Breaking Free

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Something had to be done and fast. I couldn't continue to stay here, things got worse by the day. There was no staff that had befriended me, Severo had shunned me to everyone by his mistreatment of me. I don't know if it was because they feared him or they were instructed to do so, either way my time was made miserable here.

Earlier in the day his men led me to that dreadful basement where they never laid a finger on me, but threatened all sorts of pain with the most sinister objects I've ever encountered. By grace, I was unharmed other than being questioned consistently about nothing  I knew nothing of. Needless to say, I was shaken to the core and I know that I can't continue on this way. If if any means my death, I've got to at least attempt to escape. I'm dead if I stay anyway, might as well die trying.

Not soon after Severo left me, the lady that was standing on the stairwell the night I first attempted to flee crept into my room. I just stared at her not knowing what to expect. I noted how richly she was dressed and the jewelry that adorned her body. Her sweet perfum filled my tiny space and she finally spoke as her fingers doodled little patterns on the top of my dresser. She stared at her busy fingers as she spoke, never once looking at me. Her voice was so smooth and her word's well enunciated.

"You know Severo and I are set to be married in a short time?"

I remained silent and she continued.

"You put a hitch into my earlier plans by saving him in that stairwell. I was suppose to be extremely rich by now, running all over the globe. Now I'm forced to go through with this marriage to gain what I want".

She paused for a moment than released a sigh. When she spoke again if was if she was speaking to herself. "Oh well, I guess marriage will only sweeten the deal. I'll have more than his money, his companies as well".

She paused again and picked up my cheap beaded bracelet off the dresser. Fingering the beads as if they were a rosary she momentarily glanced at me. "Do you know what it's like to marry someone you don't love. Lie with them over and over?"

Releasing another deep exhale she cackled. "No, no. Of course you don't".

"You see, all of this is for my love. For the man that loves me and that I love so. Before the ink dries on I and Severo's marriage certificate he will be dead."

She paused as a smile creased her crimson lips. She proceeded to twirl around once like a child full of joy. Her dress flowing around her ankles.

Coming to a abrupt stop and losing the smile she continued. "Yes, then and only then will my love and I have it all. The only problem is you".

For the first time she settled her hard eye's on me and the contempt rolled off her. "I have no idea why he continues to keep you around but I don't like it. I see the looks he gives you. I know it's you on his mind when he wanders off into daydreams."

Quick as a snake she moved in front of me and gripped my chin between her cold fingers snapping my head up so that she could peer down on me.

"Know that I am working on him day and night to end you. It won't be long sweetie. You spoiled my first attempt on his life, you want get a second chance to do so."

Releasing my chin forcefully, she strode to the door. As she gripped the handle she looked over her shoulder with a glint in her eye. "No hard feelings huh?"

The door clicked softly behind her departure and all I could do was stare after her exit. There would be no need to tell anyone of the information she leaked to me, I wouldn't be believed. My only thought was that Severo and this woman deserved each other and whatever came their way. Never had I known such cruelty existed.

This only enforced my thoughts of escape further. Thankfully I did have free reign of the home, they knew I wouldn't attempt to escape after my first try and the outcome. Stepping out into the courtyard, I inhaled the chilly night air and took a seat on one of the many benches. If my circumstances weren't so critical I would have really enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere offered. As I sat in thoughts, whispering floated along on the air. Roving my eye's around seeking out who it came from, I spotted a young maid and the chauffeur in the corner making out like two love sick teens. A rare smile touched my lips at their display of affection.

After a moment they rose and exited through a door that was well hidden. A door I would have never known was there due to the thick vegetation. Scurrying over, I listened intently to assure myself that they had moved along.

Taking a deep, calming breath, I slowly edged the door open a crack, just enough to peer out. My eye's lit up as I discovered a back driveway that led out a different exit. I spotted the two lovebirds settling into a car and  quickly I scanned the surrounding grounds. As I suspected there was a few guards scattered about. However, I noticed that most was on the right at the moment. If I ran to the left side of the car I could use it as a shield. Without giving much more thought I dashed for the car. It was now or never.

I reached the car and ducked down near the back tire. The car roared to life and I scampered along trying to keep up while ducking low. My heart was screaming as it paused waiting for the gates to open. Please hurry, I silently begged.

Finally the car lurched forward and I with it. Once the car was out of the gate, the speed accelerated and I threw myself over into some prickly bushes. I could feel the thorns snagging at my skin but I could care less. I waited close to five minutes before I crawled from them. Once on my feet I took to running. I knew staying by the road would be a mistake. Once I was discovered missing, they was sure to hunt me. So I ventured out into the desert far from the road, but close enough that I could still see it.

Having grown up in this area I knew the dangers of the desert but was willing to face them to gain my freedom. Yes, I was scared senseless but I had to survive. I could hear the yelps of coyote's in the distance, kept my eye's peeled for the many poisonous snakes and insects that claimed the sands as their home. I kept on trudging through though as the sand filled my shoes. I could see my breath in the night sky as I huffed along. I knew that when the sun rose the heat would be blistering, so it was important to get as far as possible at night.

Just as the sun peeked over the horizon, I caught a glimpse of the city ahead. Collapsing to my knees I wept tears of relief. Knowing I needed to continue I pulled myself up and with renewed energy ran like mad. Once I made it to the city, I made my way to the nearest police staion. Safety, all I wanted was safety and to let them know exactly what Severo Marettia was.... 

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