Mr. Rude

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After this strange girl left, I sat up in bed. This was so frustrating not knowing who I was. I've given myself a headache trying to recall the tiniest bit about my life. How old was I, my name, parents, wife, kid's. Thing is no one is looking for me or so it seems. Makes me wonder if I was robbed or someone wanted me out of the way, but until I get my memory back or if I even do I'll never know.

I appreciated Avery's help but I really wish she had more info. It's not her fault of course, I'm just mildly freaking out. I'm sure the hospital will eventually release me then what? Where will I go? No job, no money, no home. I'm officially screwed if I don't regain my memory.

I even searched my body for any tattoos but the the few I had didn't trigger any memories. However on my right shoulder blade I had a odd symbol that almost seemed gang related, but the nurse told me I was brought in wearing a fine suit and shoes. Does that sound like a gang member to you?

For now all I could do was sit here and rack my brain for anything.


It's been three weeks since Mr. Rude woke up and still nothing. No recollections of anything. I visit every few  day's and bring him little things like magazines, snacks, and things to make his time pass. When I don't visit I call to check on him and sometimes he calls me. On a few occasions he's called me in the middle of the night just from being lonsome. I didn't mind, he was really a sweet guy and out relationship was purely platonic. However I didn't let Jerry know. As far as he knows, I never went back to visit the guy. Jerry would just freak out and give me some lame lecture. So no, he's better off not knowing.

Three weeks later I was busy at work when my phone buzzed. I seen Mr. Rude's room number pop up so I rushed to answer it. He knew I was working so it wasn't like him to call. High tailing to the back I huffed a breathy "hello".

"Avery there releasing me right now. I'm sorry to call you at work but I don't know what to do. There's no one else to call".

Hearing the panic in his voice I made a split second decision. "Don't worry. I'm on my way and I'll figure it out okay".

"Okay". When he said that he sounded so relieved. I ran pass Ed and quickly said. "There's been a family emergency and I've got to go".

He nodded. I'm sure it would be okay because I never missed work and always over did my share. Running out the door I heard Lana call my name. Calling back over my shoulder I yelled. " later".

It took a good twenty minutes for me to arrive at the hospital, another seven to find a parking spot and ten yo race up to his room. By the time I busted in his door I had to bend over to catch my breath. "I'm" puff puff. "Here". Puff.

Casandra walked in and I asked. "What's going on?"

"He's pulled his time and they said he can go".

"Okay. But what if he has no where to go?"

They'll have someone from the local shelter pick him up".

I looked at him and I knew I couldn't allow that. Poor guy has already lost his memory and I'm not about to make him homeless. "You can stay with me". I commanded more than asked.

Then I added more softer. "I mean if you'd like, just until you figure thing's out".

"I don't know. I'd hate to lean on you like that. You've done so much already, more than you had too".

"Really it's no big deal. You'll come home with me".

I had no idea how I would support a extra person but I'd manage.

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