Camelot Falls

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Once I ran back inside away from the carnage, I felt as if I was hyperventilating and immediately dashed to the bathroom. Taking deep breaths and splashing cool water on my face, I looked in the mirror. Terror stared back at me, I didn't even recognize myself. Suddenly I raced toward the toilet emptying my guts. I've been getting nauseous and doing this for the past few day's but I figured it was a bug of some sort. Right now it was probably just my nerves.

Hearing a knock on the door, I gently opened it. Lana waltzed in looking just as scared as I. "Avery the police is asking for you".

"What? Why?" I asked traumatized.

"Because Severo was caught on camera here beating them up and twenty minutes later they are dead. They need to question you".

Fresh tears fell as I wailed. "This can't be happening Lana. What do I do?"

Placing a calming hand on my shoulder she spoke softly. "Honey you need to go talk to them, just act dumb. Don't reveal anything on Severo. I'll call Tallon and let him contact Severo. I'm sure he'll fix this".

"No, Severo left angry with me. I may be next. H-he killed his ex right in front of me".

A shocked expression crossed her face. "Girl why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't. It was our secret".

Before Lana could respond we heard a officer approach. "Just be strong". Lana whispered.

Gingerly, I stepped from the bathroom and saw a few officers waiting there.

"Miss, we are going to need you to come down to the station for some questioning".

Unable to speak, I slowly nodded my head and looked back at Lana. She gave me a weak smile as the led me away. Placing me in the police car another fear struck me. I knew Severo had connections in the department so what if they was actually taking me to him so he could kill me or going to do it for him. I was somewhat relieved when we parked in front of the station, a different station than the one I ran to that morning.

As we entered I saw no sign of the crooked cop's. They led me to a small room with the usual metal table, two way mirror built into the wall and cold metal chairs. Sitting down, one offered me a water and for the first time I noticed how dry my throat was. Taking a small sip, I sat it aside.

"We know you've been through a ordeal tonight, but can you please tell us what happened?"

"Um I was working." I said with a shaky voice.

"Umm, those guy's came in and it was obvious they had been drinking".

"Would you say they were drunk?"

I nodded my head yes. " yes".

"What happened next?"

"I-I went to take their order and they said some crude thing's. I chose to ignore it. I came back with their drinks and one grabbed my arm wanting me to sit with them".

I paused not knowing what else to say.

"Go on". They encouraged gently.

"I, it happened so fast, I'm not sure what exactly happened but they ended up on the floor".

"By who?"

I didn't know what to say. I was scared to say Severo's name. "Another customer stepped in, I'm not sure".

One of the detectives gave me a stern look that frazzled my already frayed nerves more. "Miss Saunders are lying? We have video evident of you and this customer seeming to have a friendly conversation before hand where you gave him a kiss. Then after the guys were attacked it seems some words were passed between you and this customer. Let me make this easier for you... we know it was Severo Marettia. What's your connection with him Miss Saunders?"

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