Warrior Princess

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What in the actual fuck just happened here? All my guest's eye's bore down on me. Never in my life has someone humiliated me so. The Men who were accompanied by a female now sat alone and in deep trouble. Tallon was rubbing his jaw where Lana's handprint shined bright red. The mayor sat motionless after eating fruit that Avery had rubbed her intimate parts with. His wife was sure to be on the way to the lawyer's office. I had a lot to answer for.

Clearing my throat and swallowing my embarrassment I stood to speak. "I don't know what to say but I express my deepest apologies. Please forgive my good deed. The lady who ruined our dinner suffers from many mental issues. Having felt sorry for her, I hired her on as a staff member to the kitchen. Obviously she skipped her meds today. I will handle this accordingly and I will try and repair any damages this may have caused anyone. I think it's for the best if we close this evening and reschedule for another time."

Most zoomed on out without bidding me goodbye. I couldn't blame them, their relationships were on the line. After the last guest left, I swiped a bottle of liqueur and strode to the courtyard. Other than killing Avery, I didn't know what to do. It was clear she was disrupting my household and tonight was over the top. Something had to be done.

I was at a loss with her. What the hell happened. When I left for prison she was this meek little kitten, now she's like a God Damn psycho. Pulling my phone out I gave Tallon a ring.

"Yea". He answered miserably. I could assume Lana was tearing into him.

"I want a full report on everything Avery has been up to these past two year's. Have it on my desk by the morning".

Without another word I headed inside. I stopped by the stairs that led to her room and thought about punishing her now but decided to wait until Tallon got me the info I requested. Could be something I could use against her. Once in my private quarter's I released the nanny and peeked in on my new found son sleeping soundly for now.

It was obvious he had his mother's fighting spirit. In no way, shape or form was he accepting this new life. I've had the most fanciest of toys brought in, clothes, the best nannies, but still he remains closed off. If anyone approaches him, including myself, he will sink his teeth into our arm's or legs. Most time's he stays to himself crying for his mother. He even wakes several times a night crying out for her. He won't allow me to comfort him or anyone else. I can't allow him to leave this floor either to swim or play outdoors because Avery may spot him.

That night he woke up around two crying for her. I sat in his doorway whispering comforting word's thinking if only he'd allow me to come near I could love him like his mom did. The night I discovered him I knew instantly he was mine just by looking into his face. It was if I had looked into a mirror. Then he witnessed my treatment of his mother, just as I had witnessed my own father mistreat my mom. This entire situation stinks and I honestly don't know what to do.

The files I requested were lying neatly atop my desk the next morning. Leafing through them, I discovered a entire different woman. A woman I didn't know anymore. Avery had started training three month's after Aden's birth as well as gun lessons. There was also indications that she had considered an abortion. Obviously she didn't go through with it. Then I saw where she was the most sought after stripper in Atlanta. That explains last night's performance. Obviously her dancing supported her and my child well.

The Avery I had known would never show her body. Hell, she made me wait forever before she gave it up to me. Her little show last night had me reminiscing about our bedroom activities and I was disgusted at myself for growing hard, knowing she had that power over me. I will admit I never wanted a woman as bad as I did last night, which only gave me an idea. There's other ways to punish her besides keeping her as a servant. She did it to herself when she insinuated to my guest's that I use her for my lusty needs, so now I will.

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