The Last Icebreaker

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Severo was right. Once we returned to the party no one so much as gave us a second glance. It was if nothing had occurred. Severo's entire demeanor changed as well. He attended to my every whim. Knowing I didn't eat, he had a fresh plate sent to me. He introduced me as his lady to everyone we spoke to. He made sure my cup stayed filled and very seldom released my hand. I was back to feeling that princess high.

However I tried not to let my head swell. I wondered if this could be the nice guy speaking and the other man would return shortly. I dare say it kept me on edge. But every time he shot me that dashing smile or placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me around those feelings vanished. I even caught myself on occasion leaning into his touch or wrapping my arm's around his arm. Severo seemed to enjoy when I did that as well. His eye's would catch mine and a indescribable glimmer would twinkle in the depths of his dark orbs. Duiring these moments a electrifying current would warm my bones and in return I would inch that much closer to him. Secretly I wished the night would end so all his attention would be focused on me and I have to admit, I was interested in resuming our conversation.

Across the room I caught site of Lana and she and Tallon seemed to be rather cozy. I laughed in spite of myself as I watched Lana run her usual lines on Tallon and him lapping it up like a puppy at a bowl of milk. I relaxed even more knowing that my friend seemed to be having fun and doing less worrying.

Moments later Severo excused himself to the refill our glasses. I chatted politely with the men and women at our table but always kept one eye on him. I just found him so appealing and loved to watch him move. Naturally he was waylaid by different people pulling him aside for a hurried word but only one caught my attention the most... the girl that came upon us on the stairwell.

I had since learned her name was Malone and she was the heir to one of the casino chains. I didn't know much more or if her family is in the mob business as well. Seems all these multi millionaires are hiding a lot of dirty deeds and organized crime units. I learned that quickly tonight considering all the conversations I heard.

Just as Severo escaped the last person to grab him, Malone sashayed over placing her hand along his upper arm. Her pouty pink lips spread into a flirtatious smile and her lips started to move. I was too far away to hear their conversation and lip reading wasn't a talent of mine. It seemed that Severo was in a rush to escape her and as he took a step away she slipped a piece of paper in his hand then sauntered off. I watched Severo unfold it and glance at it. I assume it was her digits or something or something of the sort. His brows knitted together as he read whatever little Miss fire crotch wrote. A waiter passed by him balancing a tray of used champagne flutes and he causally dumped the note into a half empty glass. As he started back my way, I quickly turned my head, not wanting to be caught spying on him.

Severo settled back beside me handing me my fresh drink as I offered up a pleasant smile. Not long after the party finally dwindled down and Severo was wishing the last guest farewell. After the door was shut he grasped my hand and led me to his private quarters. "Go slip into something comfortable and meet me in the entertainment room in ten".

Nodding, I headed off to my room. I wasn't surprised at not seeing Lana there. Last I seen, her and Tallon was slipping off to the courtyard. As I stepped from my dress a sudden nervousness came over me. I didn't know what to expect from him now. Would we continue the talk or what. Then another thought hit me, what if he tries to make a move on me. How would I react? Geez, I'm acting like a virgin but Jerry was the only man I've been intimate with. Then Malone came back to mind and that note kept niggling in my brain. I was curious as to what it said. Taking a deep breath to calm my racing mind, I stepped into a pair of sweats and a tshirt.

I entered the entertainment room right on the dot. Severo was already there relaxing on the couch in only pajama bottoms. An array of snacks littered the coffee table. Severo patted the spot beside him and I approached like a scared little school girl.

Severo grinned noticing my uneasy demeanor. "Relax sunshine. I don't bite". He teased.

Sitting down beside him he immediately dove right in where we had left off. "Here's the thing Avery, I'm not good at relationships. The thing Carmen and I had was just that, a thing. There was no love there, just a relationship of convenience. Truth be told I've never really been in a serious courtship, never wanted to. Until now".

Whoa. I didn't know where to begin and due to my nervous state I said something utterly embarrassing and stupid. "Jerry is the only guy I've ever been with".

Instead of laughing or giving me a look of disbelief, he simply looked at me longingly. "That's what worries me the most Avery about you. Your not like the girl's I'm use to spending time with. Your a traditionalist. You expect to have long conversation, romantic dates and discuss our issues out. I highly doubt me handing you a credit card will send you on your way and forget what the issue was. I'm not sure I can do that, be that type of man. This is all new to me, but I'm willing to try if you are. All I ask is give me time to adjust, room for mistakes. What do you think?"

I was thrilled at hearing that but instead of saying yes, instead more embarrassing sewage spewed from my pie hole. "Malone, I saw her slip you a note. What did it say?"

Severo grinned and wiggled his finger at me. His voice laced with his accent a bit richer, he said. "That's exactly what I'm referring to. I'm not accustomed to being asked such questions. Also because of who I am women toss themselves at me. It comes with the territory. You need to be able to handle it and trust me".

I didn't respond for a moment, well until I realized he skated around my question by not giving me the details of the note. "Okay. Fine I can learn to handle it but the trust will come in time. Now answer my question, what was on the note?"

Blowing a breath out he said. "She wanted me to meet her tonight at her hotel room".

"Well?" I asked arching one brow

"Well what Avery?"

"Are you going to?"

Giving me a daft look he said. "Avery, where am I at this moment?"

"Your home".

"Right, and I plan on sticking it out here".

Nodding my head, I mumbled. "Sorry".

"No, it's okay."

Then it happened again. "Has anything like that ever happened between you and Malone?"

"Avery I'm not sure that's up for discussion".

My facial expression gave my irritability away and Severo gritted out "fine".

"Yes, I have met Malone on occasion."

Not liking that answer, Severo snickered. "This having a serious girlfriend thing is harder than it looks. You sure I can't just interest you in a unlimited  credit card?" He joked.

Finally getting a laugh from me I playfully shoved his arm. We chatted about this new relationship a bit longer then ended the night snuggled up together watching the tube.

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