Thing's Fairytales Are Made Of

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After that night our relationship went into overdrive. If I wasn't working I was with him. The day's turned into month's and before we knew it we was coming up on our first year anniversary.

But for now let me backtrack because a lot has changed duiring this time. Three months into dating Severo served us dinner on the balcony of the piano room. Afterwards I played the piano for him as he sat on the floor by me with his head resting against my leg. This wasn't unusual for us, we did this often. What made tonight different was duiring my playing Severo stopped me and told me he loved me for the first time. I knew this was difficult for him, he's never told anyone that he loved them. Tenderly touching his cheek I whispered it back to him. Standing up, Severo captured my mouth and took me right there on top of the piano.

Once he admitted his love for me he really took charge of my life. At first I was uneasy about that but Severo knew how to use his charm and make me see thing's his way. I eventually gave up my apartment and moved in with him per his request. He hired a seamstress to come in and take my measurements and made sure any garment made for me emphasized my butt. He really did have a fetish for my bum. Once he even poured wine in those little dimples that set atop my lower back and lapped it up.

I did want for anything. My closest was full with the finest, jewelry, top notch make up and perfumes. A hair stylist in hand at any given time. Here I was, a girl from a middle class family that waitressed to earn her keep, yet I was riding around in my fine car, wearing my expensive clothes with my hair always done. I felt like a true princess and that's exactly how Severo wanted me to feel.

Lana often expressed  her concern over how Severo ruled over me but I assured her that it wasn't how it looked. I still stood my ground when the need arose. As for the rest, I secretly enjoyed all the pampering. Besides Lana can't say much because she's in a whirlwind relationship with Tallon and I know he buys for her as well. Yet, Lana did refuse to move in with him or allow him to dress her.

Since I've moved in with Severo I have been more exposed to his life style. I've seen tons of drugs and such pass through here. I've overheard several conversations concerning his deal's and I know where some of his deal's take place. Unlike with Carmen, he trusts me enough to discuss such matters in my presence but behind closed doors we never bring it up. Honestly I don't want to know about that part of his life. I choose to ignore it and pretend he's just a casino tycoon. Nothing illegal going on here.

We've never had a real argument yet but I feel one brewing. Over a month ago Severo expressed his concerns over me working at the restaurant. Told me he didn't like it and I deserved something more gentler and where I made more money. He suggested that he could place me on the offices of one of his casino's doing desk work with amazing pay and benefits. Naturally I thought that sounded amazing and very tempting but I explained that I enjoyed my current job and didn't need him to find me something more suitable. That if and when I chose to leave I could manage finding my own job.

At first he brushed it off but within a few day's he broached the subject again. This time when I refused his offer I could see the irritation on his eye's, but he insisted he had my best interest in mind. Still, I stood my ground and refused to be waylaid.

Then today the bottom fell out. I was preparing to report to work when Severo brought it up again. Today I was in a snappish mood and don't know why. Normally I'm as cool as a cucumber. Finally I told him that it wasn't up for discussion anymore and the answer would remain no. Severo didn't like this at all and actually yelled at me. Naturally I teared up and left without saying goodbye.

Halfway through my shift a delivery of roses and chocolates was delivered to me. As I read the card a grin spread across my face.

"Sunshine I'm sorry. I had no right to yell at you. I promise I'll never bring the job thing up again. You win and I've got a special day planned for us tomorrow. Please forgive me. I love you. SM"

Smiling, I tucked the note into my apron and went about my work. Near the end of my shift I was in for another surprise. Having a new customer come in, I rushed over to take their order. Not paying much attention I was shocked when Severo smiled up at me over the menu. Laughing at him, he spoke. "Did you enjoy your flowers?"

"I loved them. Thank you baby. Now what brings you in here?"

Grinning he said. "I heard there's a hot waitress here that has the most amazing ass. When she walks it brings me to my knees. I had hoped that if I was a good boy she'd come home with me tonight and let me bite it".

Arching my brow I asked. " have you been a good boy?"

"I try to be".

Smiling at he sweetness I gave him a quick peck and went back to work. I brought him a slice of pie and went to check on my customer's. Rolling my eye's as I saw two drunk men enter and set in my section I relunticaly walked over to them.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

They snickered as if I had told a joke. "Sure, how about two sprites and a kiss".

Ignoring the last part, I said. "Your drinks will be right up".

I was use to this kind of thing but it made me nervous knowing that Severo was here. Taking their drinks back I sat them down on the table. "Are you ready to order".

They grinned and one said. "I'll take a burger with a side of you".

Ignoring him I looked at the other man. "And you".

"The same as him sweetheart."

As I picked the menus up off the table one of the men gripped my wrist. "Why don't you take a break and sit with us. Better yet just let us stare at your ass".

Jerking my hand free I went to put them in their place but before I could one was drug from his seat. Everything happened so fast I can barely recall it. One second they was sitting there, the next they was sprawled on the floor with Severo standing over them.

Severo looked at me with fire in his eye's. "Let's go Avery".

"Severo I can't. I'm working".

"Not anymore your not."

"It's okay Severo. This happens all the time and I handle it".

Severo gripped my arm. "Are you telling me this has happened before and you haven't told me?"

"Severo this isn't the place nor time to have this conversation. Go home and I'll be there in a bit".

His nostrils flared and his jaw did that little ticking thing. Without another word he strode out slinging the door open hard enough to bust the glass. The Men got up and scampered out not long after he left. I went to the back until I got my emotions under control. Lana followed me back. "Girl what the hell was that?"

"I,I don't know".

Before we could finish the conversation we were interrupted by police and ambulance sirens right outside the restaurant. Lana and I exchanged a worried look and ran out to see what was happening. On the side of the building the bodies of the two men laid dead. Instantly I knew who was responsible and nausea took over. Not able to watch the bodies be removed I went back inside.

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