that. "They wanted me to sit with them and referred to my body as food, a menu item."

"Did Mr. Marettia hear this?"

"I'm not sure. He was a few tables away and the restaurant is loud".

"Then why did he confront them, attack them so viciously?"

"One of them grabbed my arm and wouldn't release me."

"And did Mr. Meritta leave angry?"

My emotions finally crumbled and tears fell but I continued. "Yes, but because of me. He wanted me to walk out and go with him but I refused".

Glancing at him with tears on my face, I mumbled "I'm sorry, so sorry".

He remained emotionless as I thought how I should've quit the job when he asked me to the first time. If I had, we wouldn't be here now. Finally I was excused from the bench.

There was a short recess and I was told I could go but I needed to see who this prune witness was. Court resumed and I took my usual seat. This time I spotted Lana along with Tallon but it was court mandated that I couldn't speak to anyone associated with Severo. Lana caught my eye and shot me a look of disgust. Obviously she hated me now too. It's very possible Tallon could be found out because of this.

My attention was drawn back to the front as Jerry's name was called. What in the ever loving hell does he know? I watched that snail take the stand and basically hand Sevoro to the wolves. He claimed to have saw Severo kill the two men. He seemed so proud to be bringing down the big mob man. A hour later that verdict was read and I nearly fainted. Severo stood strong as they announced him guilty and gave him up to eighteen years in federal prison.

A sob escaped me as they started to cart him off. He looked back and found me and I mouthed the word's I love you. Severo shot me a sneer and turned away. By that night I was placed on a plane and sent to Atlanta where I would start my new life inthe witness protection program. I was now Rachel Moore. I was given a new birth date, social security number, new everything. I was allowed no contact with anyone from my past including my parent's. I was placed in a one room house on the outskirts of town and given a job at the library and just enough money to get me by until I earned a steady income.

I'd been there almost two weeks when I noticed some changes in my body. Changes that had gone overlooked due to my situation and stress. Deciding it was time to see a doctor, I made a appointment. After describing my symptoms I was given a cup to tinkle in. Thirty minutes later I was told that I was pregnant. The world around me started to spin and the next thing I recall was waking up in a hospital bed. This can't be happening.

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