Just Ain't Happening

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So I bailed on Severo's confessions of love yet again. I must be a special kinda stupid. God I want nothing more than to fall into his arm's but there's this little thing called trust that dangles in the air between us. Yes, he's been on his best behavior but there's all these what if's and when running through my damaged mind. Im just too scared to risk it all once again.

True, we shared some heated word's this last argument and he got mad but never showed any of the other signs of his temper. Severo was right, that argument was that of any normal couple. It seemed he had learned to argue and fight fair. Not strike out at me or lock me away. Severo simply raised his voice and tried to get me to understand.

One thing did change however, we never spoke anymore when we exchanged Aden. Not my choice of course, but Severo's. He'd just stand there with his arm's crossed waiting for Aden. He only asked if there was anything he needed to know concerning Aden and leave it at that. If I asked him anything not pertaining to our son he'd ignore me or go wait outside. Once I lost my temper yet again, he manages to make me look like the temperamental asshole these day's. Anyways I asked in a rather short voice. "You can't continue to stay mad at me Severo".

Severo arched his brows at me as if he hadn't a clue of what I was talking about. "Avery I'm not mad anymore. I'm simply done".

"Oh, so being done means you can't even speak to me?" I mocked.

"I talk to you".

"Oh no you don't. You ask about Aden and that's it" I accused.

Rolling his eye's, he glanced at his watch and muttered rather disinterested. "Is that not enough?"

"Oh cut the shit Severo. Your being a ass and you know it" I yelled.

His eye's grew huge. "Lower your voice Avery. There's no need to name call and yell. Your temper is getting out of hand".

And there he went again, making me into the psycho. "Out of hand" I hissed. "Oh I'll give you out of hand.." I stopped myself. I wasn't going to let him goad me into acting like a even bigger ass. I pointed my finger at him. "Ugh, ughhh. I'm not going to let you crack me, not today Sevtard".  With that I went in to hurry Aden along.

As I escorted my son out I blurted. "I think it would be best if we just had your men pick up Aden from here on out".

Bam. Hit just where I wanted it to. The glimmer of anger that briefly sailed across his face was more satisfying than a chunk of chocolate duiring my monthly. Severo quickly wiped it away and said. "That's splendid Avery. I'll make the arrangement soon. But pick him up tomorrow until I can settle everything, okay?"

I only nodded, bid Aden goodbye then went inside.

The next day I drove to the Hacinda and spotted several cars parked in the circular drive. Lana and Tallon's wedding was on the horizon so I figured it was some little get together. Walking on in I spotted Severo holding one of his men's babies. He looked so appealing as he held the baby up in the air smiling and cooing. And boom.... my ovaries just exploded.

I never wanted a man more than I wanted him in this moment. I caught myself smiling his way like a love sick teen. Visions of our next child danced in my head. I want his baby.

I want his fucking baby.

I want Severo to impregnate me this very instant. Just like a splash of cold water, Sasha walked over to him and my thoughts evaporated like steam. Taking a deep breath I approached. Severo handed the baby back to his parent's and looked at me. "Aden is off playing, I'll have him summoned".

I nodded as I took in the decorations and the hustling of staff. "Important party?" I asked just to make small talk.

Sasha chided Severo. "Severo honey, have you not told Avery?"

"No, not yet. Haven't had the right opportunity". He stated blandly.

Sasha smiled hugely. "Well, I'll do the honors. Severo and I are to be married this weekend. Your welcome to come Avery. Oh you should just see the cak".

I cut her off as I fixed my glare on Severo. "We need to talk".

"Can I maybe call you later Avery. Kinda got a lot going on".

I'm going to blow my ever loving top. Through gritted teeth I yelled in a very bold voice. "SEVERO. NOW".

Sasha gasped as several guests heads snapped toward us. I could see the fire in his eye's as he excused himself and roughly led me up to his office. "What the hell Avery?"

"No. Don't you dare what the hell me. We had a agreement Severo. If it was to come to this we would discuss it before decisions were made. She's not good with Aden". I stated rather harshly.

"No she's not good with Aden, she's wonderful" Severo shot back.

Jesus better step in and save him before i set him on fire. "Your full of shit Severo. You fucking know it. I can't talk to you right now because I think I could potentially hurt you at this moment".

"You need anger management". Severo chuckled.

"Fine Severo, marry her if she's the one. I'm outta here".

I hunted down Aden and tore out of there. That man will be the death of me or the reason I'll be charged with murder.

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