Dead Man Walking

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Bursting into my hillside mansion that sat on over two hundred acres of beautiful desert terrain in a secluded area, my employees came to a dead standstill. My maids halted their cleaning duties and scurrying about, my men eased from their posts or the many office's that graced the first floor. I stood still in the foyer of my Spanish styled palace with my shoulders heaving up and down due to my labored breathing. Everyone stood staring as if it was Frankenstein that just let himself in. Loseing my patience I bellowed out. "Resume your duties".

The maids jumped quickly and hurried off to do  my bidding.  Looking at my men I growled. "Where the fuck is Tallon?"

Tallon was my main man as well as my one and only true friend. Boy's since childhood and my one and only confidante, I trusted him and only him. As if he heard me call his name, I saw him descending the clay tiled staircase. As I came into view his steps slowed until they came to a complete stop all together. For a undetermined amount of time we just stood examining each other. Finally he spoke. "S-Severo".

My face broke into a wide grin. "Well it's not the boogy man you jackass".

Tallon's lips turned up into a sideways smirk and he rushed to me grasping me up into his arm's. For a split second we jostled each other around amidst laughs and jokes.  Realizing that we were being watched, we quickly retreated, cleared our throats, smoothed our attire and put our business face on.

"Explain friend" Tallon demanded.

Standing straighter, I glanced around the foyer at my astonished men. Speaking in my normal athuoritive voice I commanded. "Gather all my important men and meet in my office within the hour".

Giving no other explanation or orders, I took to the stairs two at a time. My private domain was located on the fourth floor where the entire east wing was mine alone. No business was ever conducted here, no hustling maids scurried about. They were to clean while I was out every morning. I had it all in my own private world shut off from my title and work. This was my space, my hideout, my escape, my personal territory. The only person allowed here was Tallon. The first room boasted of a wet bar and Spanish styled catina. Occasionally if I happened to invite people up, this is where I entertained. Doors on the inside opened up to a Spanish moss covered baconly and with comfortable seating arrangements so drinks could be enjoyed while taking in the desert scenery.

Just across the way was another important room to me, perhaps my favorite. Cactus lined the room showing off their vibrant blooms. The center piece was a white grand piano and paintings by the most renowned artists adorned the stucco wall's. I spent many nights here setting by the piano but never playing. I couldn't play to be honest, so I just sat there as long lost memories of my mother danced in my mind. As a child she would prop me beside her and play the instrument so beautiful while the love poured from her being. Shutting my eye's against the memory I moved along.

Passing by my own personal exercise room followed by my game room that was filled with every system known, multiple flatscreens for viewing sports and such, Pool table and a fridge stocked with snacks and drinks, I finally made it to the end of the hall.

A guest room to my right that has never been used and my domain to my left. As I stepped in, everything remained as I had left it that eventful morning. Looking down at the cheap clothing that graced my body, I immediately peeled them away and tossed them into a trash bin. Seeking shelter in my bathroom that was designed much more like a spa, I fingered my collection of top shelf cologne and other essentials thinking how I went from the lap of luxury to momentarily living in a blue collar world, except I was being kept up by a traitorous female. A female that would feel my wrath in every way possible.

Stepping from my quarter's freshly showered and groomed in a top dollar suit specifically tailored for me, I exuded power. Severo Marettia was back and with a vengeance like none other.

Making my way to the third floor where my office was stationed I grabbed the gold plated handle and entered. My men rose to their feet and stood at attention. Once I was seated behind my mahogany desk in my leather chair, I motioned for them to be seated. Tallon, as always stood by my right side.

Looking each individual in the eye, I spoke with such malice that even Tallon went stiff.

"I want the bastards responsible for this hand delivered to me. I would hope duiring my absence you have done your research?"

Tallon was the one to speak up. "We have searched every avenue and still turned nothing up Severo. Now since your back hopefully you can fill in the missing pieces".

Leaning back, I began my story. "As you recall, I had a very important meeting with Darius Funelli and his components. Needless to say the meeting didn't go very well and he left with hurt feelings. For the remainder of the day I conducted business as usual, up until it was time for me to meet Carmen for dinner."

Taking a brief pause I continued. "I never made it to that dinner as I'm sure you know. Upon leaving my office, I was riddled with a flat tire and before I could leave the confines of my car I was attacked my six masked men, tossed into the trunk of a car and after a severe beating and numerous stab wounds, was left for dead the stairwell of a parking garage".

Tallon interupted. "But how did we not know this? We searched every avenue, combed every surface for clues. Your car couldn't be traced nor found. No records of you in any hospital across the state. We even questioned Darius whom seemed innocent as well as clueless".

Holding my hand up, I commanded Tallon to shush.

"I have no doubt in my mind that Darius is connected to this. As I mentioned earlier, the meeting wasn't at all chummy. He wanted to arrange a business deal concerning my casino's on the east coast. Whereas he wanted a higher percentage cut for selling the land to me at a rather genouros discount. Our original contract proclaims that he would only receive a thirty percent cut in the east coast casino's proceeds yearly. Darius suddenly decides that wasn't good enough and insisted upon a seventy-five percent cut. When I wouldn't agree and was up for no negotiations he wanted to renig on the land. In return I held him inbreach of the contract. He left knowing that I would be coming for him, not for his life, but for his pockets. The Men that failed to assassinate me was none other than his men. I recognized their voices. I. Want. Them. All." I gritted out as my men absorbed this new information.

Dozens of questions flew around aimed at me, but holding my hand up I silenced the room. "There's more gentlemen. Just so happens I was discovered and rescued by some twit of a girl in that stairwell. Taken to the hospital I remained in a coma for several weeks. Upon waking I discovered that I knew nothing, not even my name. Suffering from amnesia this same girl visits me on the regular and when I was released took me into her home.".

Tallon interrupted. "I will see to it she is located and rewarded for her good deed".

I scoffed. "Twas no good deed friend. I have no doubt that she works for Darius. Kindness of that magnitude doesn't exist in today's world. No, I'm quite certain Darius acquired knowledge that I didn't perish as he hoped. Then discovered this girl rescued me. I'm sure he offered her a grand sum to keep tabs on me and inform him of changes in my condition. As long as I was a lost soul, I wasn't a threat. As soon as I recovered I'm sure this girl informed him so he can complete his task of bringing me down".

Tallon gave me a skeptical look and I nodded my head assuring him that I was certain. Speaking again I hissed her name out. "Avery Tanner, and I want files about her on my desk by sunrise".
Sending off a vile grin I clasped my hands together. "I'm going to bestow my form of kindness upon her".

Dismissing my men, my mind drifted to the last night I shared with Avery. How alluring I thought she was standing drenched in her own puddle.  How a sudden instinct to protect her swept over me. Yes, she needs protection... protection from me.

Shaking Avery from my mind, I concentrated on the mounds of paperwork on my desk. Setting forth, I got to work catching up on all that's transpired duiring my absence.

I was only a third of the way through the papers when my door burst open and in rushed a tearful Carmen. Covering her hands she gasped and spoke in a rush. "When I heard I had to come see for myself".

Before I could completely stand she hurled herself into my arm's as I comforted her. "It's all okay love, I'm here now".

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