Secrets In The Dark

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"SEEEE-VEEER-OOOO". I screamed as my head broke the water gasping. I wasn't gasping for air as much as I was gasping due to the freezing water.  I tried to doggy paddle my way to the side but the weight of the wet dress and these strappy heels made it rather difficult. Severo kneeled down by the edge of the pool laughing.

"UGHHHH". I screamed as I smacked my hands on top of the water which only caused him to laugh harder.

Extending his hand out he chuckled. "Here sunshine, let me give you a hand".

Inching closer, I gripped his hand and tugged with all my might. "You dirty bastard". I seethed.

"Wh-whoaaa, Avery nooo". Splash.

His head broke water much in the same effect mine did. "You crazy girl". He yelled.

"Serves you right. Why would you toss me in this cold water with this dress on at that?" I screeched splashing him.

My wave swallowed his head and once he recovered he gritted out. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" Splash.

"Yes. I. Did. Up until you came along. Party's over gentlemen" I mimicked in a sniveling tone. Splash.

"Oh as opposed to look at me, look at me. I'm the bell of the ball". Severo snarled in a girly voice, or as girly as he could make his voice. Splash.

"Ha. I was not acting that way. I was simply enjoying the company of some rather nice gentlemen, which is more than I can say for you". I tossed back at him. Splash.

"Those gentlemen are killer's Sunshine, just like me. And don't think your little show out by the pool today had any effect on me because it didn't". He stated smugly. Splash.

"Didn't stop you from watching though did it, inspector gadget? I'm glad you didn't like it, fucking thrilled, tickled pink.". I insisted. Splash.

"Who could miss that fat ass of yours. The bathing suit was practically screaming.". He said sarcastically. Splash.

Splash. Splash. Splash. That just hit a nerve with me. "My ass isn't fat you, you, jerk. Tallon doesn't think so anyways. He complimented it several times tonight thank you very much". I smirked satisfied. Splash.


I bounced back from under the water. "You bas".


"Stop th".


"I promise I'll ki".


"For the love o".


Surfacing yet again, I lunged at him trying to force him under but my attempts were futile. "Go under you sack of shit". I squealed.

"Maybe you should use your ass instead of your hands. I'm sure to sink right to the bottom then". He spoke like a true smartass.

Giving one last good shove, I moved off of him. "Mmm-yy as-ass isn'ttt faa-at". I protested with now chattering teeth from the cold water and night air. "Y-yo u have n-no business l-looking at m-my ass".

"Then you shouldn't put it on display".

I tried to make my way from the pool yet again to cold to continue this. Maneuvering the water was a difficult challenge task that I actually welcomed Severo's assistance this time. Moments later we were both out and shivering, practically blue. Placing his arm around me he led me off. This time we entered a different door. A few feet down the hall he eased another door open and pulled me in. This room resembled a small spa. Tossing me a fleece robe he pointed. "There's a bathroom over there. Go change and warm up".

Not arguing this, I went about to change. Moments later I emerged wrapped snuggly in the robe. Severo was sitting on a lounge, dried and in a matching robe. Two cups of hot chocolate and a tray of pastries set before us. Welcoming the heat from the mug, I cradled it in my hands taking small sips. After several moment's of silence, Severo poured water over the hot stone's and I watched as steam rose. Next he turned the light's off and we could barely see each other. The only light came from the soft red glow of the hot stone's. "Secret time Avery" he whispered.

He started it off. "I don't find your ass fat. Actually I find it rather inviting". He whispered.

Still alittle upset at how my night ended, hearing that made me feel a bit better. I decided to be honest as well. He couldn't see if my face turned crimson, we could just make the outlines of each other. "I did all that on purpose by the pool today. I knew you was watching and I wanted to flaunt what you can't have. I don't know why I did it, I just did". I whispered.

"I enjoyed it. Thank you. That odd uniform you wore to work... In a weird way it turned me on". He whispered.

I snickered. "That is strange Severo. That night I found you, you insulted my uniform and told me I smelled like cheeseburgers".

"I love cheeseburgers". He whispered.

"And apparently I have a strange fixation on men in hospitals that can't remember a thing". I whispered.

A few moment's of silence passed then I heard his voice again, but this time it was right by my head. Straining my eye's, I found that he had moved and was sitting on the floor by me. "I killed my father". He whispered.

I didn't know what to say to that, how to react. I didn't even want to know why at the moment but the pain was very noticeable in his voice. Doing the only thing I knew to do to lighten the tension, I whispered. "I stole a grape from the supermarket once. Best grape I've ever had".

After a short silence his laughter rang out across the room. "A grape, you stole a grape. Why Avery, your just full of surprises. I didn't know I was sharing secrets with a highly skilled criminal".

Joining in on the banter I said smugly. "Best grape thief this side of the Mississippi and don't forget it".

I streached out on the lounge completely warm and comfortable now. Severo leaned his head against my arm and I allowed it to stay. After several moment's he spoke. "There won't be any outting with Tallon tomorrow. If you must go out, I'll take you".

A bit perturbed of how he made these arrangements for me, I asked. "Why can't I go out with Tallon?"

Taking his time to answer he drew lazy circles on my arm with his finger. "Because if I can't have you, neither can he. None of them can".

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