Beg Baby Beg

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Waking up, I slowly opened my eye's and stretched with a smile upon my face, relishing the warmth and softness of the bed. Like a lightening bolt, it all came back to me. I escaped, made my way through the desert, seeked out the police then he came. The cop's, the one's who had taken a oath to protect and serve handed me over to him.

I was back at the Hacinda, his prisoner once more. Then I recalled the kiss and touched my fingers to my lips as if he still lingered there. Why would I allow him to take such liberties with me I wondered. What is he up to now? What new game is this?

Seeing that the sun was slowly sinking behind the horizon, I remembered I was suppose to meet with him at six. Spotting the clock, I gasped at the time. I had less than thirty minutes to make myself presentable. Hopping off to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my hair. Finding a few hair accessories, I pinned it up in a low twist then raced to slip the dress on.

Whoa, I thought. I'd never felt so underdressed in my life. I've worn panties that covered more skin than this. My back was completely bare and the dress revealed a rather large amount of side boob. I felt naked and uncomfortable, and the material hung just so around my rear to insinuate my curves and rather fat butt, which only fed my insecurities. I scanned the room in hope's of discovering another piece of clothing but the only thing I found was my filthy dress I'd worn duiring my escape.

Before I could continue looking, a knock sounded on the door. Easing over, I gently opened the door to find Severo waiting. "Are you ready?"

Relunticaly I nodded my head and stepped shyly into the hall. Using my arm's, I wrapped them around me trying to cover most of me up. If Severo noticed he didn't say. He walked me a short ways down the hall and led me into a beautiful room with a white piano as the main center piece. Passing on by, we exited onto a balcony with a exquisite view of the desert. I noticed a candle lit table set up complete with food and wine.

Forgetting about my revealing dress, my arm's hung down by my side's as I took in the site's. After a moment I cut my eye's in Severo's direction and caught him raking his eye's over my body as if he knew every inch of me. Quickly I replaced my arm's trying to shield me as much as possible. Severo smiled gently. "You shouldn't cover yourself up so".

"I'm not accustomed to being so showy". I responded uncomfortable at this conversation.

"Your quite lovely Avery. It's a shame to not flaunt it. I knew you had a nice figure but this was beyond me. What, with your normal bulky choice in clothes you was hiding a treasure."

My face lit up like a stop light and I hugged my arm's closer to me, but I spoke up. "I shouldn't have to flaunt my assets. If a man is only interested in me for that then I don't need his attention".

Pulling my chair out for me, he chuckled. "That's good. I rather think a lot more of a lady that doesn't put her goods on display."

Choosing to ignore him and not further indulge in this rather uncomfortable banter, not to mention this was unacceptable talk considering he was engaged. To make my point I asked. "Where is your fiance may I ask?"

Placing his napkin in his lap he replied nonchalantly. "I sent her off with her friend's. She shouldn't be in until around midnight".

"Well, in her defense, I believe your word's are inappropriate considering your basically a married man"

Flicking his wrist as if he could care less he replied. "I was merely giving a compliment. It's not like I asked to fuck you".

"How crude". I mumbled.

Smirking, he hummed. "I don't sugar coat my feelings or thoughts. What was your little nickname for me.... Rude wasn't it?"

"Yes". I hissed starting to become irritated. "And I liked you much more when I knew you as only Rude".

"And now?" He asked. "You don't like me now?"

Staring coldly into his eye's I said with lack of any emotion except for hate. "It kills me just being in your presence ".

I could tell he didn't like my answer by the twitch his jaw made and the way his brows seemed to draw together but I didn't care. I've been through enough and was ready for this to end one way or the other. Nodding his head toward my plate he murmured. "Eat".

I took a few bites of my salmon steak then asked. "What is it you wanted to discuss?"

Laying his fork down he cleared his throat. "It seems I misjudged something's and for that I'm in your debt. It has come to my knowledge that you are as innocent as you claimed. For that I am sorry and would be honored to make it up to you".

That was it, after all this time he suddenly decides I had nothing to do with this. Scoffing, I tossed my napkin aside. "There is nothing I want you to make up to me. I want to leave this place".

"It's not that simple Avery. You will remain here for another week, until I'm assured no one is hunting you".

"Why the hell would anyone be hunting me Severo".

I noticed his eye's linger on my mouth as his name rolled off my tounge. Finally he spoke. "Because you helped me survive. That simple".

"Huh, that simple? Had I known this is the thanks I would've gotton I would've left you there to die".

Talking sternly and with authority he semi yelled. "But you didn't Avery and I thank you for that. As I said earlier I want to make amends and I'm willing to compensate you with a nice check".

Sneering at him I gritted out. "I don't want your damn money or apology. What I want I can never get back".

"What is it you want dear Avery. Name it".

"I want my life back. The life I had before you ruined it. My apartment is sure to be gone now along with my things. My job too. But it's much deeper than that. I want my trust in people back, the part of me that cared for others and always wanted to help. My dignity from where you humiliated me every chance you had. This new paranoid fear I have now, afraid something's going to be around every corner. Can you fix that?" I didn't realize it, but duiring my rant tears had slipped from my eye's and was trailing down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry Avery, I can't stand to see you cry.".

He scooted his chair closer and against my protests lifted my foot and started massaging it, just like he had the night his memory hit him. "No, don't touch me". I hiccuped trying to free my foot but he held on.

It a soft tone he said. "I can fix it Avery. I can get your apartment back and belongings. I can even get you your job back. That's the magic of being me. And in time I can make sure you feel safe again, that your sweet ways are brought back. I can".

"Shaking my head I said. "When I leave this prison I never want to see you again. There will be no friendship, communication whatsoever".

Before he could reply a shrill voice interrupted us. "Isn't this cozy".

Looking up I saw Carmen and all her warnings and plans rushed into my mind. Duiring all this craziness it slipped from my mind. I could always tell Severo that it was her wanting him dead all along, but would he believe me over his soon to be wife. Then again the bastard deserved everything he gets for his foul treatment of me. No, I want tell him.

"Carmen this is nothing more than a business arrangement. Now kindly let us conclude it."

Her eye's glanced to my foot in his hand and I slowly removed it. This time Severo didn't fight back. Standing, I concluded. "No, it's over now. You two enjoy yourselves".

Without anymore thought I hurried from the room and barricaded myself up into my new room. A slinky silk gown was laid upon my bed. Having no other choice,I removed the dress and slipped into the gown. Curling into bed I laid awake for hour's until my eye's finally drifted close.

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