The Hacinda

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Waking with a jolt, I sat straight up I at first thought it was a dream, but then I saw my surroundings and knew otherwise. I was lying on a tiny single bed in a box size room. The wall's were made of stucco and bare. A brass lamp adorned a banged up nightstand to my left, and on my right was a tall chest of drawers.

There was no windows and a thread bare woven rug laid across the cold clay tiles. Standing, I edged closer to the door. Slowly I turned the handle and to my amazement it opened. Gingerly, I stepped out into the darkened hall. For the first time I realized I had no shoes on as my feet made contact with the cool, clay tiles. That's the thing about the desert, hot day's and cool nights. Thankfully I still had my black dress on that I wore for my night out.

Taking a few steps down the hall, I noticed several doors just like mine lined both side's of the hall. A came to a wooden staircase and eased my way up them. I was met with another door at the top. Gently, I pushed against it and peeked into a open foyer in amazement. This place was massive and beautiful to the eye. I've heard of these home's hidden in the desert but have never seen one up until now.

The lights were off except for lighted wall fixtures that resembled torches. The tile here wasn't clay but a lovely shiny terra cotta. Stucco columns were erected evenly throughout and ran all way up to the fourth floor. There they connected with enormous wooden beams that held the ceiling up, which was made with stucco straw. In the center was a magnificent  sky light that allowed the night sky to shine in. The furniture and decor was all ancient Spanish styled. This home was made out of money, lot's of money.

Venturing futher out, I walked into a state of the arc kitchen. Everything was modernized, yet kept the Spanish feel, complete with a brick oven. All the appliances was stainless steel and the counter tops was pure granite in a honey brown color to match the terra cotta floor and wall's in here.

Spotting a clock I saw that it was nearly three in the morning. That explains the stillness of the house. Everyone was in bed. Making my way From the kitchen I walked along a long hall that that had a glass wall facing the outdoors. Stopping, I stared out in awe, there was a fabulous courtyard in the center of the home. Wild vegetation graced the stone walkways so delicately. A pool was dimly lit and boasted of perfection. In the center was a ivory fountain that offered a relaxing view. Many lounge chairs and benches were scattered a about stragisticly to offer comfort.

Ripping my eye's away from the scene, I focused on my main objective, getting out of here. No better time then when the household was asleep. The only problem was finding the door in this mansion. After wondering aimisly for what seemed like eons, I finally spotted the front door, or should I say palace entrance. They stood at least ten feet tall and was made of a heavy wood with a gold embellished crest on the center of each. I half expected to see a moat once I opened them. Creeping over, I unlatched a heavy lock followed by several more. Using my body weight, I pushed the door open and that's when hell broke loose.

Lights started flashing from all directions and an alarm system started blaring. Covering my ears in a panic, I made a run for it. Many fancy cars laced the circle drive, while another fountain graced the center. I could see the black iron gates in the distance and picked up my pace. Just as I was in reach several men popped out from no where looking similar to a swat team. Dressed in black cargos with fitted blacked shirts, they held major weaponry, and it was all aimed at me. Realising I was encased in a circle of these men, I crumbled to the pavement and curled into myself sobbing. I still had my hands over my ears to drown out the shrill alarm. I knew my time had ended.

"Hold your fire". I heard his voice vibrate from near by, but I dared not moved. Suddenly I was jerked upright by my hair and released a painful squeal. His eye's sought mine our as a evil grin spread across his face. "There's no escaping my silly sunshine".

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