Baffled And Beat

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My eye's remained transfixed on the door for some time after he left. My confusion blending in with my fear. The word's he slandered me with took root in my core and I couldn't make sense of what just happened. Before bed everything was all hunky dory and it seemed that when he turned the light's out, he flipped a on switch buried in his mind.

Waking to all his wild movement's I discovered him tucked in a corner and my heart went out to him. He seemed so frightened and sad and all I wanted to do was help him, comfort him, but he looked at me as if I were the devil himself. Forbid me to come any closer in that suddenly chilling voice. The same malicious voice he had used with out attacker that night.

After some time, I finally backed up slowly toward my couch and sank down into the plushness of the cushion. All the while never removing my eye's from the door, as if I expected him to burst in at any moment and finish what he started. Another shiver assaulted my body and I didn't know if it was truly cool in my place are the chill of his word's still clung to me like a cold winter's night.

Reaching over, I tugged the blanket he had used over my goose bumped skin and his scent swirled around me like a reminder of the person I had first brought home to care for. How in a instant he could go from pampering me in my dark moment to promising to send me to my grave was beyond me. What and who did he think I was?  His reaction would suggest that I was a sworn enemy, out to get him or playing some sort of game. And what did he mean when he asked who was paying me?

Even those his word's were so brutal I felt sad for him. Imagine that, he pretty much threatened my life yet I felt nothing but sympathy toward him. What must his life before the incident be like to habor such hate and venom. Who hurt him so to make him lash out at someone the way he did me, accuse me of working against him.

A tiny part of me wanted to believe that he was having a minor setback in the healing process and dreamt all this up. The other half was screaming a warning to my naive self that the signs had been there all along. The way he reacted to Jerry that night he imposed on us. The way he stripped our attacker of his gun and managed to disassemble it without so much as a hiccup. I knew it all along but failed to believe it. Rude, or as he called himself, Severo, was a dangerous man. How dangerous I didn't know nor did I want to find out.

I remained glued to the couch until the sun peeked over the horizon. Then and only then did I feel safe enough to move. Not knowing what else to do, I hastily packed my work attire into my bag with a few other essentials and half ran to my car, constantly looking over my shoulder.

Twenty minutes later I swung my car into a parking spot at Lana's abode. Pounding on her door because I knew she would be asleep, I prayed she would hurry up. Just as I was thinking that I may need to break a window the door popped open with a groggy eyed Lana staring at me confused. Not given any explanation, I rushed inside and made my way to the kitchen and busied myself at making coffee.

"Girl what in the name of hell is going on. Your acting like you've escaped from the nut ward".

I opened my mouth to speak but a sob tumbled out instead. Standing in the center of her kitchen clutching the coffee spoon in my hand I fell apart.

Lana rushed to my side. "Honey, talk to me? I swear if it's Jerry I'll".

I cut her off by shaking my head no. Taking a moment to gather myself I finally spoke. Once I got started it all came tumbling out. From the foot rub to the threats. Then I mentioned his true name and Lana froze.

"Hold up a minute girl" Lana asked a bit stunned.

"What did you say his name was?"

"Severo Marettia".

Lana's jaw fell slack and her pupils grew in size. "Oh honey, not Severo Marettia as in Marettia enterprises".

"How would I know?"

Releasing a deep breath Lana contined. "It's obvious you wasn't raised in the city. The Marettia's own absolutely everything here. If it brings in big bucks it's theirs. Definitely not a family to tamper with. Mr. Marettia was killed a few year's back and his son which is none other than Severo took over".

"Why didn't you tell me this the day you met him Lana". I whined in a childlike manner.

"Girl I've never laid eye's on the man before, how was I supposed to know he was a killer".

"Killer?" I hissed.

"Put it this way Avery, he has killed but mostly now he stands behind closed doors issuing orders, sends his men to do the killing and other dirty deeds".

"Dirty deeds?"

"Oh honey, his hands aren't just into the casino's, but they smuggle drugs, weapons, and probably people as well. By the story your giving me I can only assume that someone tried to knock him off and failed and for some unknown reason he thinks your apart of it".

"But I'm not". I insisted. "I only wanted to help him recover".

"Yea, we know that, but does he? I do know that if he has a bone to pick with you, you aren't safe. Honestly I don't know if your safe anywhere. I would suggest you leave town as soon as possible".

"What?" I stated as much as asked bewildered by all this.

"I can't just up and go Lana. My family is here, my job, Jerry. How would I survive out there with no job? No money to leave on? I can't just go".

Lana looked as if she was in deep thought. After a few moment's she spoke. "I've got a idea, well a temporary solution, just until you've saved enough money to run. I have a friend that lives on the outskirts of town that you can probably crash with until then. Obviously you can't stay with me nor Jerry because he'll look there and I honestly don't think he waltz up into your job. Severo likes to stay very low profile."

Seeing no other choice, I accepted her offer and Lana made all the arrangements.  In the back of my mind I thought that maybe he'd forget about me, figure out that I was innocent, or just not care enough to hunt me down and in the end I wouldn't need to run.

Later that evening I reported to work as usual but every time the door dinged a shiver ran up my spine in fear that it may be him. I found it hard to concentrate on my job and kept mixing up orders. Several times customers cursed me for being so incompetent. Before the night ended, I found myself in the bathroom crying. No way could I live like this constantly worrying if the next person that entered the door was him or his men.

I was only trying to be nice and do a good deed and Jerry's word's kept haunting me.

You know nothing about him Avery.

No way was I going to tell Jerry about this. He would definitely loose his cool. As for me leaving I had to come up with something to tell him and fast.

For the first time I regretted ever returning to that hospital.  They say curiosity killed the cat but I beg the differ.... kindness very well may have killed me.

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