My Little Captive

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It's been three weeks now since I took Avery away from everything she knows. Amazingly she hasn't attempted any more escapes but I'm not letting up on her either. I see to it that she works long tedious hour's, perhaps she's too tired to run.

Nothing more irritated me so than when I looked over her file's Tallon presented to me. There was absolutely no dirt on her. Clean criminal record, not so much as a speeding ticket. Her parent's checked out just as clean. Nothing to indicate that she's guilty of the crime I placed upon her, but just because I can't prove it, doesn't mean it isn't so. It's just a matter of time before my men locate Darius and the truth unfolds.

Meanwhile, I would continue to keep Avery under my thumb. Right now I was waiting for Tallon's return. I ordered him, along with a few of my men to cart Avery off to the basement. I was assured that once Avery saw what went on down there she would start singing like a canary, tell my men everything she knew.

My basement wasn't your typical basement. No, it was designed to bring the strongest man to his knees. Many holding cell's lined the wall's of one corner and the other was set up to deliver their fate. Once Avery viewed the many devices that promised pain, she'd spill. However, I instructed my men to bring no harm to her at this time, just scare the life out of her.

As I waited for Tallon to return, my mind drifted back to the time I spent with Avery in her apartment. How she cared for me when no one else did. Duiring this time I discovered a me I didn't know. A me that smiled, joked, and wasn't so uptight. I also started having feelings for her. Many times I wanted to tell her, kiss her, but she seemed so involved with Jerry.

The night I was waiting in her home to abduct her, she rushed in and collapsed into a heap of sobs, sobs that released a undetermined amount of pain. Immediately I wanted to go to her, comfort her, kill whomever had hurt her so, but then I remembered how tratrouis she was and completed my plan.

Still, she gets to me and I hate it. I hate when she looks up at me behind those blue depths filled with so much hurt and fear caused by me. I hate when my name rolls from between her pouty lips, but what I hate the most is that I want to give in to her. I want to stop all this madness and forget why I'm determined to seek revenge against her. My name has never sounded so good coming from anyone's lips as it does from hers. That's why I insist on her calling me Sir.

All this is wrong. I shouldn't feel nothing but contempt for her. I try and stay away from her as much as possible for fear of relenting. Often, I watch as she hustles about doing her chores and my mind wonders how her lips would taste, how soft her skin is, how it would feel to crawl between her legs. I shouldn't be having these thoughts, I've got Carmen.

I'm a engaged man for fucks sake. Carmen and I have been a item over two years and I had recently proposed  before my disappearance. While I'm busy hunting Darius and running business as usual, she's going crazy with wedding plans. Me, I could care less about cake sampling, exotic flowers or catering options. Just give me the date and time and I'll be there. Fuck with a honeymoon and shit. Carmen is very demanding and won't accept anything but the best. Every time I turn around she has fired one of my kitchen staff or maids and for next to nothing. One because her coffee was too hot and one of the maids because her shirt wasn't folded the way she liked.

Tallon often teases me saying I'm in for a hell of a ride with that one. What's more is she doesn't know yet, but I'm having a prenup prepared at this very moment. Carmen also has a severe dislike for Avery and keeps hounding me to snuff her. As usual I tell her my work is none of her concern.

My mind drifted back to Avery and that infectious laugh of hers. No matter what your mood, you couldn't help but join in. Before I could finish my thought, Tallon waltzed into the room.

"Well?" I questioned.

Tallon shook his head. "Nothing. We got nothing. No disrespect friend, but could you be wrong on this one".

"Never. She's just that good".

"Severo, we threatened her with several different instruments. The poor girl was crying hysterically and swore she knew nothing. I can't find a hitch in her story, a lie or anything."

"Maybe you didn't try hard enough" I snarled irritated.

"Severo, I've handle many situations like this and I'm telling you, the girl was terrified. If she had known anything she would have told it in there. I really think you should dig deeper on this one".

"Where is she now?" I hissed.

"I instructed her to go to her room. Clean herself up and take a short break before returning to her chores. She's shaken Severo".

His word's fell onto deaf ears as I raced to her room. Not bothering to knock, I busted in. Avery was huddled near the headboard of her bed weeping like a lost child. A squeal if fright escaped her throat as I entered.
Before I could speak she sobbed. "Pl-please don't hurt me. I swear I-I don't know anything."

Her skinned was chafed around her wrists from where they had tied her and her body was trembling fiercely. I got ready to speak but she sat up and drew her knees to her chest and looked me in the eye. "What did I ever do to you other than try to help you and be a good person?"

Thinking of how to reply I saw her lunge toward me and grabbed my gun. Thinking she was going to kill me I was surprised when she turned the gun on herself. Reacting quickly, I forcefully disarmed her and she threw herself back onto the bed amongst more sobs. "You little fool". I spat.

I reared my hand back prepared to hit her when the door rushed open. Tallon was breathless as he spoke in a rush.

"They've located Darius boss. Their bringing him in".

Nodding as a smile lit my face, I looked at Avery. "The truth is getting ready to come out sunshine".

Looking at Tallon I said. "Make sure she isn't left unattended. She may try to harm herself before I get the chance to do so".

I left without so much as a glance at her and busied myself for my last and final meeting with Darius.

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