Coast Is Clear

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It's been two month's since Rude regained his memory and placed threats upon my life. I've continued to work and stay with Lana's friend, but I'm wearing thin, so today I return home.

Lana has argued me to death over my decision but she may as well be arguing with a brick wall. My comeback is that it's been two month's and there's been no sign of Rude, no suspicious activity, not a peep. My nerves have finally settled and I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder anymore. If he wanted me, I'm sure he would have reacted by now. He's so busy running his multi million company and scheming on his dirty deeds he's probably forgotten all about me. Besides I can't live my life like a fugitive anymore. I'm going home and that's that.

Taking the day off work to make my move and just relax for the first time in ages, I unlocked my apartment door. I stood in my doorway peering in at my familiar and ultra missed surroundings. Spotting his blanket and other belongings a sudden rage fueled through me. Grabbing a trash bag from the kitchen, I jammed everything he left behind and trotted to the dumpster. With each step I took I felt validated, as if trashing his thing's somehow hurt him.

Satisfied I went back in and begin to scrub my apartment down, washing away any and all traces of him. His memory and scent was no longer taking up space in my home. Exhausted from several hours of cleaning I stepped into the shower and started to prepare for my night out with Jerry.

Jerry was relived that I was finally returning home. My excuse was that my apartment building was being renovated so I was crashing with a friend temporary and that I parted ways with Rude. Naturally we are going to one of his talent shows and I'm inwardly groaning.

Just like clock work, Jerry showed up right on time. Pretty much the show went as usual, with Jerry being a huge fail and his routine fell apart halfway through. On the ride home he was ranting about how it was the judges fault, other contestants fault. Everybody's fault but his. Trying to be soothing I simply offered my opinion.

"Babe, I know how much you love magic, but maybe it's time to take a break for a bit. Maybe find a new hobby or something".

Instantly I knew I shouldn't have said that. Taking his eye's from the road to glare at me, he yelled. "So you don't think I can do this either?"

"No Jerry". I said trying to smooth his ruffled feathers.

"All I was saying was that it keeps you so stressed and I hate seeing you that way".

"You know what, fuck you Avery".

"Jerry that was uncalled for."

"No, what you said was uncalled for. Just shut the fuck up from now on okay. As a matter of fact don't even come anymore. It's your fault I screw my act up".

Usually I'm a very calm, reserved person but something inside me snapped, probably from all my recent burdens, but I let Jerry have it.

"Good because I hate going anyways. It's boring as ever, you ignore me and your act blows out the ass. It's not my fault, the judges fault, or anyone else's fault you suck. It's your fault because your tricks are lame and magic is not for you. Grow up already".

Jerry stared at me in stunned silence as I sat there not believing the word's that spewed from my mouth. Never have I ever been so harsh to anyone. Ashamed of my behavior I opened my mouth to apologize and repair some of the damage. Before I could get a word out, Jerry lurched the car over to the side of the road.

"Get out".

"What". I asked shrilly.

"Get out of my car Avery".

"You can't be serious Jerry?"

"Dead serious. Now go. There's something you should know anyways. I'm seeing someone else, have been for a month now. I didn't know how to tell you but you just presented the chance".

"What are you saying Jerry?" I asked through a lump in my throat. Yes he was a jerk, but I loved him. I just couldn't believe he'd do this to me. He sat there not speaking and right now I just couldn't handle the sight of him. Opening the car door, I stepped out.

"Avery wait. Look I'm sorry. Get back in and I'll take you home".

I shook my head and took off walking with my arm's wrapped around me. It wasn't a cool night but I felt cold after hearing his admission. I heard him call my name again but I didn't turn around, not able to bear the sight of him. Eventually he pulled away and I was relived.

The walk home seemed to take forever. Soon as my building came into view I took off in a sprint as the tears finally fell. Soon as I let myself in, I collapsed in the center of my floor in a heap of sobs. This truly hurt so much. We had so many plans, he was my first and only and I did love him. I was so wrapped up in my meltdown i didn't realize the person sitting on my couch in my darkened apartment.

Calming down a bit I swiped at my eye's and heard a deep menacing voice ask. "Are you done yet?"

Jumping I looked toward the voice and seen a tall figure sitting on my couch. Frozen to my spot, I watched as they leaned over and clicked my lamp on. The yellow light brought their face into view.

"Rude?" I asked before it dawned on me.

"Rude". I half screamed scurrying up and dashing for the door.

Before I could make it he was on me. Gripping me by the arm, he swirled me around and pressed my back into the door. Fresh tears sprung to my eye's as I started to beg. "P-Please don't hurt me R-Rude".

Staring down in my eye's as if he was trying to suck my soul out he growled. "The name is Severo Marettia and I'm going to make sure you don't forget it. As for hurting you my dear Avery, you should have thought about that before you played game's".

"I-I don't know what your talking about. Pl-Please let me go". I sobbed.

Taking my arm he twisted it and I wailed out. "How much did Darius pay you? Are you his little whore too?"

"Please Rude, I'm begging you. I-I don't know any Darius and I don't have any money. You must believe me".

"Why would anyone visit a stranger and allow them into their home if they wasn't getting anything from it?"

"I felt bad for you and w-wanted to help".

"You felt bad for me?" He asked sarcastically.

"Girl, I am not one to feel sorry for. However you may feel sorry for yourself by the time I'm finished with you".

Scared out of my mind I tried one more time to change his mind and convince him I wasn't anything he was accusing me of.

"Severo please" I said on a weak whisper.

His eye's seemed to change but I can't describe how, I just know they changed.

"What did you say Avery?" He asked in a deep, low voice.

"Severo please". I whispered even softer due from freight.

His face leaned toward me as if he may kiss me. Nervousness made me lick my dry lips and I thought I heard a groan from him. His lips seemed to get closer. Close enough I could feel his breath fan my cheek.

"Please Severo" I whispered again

"Please what Avery?" He said on a husky breath.

"Let me go".

Snapping his head up he laughed cruelly. Placing his hand onto my neck he pressed my pressure point. "You will be asking me please everyday for a very long time. No one play's me sunshine".

Before I could reason anymore with him I felt myself grown limp and the darkness swallowed me up.

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