Ain't No Sunshine

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Watching until the car carrying Avery disappeared out of the gate's, I took a deep breath and returned to my office. I instructed Tallon that no one was to disturb me including him. Giving me a ill look, he nodded his head and left me be. It was obvious that he was still sore with me. The day after the cocktail dinner, I forbid him to even crack a smile at Avery. As for the other men, I had them sent away at the door.

Yet, I stayed away from her after that night. This feeling, it scared me. I wanted more from her than just a quick romp, so much more. Carmen, let alone any other woman has never had the ability to make me laugh so, infuriate me so, or bring me to the brink of madness with jealousy. I never wanted to share my dark secrets with anyone, yet with her they just tumble out so easily. She already knows more about me than Carmen.

I had to stay away to keep from taking her against her wishes, to break this spell she has over me. I knew the longer I was around her the harder it would be to let her go. I may be a ruthless, heartless man but I always kept my word.

Then in my office this morning I know I treated her coldly and I sensed it pissed her off but if I faltered now, I'd be gone, sold, ensnared in her trap she doesn't even realize that she's set for me. I would've sent Carmen away instantly and forbid Avery to leave. Regardless Carmen's gone anyways. After hearing that Avery left, she arranged a overnight trip with her girl's, of course after she asked me for the money. I've always known that my money and power was Carmen's main attraction to me, but a man in my position doesn't get the pick of the liter. Yes, women like Carmen are very beautiful but their heart isn't. They search for men like me to sink there claws in. In reality Carmen is no more than a high paid prostitute. She satisfies my needs and in return I buy her thing's.

Women like Avery on the other hand, simply don't exsist in my world. She's too innocent, caring, and sweet. Another reason I couldn't keep her, just her being associated with me could bring her harm even death. Her presence made me realize that I honestly didn't love Carmen and I wanted more. I know it's cliche, but I wanted a love worthy of a romance novel. A love where you miss them soon as they leave, share your dreams as well as fears, work together as a team, and crawl between the sheets with your heart in it.

The Las secret I told her scared me but I needed to let her know. I haven't told any woman that I love them, not even Carmen, yet I feel this deeper feeling toward Avery. 

Avery was the first girl that I actually sat on a couch with eating cheap takeout while watching t.v., all in her little apartment that was so her. The first girl I ever caught a movie with or hung out in a cheesy bar while watching that idiot Jerry make a fool of himself. I almost wished that I hadn't recovered  and was still in that one room apartment with Avery. I liked the person I was when with her. I didn't have these awful memories of my bastard of a father or my mothers horrific death. I just knew of the world I was in with Avery.

With Avery I knew she wasn't into my money, especially after her stunt earlier when she tossed my money in my face. What normal person refuses that kind of money? Then I was informed she left all her thing's behind, wouldn't except a thing from me. However I noticed she still wore the earrings I gave her. She may not know it, but she's walking around with over two hundred grand in her ears. I smiled to myself as I imagined how her reaction would be to that if she'd known. The night of the dinner she practically glowed with excitement over her dress and all the pampering she received. I want nothing more than to drape the finest clothes over her body and indulge her to the max.

That night I found myself restless and eventually made my way to the piano room I stared at it for the longest moment. Not only did memories of my mother float to mind, but Avery as well. Image's of her in that gown will forever linger I'm my mind's eye. Sitting on the bench, I laid my head on the coolness of the piano humming the tune Avery had played. Almost a hour had passed when I sat back up and thought that I should try and sleep now. Getting ready to stand, I noticed a piece of paper sticking from beneath the key door. Thinking that odd, I lifted the door and found a small folded note. Opening it, I read. Then I had to re-read.

Slamming my hands down on the key's, a horrible sound rang out. I'm not sure if it was the piano or the growl I released.

Why would she not tell me this sooner.  Of course I fucking believed her. Now she's out there unprotected and Carmen is supposedly on some girl's outing. Running to my room, I quickly dressed and phoned Tallon. Ordering him and the men to my office immediately, I walked into Avery's room just to double check for anymore secrets.

Once in my office I relayed the story and everyone was just as shocked as me to learn that it was Carmen all this time. That dirty bitch was going to pay. I always knew she was evil but to plot against me, I was fully mislead on this one. The killer, my enemy lived in my own house and slept in my bed. Yes, Carmen will soon meet her maker and I promise she had better leave Avery alone.

Jumping for my chair, I loaded my gun and said dangerously to my men. "We must get to Avery now. She has to be protected then I'll deal with that bitch and whomever is working for her".

I along with my men geared up and piled into a black SUV heading for the lights of Vegas.

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