Awakening The Devil

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Hearing that Avery was carrying my child brought me a tremendous amount of joy. It's all I could think about, especially when her little belly started to swell with our child. I had already started the building of the nursery and she's was only a bit over three months along. Everyday new gifts arrived for the baby, Avery and Aden. For once I  felt as if my life was complete, that I had a true family for once. Avery was amazing in everything she did and I'd never knew love could be this strong, this true. Waking up to her sleeping form every morning was more than I could every ask for. At night I pulled her back into my chest and placed a protective hand over her buldging stomach. Mine. All this was mine.

The next morning I woke to Avery stepping from the shower. She looked pale and dark circles bordered her eye's. "Sunshine are you well?" I asked walking over to her.

Avery gave me a weak smile. "Yes baby". She purred streaching up to swipe a peck across my lips.

"My stomach is having some issue's. Just a bout of morning sickness is all."

She began to dress for work. "Ave, why don't you just stay home and rest today. I'll feel better knowing I'm near in case you need anything".

Avery smiled and rolled her eye's playfully. "Don't be silly babe. This will wear off shortly and I'll feel human again. I can't just call into work just because I'm pregnant. Women work everyday while pregnant, come home, cook, clean and take care of other kid's they might have. I'm not some little weakling Severo".

Letting out a deep breath, I wrapped my arm's around her. "I never thought you was weak sunshine. I just worry about you and the baby. I want what's best for the both of you".

Avery kissed my cheek and whispered into my neck. "I know you do babe but I assure you that I'm fine. Everything I'm experiencing is perfectly normal. It's all apart of being prego".

Holding her a bit longer, I started nibbling her neck as she let go of a relaxing moan. "Just promise me that if it becomes too much you'll stop or at least work from home".

"Cross my heart". Avery giggled releasing me. "I've really got to go now. How about when I get home you, I and Aden go grab some Chinese and maybe a movie?"

Giving her a deep goodbye kiss I replied. "I'll be waiting for you".

Smiling at me with love in her eye's she said. "I know you will". Avery blew me a kiss and left the room.

After Avery's departure I hit the shower, ate breakfast and made my way to my home office. As usual, Tallon was waiting for me with all the important paper's I would need for the day. "How's the married life boss?"
Tallon half joked.

"Couldn't be better. You will find out soon enough if you ever warm your feet up and stop giving Lana the run around".

Tallon rolled his neck around slowly to relieve some stress. "I want to marry her it's just I have all these what if thoughts. What if we don't work out? What if something happens to her? I sometimes think she deserves better".

"Get your head out of your ass Tallon. Obviously Lana loves you. Honestly, what woman would stand by some asshole's side after he called their wedding off. You better shape up or Lana will ship out".

With a sarcastic tone Tallon hurled. "And I suppose you know all about love now do ya?"

"Why yes, I do". I agreed smartly.

We both have a chuckle then focused on the matter at hand. I was interested in expanding my business to New York but there was only one problem.... Harper Valor Enterprises. Seems they owned everything and I had to cut a deal with their boss, Demarco Harper in order to operate. The paper's Tallon readied for me was all the incriminating information I needed on this group. By no way was I trying to wage a war, especially with Avery's condition, however I was aiming to contact them for a meeting. I have faith that two powerful bosses can sit down and have a successful discussion. If their smart as I assume they are they'll take my offer. Not only will it fatten my pocket but theirs as well.

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