Torturing The Truth

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Waking up late, I found myself having a menacing headache. I didn't lay myself down until the wee hours of the morning. My night was spent in the basement working over Darius and his men and I still didn't have the answers I sought.

Darius begged and pleaded for his life, insisted that it wasn't him. He did admit to being sore over the meeting, but wouldn't place a attempt on my life. The funny thing about it was that I knew he was involved. Not only was he in town, but I recognized his men's voices. There was no way out for any of them.

Sitting up slowly, I buzzed the kitchen and commanded that by breakfast be brought up by Avery. I've never allowed her to enter my personal quarters but I was in the mood for a bit of taunting. Assuming if I lied and said that Darius told me her part, she'd break and finally admit to her deceitful deeds.

However, I was in for a shock when my head kitchen and replied. "Mr. Marietta, the girl did not report for duties this morning".

"What the fuck do you mean she didn't report?"

"I'm sorry Sir, but she isn't here."

"Where the fuck is she then?"

"Sir, please forgive me, but I assumed you had her previously occupied with another task".

The fuck do I pay these people for I thought rubbing my forehead roughly. I didn't waste another second to chat, I simply hung up. I'll deal with my disobedient employee later, for now I want Avery and a explanation as to why she didn't report for her duties. Slipping my earpiece in so I could connect with Tallon while I freshened up, I waited for him to answer.

"Sup". He said with a mouthful of whatever he was eating.

"Go to Avery's room and tell her she is to immediately report to my office".

I didn't wait for a reply, instead I disconnected and went about brushing my teeth. Just as I gave my last minty spit, my earpiece vibrated.

"Yea". I said as I walked into my closet.

"Man, she isn't there". Tallon confirmed.

What the hell is going on, I pondered. There's no way she escaped. For one, she knew what happened at her first attempt. Second, she knew escape was near inevitable, and last there was guard's everywhere. No she wouldn't have done that. More than likely she's hiding about the house somewhere trying to skip out on her duties.

"Search the area and drag her to my office". I said to Tallon with a note of irritation in my voice. As if I didn't have enough going on. Now this girl wants to play willy nilly.

Stalking from my room, I made my way to my office. Before I could exit from my private quarter's I bumped into Carmen. I inwardly groaned at my luck. These women will be the death of me I'm sure. Now wasn't the time to deal with Carmen and the dramatics she swam in. Seeing no possible way to avoid her, I put on a endearing smile and placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Severo, we need to discuss wedding arrangements".

Trying to hide my less than enthused attitude, I simply said. "Choose what you like love. It's your day after all. I'm fine with whatever decisions you make. Just bill it all to me, okay?"

She nodded with a bright smile.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some rather important issues to contend with".

As I started to walk off Carmen called. "Did you discover anything with Darius yet?"

Alittle perplexed as to her interest I hesitated momentarily before answering. "I'm still working on it. Now I really must get going".

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