Who Would Have Thought

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If someone would have told me I would one day save a man's life in a stairwell one day I would've laughed. Not me, my life was everything but exciting.

But it did happen and I brought that man into my home and cared for him until he was better. Never in a million year's did I suspect that I was housing the most powerful man on the West Coast. Never once did it cross my mind that he was a killer. Never once did I think him to be mafia..... but he was and my life was forever changed.

I went from being a waitress who barely scrapped by on her meager earnings to being the hunted, being loved beyond emotion, being unknown to being protected. Yes, it's true, our road couldn't even be considered rocky. No, it was more like a road from a movie scene. You know where the ground cracks apart and out spews lava and fire. Yes, that is the road Severo and I traveled down.

I know a lot of people wouldn't understand why I came back to him after the thing's he did to me. To be honest I don't have a legit answer for that myself. All I can say is it was love. Raw, unconditional, crazy at time's love but a love like none other.

Is he difficult at time's? Of course he is but so am I. Year's have passed now since the birth of our daughter Servina. She is now three and Aden eight and both are the Apple of their father's eye. As for me Severo has made sure I feel every bit of the princess he claims me to be. I want for nothing. He not only lavishes me in love but gifts as well.

We still reside in Vegas at the Hacinda but a huge chunk of our time is spent in our townhouse in New York. Since Severo made a deal with the Harper's a big amount of his time is spent in the city. His new casinos have really taken off and proved to be very fruitful. Not only that but Severo and the Harper's have become quiet fond of each other and formed a strong alliance. When we are here I spend a significant amount of time with the Harper women shopping and such.

My Severo is the greatest. Not only does he make sure I'm happy financially but he insures I'm happy mentally and physically as well. He brought my parent's back into my life and cares for them as well. When I was placed into the witness protection program I had to sever all ties with anyone from my past including family. When Severo brought me back I was to scared to speak with them. I'd already put them through enough due to my sudden disappearance I didn't want to worry them more. Severo knew how I missed them so he sought them out himself and came up with a plausible story as to my disappearance. I'll never forget the day I was reunited with them. Severo insisted on taking a relaxing drive that ended in front of my childhood home. Confused I looked at him as he explained. Throwing myself into his arm's in tears I smothered him in kisses and thank you's. A moment later I raced into my parent's home. Since then we have been one big happy family.

As for Lana and Tallon, let's just say Tallon finally overcame his commitment fears and they finally tied the knot. Currently they are expecting their firstborn.

Now as for me I'm on my way to meet my dear, sweet husband in the entertainment room. Our children are down for the night so it's our time now. As I entered the room a smile lit his face. Snuggling down beside him he kissed my forehead. "I thought I'd never get you alone". He whispered.

"Now you have me. What are you going to do?" I teased.

"First just enjoy your company then I'll take you to our room where I'll pull your gown off with my teeth. Then I'll bury my tounge in that sweet honey pot of yours. Once I've had my feel I think ill pull you on top of me so I can watch your body as you ride me".

Smiling I hummed. "That sounds promising baby. But for now we are going to play a game".

Arching his brows he asked intrigued. "And what game is that sunshine?"

Laughing I switched the lamp off and purred. "Secrets in the dark".

Severo chuckled. "But I have no more secrets from you. You know everything there is to know".

"I'm sure you can think of something". I challenged

After a moment's silence he spoke. "Okay. A few week's ago when I promised you a romantic meal at home I messed up. I didn't cook the food. Yes I tried but it was a disaster so I had the cook prepare it and I took the credit".

I laughed at him. "I already knew that Sev".

"You did?" He asked surprised as I nodded my head.

"Okay, my turn". I said all giddy.

"I think we will need a bigger place or add on here. I'm expecting a guest soon".

"Who?" Severo asked at this news.

"Oh, just alittle someone. I'm sure you'll love them". I purred.

"Who is it Avery?" He asked with growing concern.

"I'm not sure who they are yet but I believe this time they'll look like me". I laughed holding up my positive pregnancy test.

Severo's jaw dropped as he eyed it. "Are you telling me that there's another one on the way?"

Laughing at his choice of word's I shook my head yes. "Yes. Should be here in seven month's".

Severo pulled me to him hugging me tight. "Never have I wanted you more than I do right now. You make me happier than anything ever could. I love you sunshine".

"I love you too Severo". I said before he devoured my mouth. In the next instant he lifted me up and carried to our room.

To think it all started because a car parked in my spot which led me to park in the parking garage. So the next time a car has taken your spot, your running late, or you simply miss your turn, it could be the hands of fate working in your favor. Just smile and enjoy the ride and look for your Mr. Rude.

Hello reader's! I hope you enjoyed Awakening and thanks for reading and the votes!!

It you haven't already checkout my other books if you'd like! Also Texting With The Don will be coming along soon! Once again Thanks!

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