Marriage Life

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Six, short, blissful month's has passed since we shared our I do's. Everything was perfect, life was perfect and I've never felt so loved and cared for in my entire life. Severo attended to my every whim, met all my needs. My closest was filled as well as my dressers. The best perfumes and my jewelry box filled to capacity, but it just wasn't the material thing's. Severo feed my soul, told me thing's every woman should hear. Maybe this is just the honeymoon phase many speak of, but whatever it is I don't want it to end.

I decided to end my career as a show girl. Not because Severo asked me to, he never brought up my job. I did it out of respect for him. He's too good to me and my body should be for his eye's only. The day I told him of my decision I could see the relief roll off him. I wanted to make him happy as much as he makes me happy. However I still work, only now I work in one of his many office's as a accountant. Severo understands my need to work and be somewhat independent, so he quickly gave me a list of job openings he had and let me choose. He's a wonderful man.

The day after our wedding he surprised me with a two week honeymoon to Spain. We both enjoyed every minute of it. However no baby has been conceived, well that is until now. This time I recognized the signs early on and just left my first doctor's appointment to confirm what I already knew. Ecstatic wouldn't even began to describe my happiness. Not only that, this time I could share this joy with Severo. I wasn't scared and all alone. I sat in my car crying for several moment's, shedding tears of happiness.

Keeping this secret from Severo was killing me. I couldn't wait to tell him. I just wanted the perfect way to do so. So for tonight I've planned it all out. I have had the kitchen staff close the kitchen early and the nanny to oversee Aden. I plan on preparing a scrumptious meal for Severo and that's when I'll tell him. I wore a creamed color sweater dress that Severo loves paired with thigh high, heeled boots. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail and slid gold hoops through my ears.

Three hour's later, I had just pulled my stuffed portabella mushrooms from the oven, drizzled olive oil over my bacon wrapped asparagus, placed the dinner rolls on the candlelit table along with the salad. I had just finished placing the last part of my plan in action when Severo entered. He came up behind me and wrapped me in a hug. Nuzzling my neck, he whispered. "I've missed you so today. I wish I didn't have to work and could stay with you".

I placed my hands on top of his that rested just under my breasts . With a teasing giggle I said. "And you would surely get tired of me".

"Never". Severo playfully hissed spinning me around to face him. Leaning up on my tiptoes, I pursed my lips for a kiss. It hadn't  take much more invitation before Severo kissed me with such firecess emotion. It was if he was trying to devour my soul. Pulling away breaking the kiss, I smiled. "Dinners ready baby".

Giving me his all too sexy grin, he hummed. "I'd much rather go straight to dessert".

Shooting back my warning glance, Severo pouted. Picking up the mushrooms, I made my way over to the table. "Babe". I called over my shoulder. "Could you grab the last dish from the oven?"

Setting the mushrooms down I turned quickly to catch Severo's reaction. He opened the oven door and stared blankly. "Ave, there's only one bun in the oven".

"Yes, I'm aware". I said trying to hide my excitement.

Severo looked confused. "Okay, so there's a bun in the oven". He stated more to himself.

A tiny chuckle escaped me and he looked my way. "Am I missing something?" Severo asked quizically.

Laughing, I said. "Repeat it again".

Rolling his eye's he stated a bit irritated. "There's a bun in the oven".

I shook my head yes through laughter.  Suddenly it dawned on Severo and his eye's got huge. "There's a bun in the oven. Are you... does this mean. Oh my God, there's a bun in the oven. Are you pregnant?"

My laughter gave way to tears. Shaking my head yes, I managed to mumble. "Yes, your going to be a daddy again".

Severo let go of the oven door and ran to me. Scooping me up around the waist, he lifted me up in the air. "I can't believe this. I'm going to have a baby and I'll be here this time. I'll see it all. I'll watch him come into this world. Thank you Avery, thank you. Best gift you could ever give me.".

He finally sat me down on my feet and placing his hands on either side of my face, pulled me in for a kiss. Letting my lips go, he rested his forehead against mine to look into my eye's. I saw moisture in his beautiful orbs as my own eye's swelled with tears. "I love you more than you'll ever understand my dear girl".

We stayed like that for several moment's until Severo pulled away. Beaming down at he he asked. "How long have you known?"

"Just for a few day's. I wanted the moment to be right before I told you".

"Oh, it's right. It's always right sunshine. How far along are we?"

Are we I thought. That sounded so good to me. I wasn't alone this time. "Only a few weeks Severo. Seven to be exact".

He saw my food on the table. "Sit Avery, eat. Your eating for two now sunshine. I'm going to make sure you have no worries".

I smiled as Severo rambled on about all he was going to do. All that needed to be done and my cup runneth over. The excitement in his eye's and voice as he made plans to build a new nursery in our private quarter's made my heart swell with so much love for this man. Giggling, I interrupted him. "Babe eat. Your food is getting cold. Besides you have eight months to prepare".

He smiled so boyishly and my heart melted. Taking a bite of food, he began his ramblings again and I couldn't have been happier.

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