Hocus Pocus

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After leaving the hospital I went home to get ready for Jerry. Deciding to wear a cute summery dress, I wore my hair down. Not like it mattered, Jerry could care less if I wore a trash bag. He just didn't pay attention to how I cared for myself.

Hearing him honk his horn, I grabbed my bag and skipped out. I climbed into his compact car and glanced in the backseat. I saw the long black box meant for sawing people in half and groaned.

"I'm not doing that again Jerry. No way, no how".

Pushing his glasses up he laughed. "Oh come on Avery, I need you".

"Do you recall what happened the last time you used me as apart of the act?"

"Uhmmm..... I may have caught your dress on fire".

"No Jerry, you did. I had to practically get naked in front of your audience to keep from going up in flames".

He snickered. "It was a accident Avery. Just a minor slip up. Come on, I really need your help tonight".

Groaning, I crossed my arm's over my chest. "Fine". I gritted through my teeth.

"But you owe me. I want you to take me out on a real date".

"This is a real date".

"No Jerry, it's not. Take me to dinner, dancing, even a movie will do. Just one night without magic or discussing magic. Got it".

"Sheesh Avery. You didn't use to be this difficult. What's crawled up your ass?"

Rolling my eye's I sighed. "Look, I get magic is your passion, even hobby, but it's time to start acting a little more grown. All you do is magic tricks, trade comic books with your superhero club and your place is always a wreck. Be responsible, that's all I'm asking".

"Geez Louise, Avery. Must be your time of the month".

It was pointless. Jerry was hopeless. He will always remain a little boy, man child.

I helped him carry his magic equipment into the bar and managed to snag my dress in the process. What's worse is that I didn't even get so much as a thank you. It's not that Jerry is a jerk, it's just he lacks gentlemanly attributes. Honestly he is sweet and has a contagious sense of humor. That's what attracted me to him in the first place. However he lives in a cartoon type world.

For once I'd like to be swept off my feet, surprised with a romantic night. Jerry's idea of romance is binge watching Star Trek episode's while he explains to me every minor detail that may go overlooked by the normal viewer. Before it's midnight I'm already passed out on the couch from sheer boredom. Honestly I don't think Jerrry realises he's doing anything wrong, he just doesn't know another way to be.

After we placed his belongings into a secure spot, I found us a table while he registered his act. While I waited for him to join me I surveyed the room and suddenly felt out of place in my cheap but stylish dress. Most everyone was dressed in dark glumy colors and I expected to hear one rattle off something by Shakespeare at any moment.

Jerry finally joined me after what seemed like forever. "Did you grab us a drink by the way?"

"Ah, shit. I got into conversation with a few other act's and it tottaly slipped my mind".

I waited to see if he'd offer to go get us a drink and when he continued to sit there I slid my chair back with enough force to cause it to screech on the floor. "No, Jerry. You just continue to sit there, I'll fetch the drinks".

My mood was quickly turning sour and I really just wanted to go home. Upon returning, I sat the drinks down with a thud and Jerry glanced at me. "Damn chill out Avery. Look I'm sorry okay. You've been on a war path since I picked you up. What's up?"

Rolling my eye's, I motioned my hand around the bar. "This. I'm tired of always coming to these places and I really don't like being your guinea pig in your tricks".

Leaning back in his chair he said with a hint of attitude. "Fine. I get it. If you'll at least to pretend to enjoy yourself I'll take you to a movie next week. Will that satisfy you?"

I rolled the idea around in my head. Of course that would satisfy me but I felt like he was bribing me instead of asking me out. If I pretend to have fun he'll take me out??

I just as well take this deal while I can get it. I was about to say okay when he spoke. "There's a new sci-fi movie out I'd like to catch anyways".

Fucking really I thought, but chose to remain quiet. Jerry was a lost cause, but at least it wasn't another magic show.

After a bit I tried to strike up a conversation that didn't consist of pick a card, abra cadabra, is that a quarter behind your ear mumbo jumbo. "So, you remember the guy I found in the stairwell?"


"Well I wanted to know how he fared so I went to the hospital. Turns out he was mugged and is in a coma. They don't know who he is or anything about him. I feel so terrible for him and he seemed so alone in that room".

"Wait, you actually visited him?" Jerry asked in his high pitch voice.

"Well yea, I mean he's in a coma after all and the nurse was glad I came, but i was of no help".

"Avery you shouldn't have went there. For all you know it could have been a drug deal gone bad or anything. There could be people watching him and you'll get yourself mixed up in some daytime television drama mess".

Taking a sip of beer, I laughed. "Don't be so serious Jerry. This isn't some true crime story you watch on the tube. I'm sure he's just an average guy that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Besides, I felt like it was my duty to check up on him".

"Your duty Avery. No, your duty is to check up on me, not some random guy in a coma".

"Jesus Jerry, the man is in a C. O. M. A. It's not like we went out. What kind of a person would I be if I didn't at least make sure he is well?"

"The kind that minds there own business Avery. Well now you know his condition so there's no need to follow up again".

Gosh, he could be such an uncaring asshole at times. Would it kill him to at least show a fragment of compassion.

As I was in deep thought he nudged my arm. "Okay, we're up next".

Inwardly groaning, I rose and followed him to the back. I listened to him rattle off the routine to me for the thousandth time as I mentally prepared myself for the humiliation that was sure to come. Cheese and crackers, how did I get myself into this.

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